The Signs Being Annoying Little Things ft Tag

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Aries: Running out of your drink before running out of food

Taurus: Broken fingernails

Gemini: Being told a white lie

Cancer: Vague insults

Leo: Needing to pee again 5 minutes after peeing

Virgo: Sending a text too early

Libra: Slow wifi

Scorpio: Wasps

Sagittarius: Your celeb crush dating someone you don't ship them with

Capricorn: Slippery cups

Aquarius: Dropping food on yourself

Pisces: Tearing a page in a book

Yes, people. Another tag.

 Another tag

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1. Yes, actually. There's this boy that I really like who's name starts with 'Sky' and ends in 'ler'. Sadly, we live in different states and we lost touch and I didn't tell him about my crush. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

2. I'm not sure. He didn't tell me how he felt. We were just really good friends, so hopefully we will cross paths again in life

3. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. eW. eW. EW. EW. EW–okay, I'll stop. My middle name is Tony. Since I have an Adam's apple, maybe I'm half a guy

4. Single, of course. Probably for the rest of my lifetime

5. The last person I texted was my best friend since she left some stuff at my house and needs it back

6. All The Boys-written by Dallon Weekes and boy am I obsessed with that song

7. 97% b-b-b-bITCH

8. Crystal

9. Um, I don't have one. I guess the closest one is my friend, Adrian

10. Crystal and her boyfriend, Chris. Then there's Frerard. And Ryden. And Peterick. No Joshler, though. In Fanfic Land, I ship it. But not in real life. You sickos.

11. I made my account because one of my other best friends has Wattpad and she introduced me to it. She also showed me creepypasta and lemons and creepypasta lemons, so I got Wattpad to read those on my own phone. I found out about other things too bUT LET'S NOT GET INTO THAT



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13. My birthday is on January 22, 2004. I am currently one decade and three years old

And that is it, everyone. I hope that you all have a spectacular day. I will continue Color, soon. And I have this awesome fanfic that already has 30 chapters waiting to be uploaded.

I'm feeling pretty ballsy, today. I'll upload that fanfic when this book gets 2k reads (I'm probably not. I'll probably upload it next week or some shit).

Chocolate bar

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