Going to the man i really love

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Rose's POV:
Rose:"Ok,now it's time to go see Adrian."

Rose slowly walks into the kitchen.She noticed the wooden door was guarded by a German Shepard.All of a sudden, a spoon fall on the floor.Then the German Shepard woke up instantly.The German Shepard notice Rose standing in front of her and charged towards her.Rose ran on the other side on the counter.The German Shepard suddenly jump on top of the counter and tried to bite Rose in the face.She moved on the other side of the counter and tried to open the door,but couldn't open the door.Just then she turned around only to see the German Shepard inches in front of her, then she noticed a key hanging from the dog's collar."Oh great.Just what I needed a angry dog with a key around it's neck", said Rose.The dog jumped towards Rose.Rose closed her eyes in fear wondering what would become of her.In the last sec just before the dog bite her left arm she used her right arm to rip the key off it's collar.Once she had the key in her hand,she used both of her legs to push back the dog.Once she pushed the dog with her legs it flew across the kitchen.Rose quickly got back up and inserted the key inside the key hole.Within five seconds the wooden door was open and she heard the German Shepard start barking.Her eyes widen and filled with fear.In that instance she didn't want any to be alert by the sound of the dog barking, so she grad a knife.The dog ran toward her once again with speed and determination to finish her off.The dog jumped and Rose stabbed the German Shepard in the chest.Everything went silent.Rose was surprised that she had the guts to such a thing with her own bare hands.She immediately clean the blood from the dog's body and quickly disposed of the dogs body.After she cleaned up everything then she opened the door once again and walked towards the dungeon.

As she was walking toward the dungeon she felt pain in her left arm.She continued to walk,but with each step she took all she could feel was pain.The pain started to slowly feel like it was burning.Rose wanted to stop, but instead she continued walking with the look of determined in her face.After fifteenth minutes she finally arrived at the door of the dungeon and open it.

Rose:*sighs in relief*"Finally,I'm here."
Prisoner:*sees Rose*"Why hello there young lady.What is a beautiful woman doing down here this time of night?"
Rose:"Oh..I ...I just came to see a friend."
Prisoner:"This friend must be real important to you if you carry a first aid kit with you."
Rose:"Of course.Just because their in a dungeon doesn't mean you can't care for them."
Prisoner:*starts laughing*
Rose:"What's so funny?"
Prisoner:"Prisoners don't get treated for anything."
Rose:*starts walking away*

As Rose walked away all she could hear was the prisoner laughing like a hyena.Walking for ten minutes down the dark hallway Rose noticed something.More .......like someone.

Adrian's POV:
Adrian was in the dungeon still chained up.He was breathing slightly heavy.Then he heard footsteps coming closer and closer towards him.Even the he was sore all over his body he moved his head up.He was shocked when he saw who was there.

Adrian:"Rose!What are you doing here?I told you that I don't want you involved in this."
Rose:"I'm sorry.I couldn't just leave you here!I missed you.I wanted to see if you were all right.I couldn't live with myself knowing that down here your suffering day and night!Plus,I wanted to clean up your injuries and give you some water.I guess you don't want me here!"*tears start dripping from her eyes*
Adrian:*sighs*"Look Rose.I don't want your life to be in danger."
Rose:"It's too late my life is already in danger!"
Rose:"My dad was killed, I grow up with a wicked mom and evil sister,I was forced into a marriage,then raped by Luke,and the man I love is suffering in a dungeon for the rest of his life!"
Adrian:"How was any of that danger?"
Rose:"Your right it's not a danger.It's a nightmare!"*tears falling down on her cheeks*
Adrian:"Come over here and sit by me."
Rose:"Ok."*goes towards Adrian and sits down*
Adrian:"D...Did Luke really..rape you."
Rose:*puts her head down*"Yes.Luke won't call it rape,he called it love making."
Adrian:"I see."
Rose:"Je t'aime Adrian!!Je t'aime!!"*tears coming down her face*"Ça va?"
Adrian:"Je vais bien."
Rose:"Je suis content de votre ok alors.Now let me clean up your wounds."
Adrian:"Ok Rose."
Rose:*opens the first aid kit and pulls out the peroxide along with a white towel,she slowly puts the peroxide on the white towel and places it on Adrian's chest*
Adrian:"Ouch!That hurts.Hey what happened to your arm!?"
Rose:"Well you see, I was attacked by a dog.The dog bit me,but I managed to kill the dog.Anyway,Please forgive me."
Adrian:"It's alright, your only trying to help after all.You should have been careful with that dog though."*looks at Rose*
Rose:*feels a hand grads her wrist and looks up at Adrian*"A...Adr...Adrian wh...what are you doing?"
Adrian:*leans in closer*"I think you know."
Rose:*leans in*"Ad...Adrian."
Adrian:*kissed Rose on the lips passionately*
Rose:*she drop the the towel on the floor and wrap her arms around Adrian's neck*
Adrian:*pulls back from the kiss*"Rose let me bandage up your arm after you clean my wounds."
Rose:"Ok then.You can bandage my arm."

Luke's POV:
Luke:"I liked the honeymoon."
Mia:"Really?Why the honeymoon?"
Luke:"Well I could get to know her better if we were on our honeymoon."
Mia:"That's ridiculous."
Ash:"That's a fantastic son."
Luke:"It's not ridicu...."*hears the sound of the dog barking*
Ash:"Luke it's not what?"
Luke:"Silence!Did anyone else hear the sound of the dog barking?"
Ash:"I heard it to."
Luke:"Do you hear the dog barking anymore?"
Ash:"No.It's quiet,too quiet."
Mia:"I think you two should investigate the situation."
Ash:"Why just the two of us?"
Mia:"Because you two we're the only ones who heard that sound,and as far as I'm concerned this is none of my business."
Ash:"Your right."
Luke:"Come on dad, lets investigate."

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