The Signs Lost Together

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When was the last time I ever updated this book? My gosh

Aries: "Maybe we should split up. Me and Gemini will go-'' *points at map random* "here."

Taurus: "Nah. I think I'll stay here. Text me some updates."

Gemini: *sitting in the corner with an attitude*

Cancer: *crying* "What are you guys DOING? We'll never find our way!"

Leo: "Everyone just chill. I'll use the map to find the way."

Virgo: "No need, I'll use the GPS on my phone." *looks down* "Welp. My phone's dead."

Libra: "I love our teamwork! This is going great!"

Scorpio: "Shut up Libra. We're in the middle of nowhere. I hate all of you."

Sagittarius: "Just enjoy the circumstances for right now. We'll make it out alive, probably."

Capricorn: "This is all of your faults! If you'd have listened to me, we wouldn't be in this mess."

Aquarius: "We should start planning ahead, we're going to get hungry at some point. We should all take a vote on who we'll eat. I vote Pisces."

Pisces: *rocking back and forth and sobbing*

Since I have a new bus driver who's taking a very long okay we almost just got into an accident


I think we're almost at school, I don't know. I just thought that I could just update before dying since I don't really trust this bus driver guy and his driving skills

But I hope that all of you guys started your year off great

There's a lot of new music which is so awesome (MANIA IS SO GOOD). I really can't pick my favorite song from MANIA, but Patrick's soul voice in Heaven's Gate???

This band is going to be the death of me

Please tell me how you guys are cause I wanna know. Hopefully I'll still be alive at the end of the day


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