Chapter#46:Visits I Must Pay

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Austin and Jasper insist we go see mom before I have the baby, because Austin already had his baby. And she was dying to see it..

The way things were was a bit off but it felt normal. I already told Jasper and Austin about Cactus. The sad part is they're moving in with mom. Well, they'll be in the same country anyways. Luke wasn't coming with us. No. I had no idea where he was. No idea.

"Here we go." Austin said smiling
I try to smile back.
"Everything's going to be fine Cam. You'll see." Jasper says settling his arm around me.

I did noting but sleep on the plane ride. It's all I could do without panicking. When we landed mom and Marie were waiting for us. Moms eyes were filled with emotions as she looked at my belly.

"Sweetie." Mom said, looking around for Luke I assume.
"We're not together anymore mom." I said closing my eyes.

They were quiet and watched me.
"What happened?" She asked.
"He killed himself after cheating on me." I lied.
"Oh honey! I'm so sorry." She said embracing me.
"It's fine. Let's just go." I said.

The car ride was short.
I didn't pay attention to anything, but my baby.
After we got back to Marie's house, I spent hours in the rocking chair humming to my baby.

"Honey. It's time for dinner." Mom said.

The food smells good and the smiles are rare.
The voices are alive.

'You will never remember these people again. You will never speak to theses people again.'
A voice said to me. A child like voice.

"Cam?" More said
"Yes?" I asked
"What's your baby's name?" She asked
"Hutch Andrew Hyper. But I may change my mind." I said
"Well, how many months do you have left?" Mom asked
"One and a half." I say
"I see. Your like a rolling ball." Marie laughed and everyone else did too. 

Donny kept an eye on me. But more so my stomach.

"Where's Luke?" Donny asked
The table was silent....
"He killed himself." Marie whispered to him.
Donny looks at me sadly." I'm sorry I asked." He apologies.
"It's fine." I say.
After a few minutes the table returns back to its chattering but I just fed my son, and think of the things to come. I truly believe I lost my sanity or at least what I figured was sanity.

|After Dinner|

Mom ran me a hot bath. I'd be staying in her room tonight. She insisted and how could I resist?

When the bath was done, I got in and mom brushed my hair. She hummed as she brushed my hair.

'Take yours eyes off of me so I can leave.. I'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me..
this is never ending, we had been here before. But I don't want stay with you anymore.. please don't fall apart, I can't take your breaking heart. I'm trying to be brace stop asking me stay.. I ca-"
"Mom?" I said
"Yes dearie?" She asked
"I'm going away for a while. Like moving." I said to her
"What do you mean?" She asks confused
"I mean that, I'm going to Italy soon. I won't be in Alaska anymore and I'll be with my husband." I say
"Husband?" Mom asks
"Long story short: he's token Luke's place." I sat
She only nods." If that makes you happy love, but you must visit when the baby is born or let me vivid." She says excited
"Of course." I say smiling

All I needed was to make stuff right in the mean time, before Cactus comes. Since the cost letter he's sent me a letter everyday. Annabel brings them to me and she take him mine and she his eyes on me.

"So what's his name?" Mom asks
"My husband? Or the baby?" I ask
"Your husband silly." She laughs" but I do like the name Hutch." She says
"Then his name shall be hutch. And his name is Cactus." I say
"Cactus. Like the plant Cactus?" She asks
I laugh." Yes. Like the plant." I say
"How'd you meet him?" She asks
"We met at a market in Switzerland. Luke I went for a couple of weeks and I had fallen wen I was pregnant and hit my head so I don't remember what was wrong with me but I was in pain and he came to my aid." I lied
"Oh, how sweet, but where was Luke during all this?" She asks
"In the bathroom." I lied
She nods.

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