Chapter 2 - Itachi Uchiha

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"She couldn't turn away from the eyes that held her. Eyes as deep, as Dark as the night, yet there was something that sparked with warmth, that kept those eyes from being cold." - Lora Leigh, Maverick (Elite Ops, #2)

It was morning and there were some ladies brushing the pinkette's long hair. They said she didn't need eyeshadow because her big eyes would look small and awful. They only decided to apply some red lipstick. She was the prettiest girl there but they didn't envy her, they actually felt pity because being pretty meant a lot of clients and she didn't want to be here. Sure, there were some that were envy but still...

She looked at her reflection and felt like crying but she was warned to stop crying in order to not scare the clients or else they will throw her on the streets. Here, she had a nice room with everything she needed and as much food as she wanted since she couldn't get fat anyway.

"We are done. Today will come a man from a respectable clan to search for a young lady I heard but I wonder who he is." she said placing her hands on Sakura's shoulder looking at her in the mirror. The other girl clapped excited.

"Do you think is that Neji Hyuga. Kami, he is so gorgeous." she said placing a hand on her heart. Her boobs were almost popping out at the deep v.

"I hope he will choose me if it's him." she continued. Sakura found herself giggling.

"Do you guys are in love with your clients?" she asked. They shook their heads.

"We wish. He was never a client. People from powerful clans avoid us and look at us on the streets like they look at the garbage. But a girl can only hope."

Sakura's smile faded and she moved her gaze in her lap, starting to play with her fingers. She was one of them now.

"Come on, let's go downstairs." the other girl said cheerfully trying to light up the mood.

They went downstairs and there were already many drunk clients holding some girls near them. You could smell the mixture of alcohol and perfume in the air. Sakura nearly choked. A client smacked the pinkette's ass when she passed by him. She felt the urge to punch him but she only gave him a fake smile.

"Ok, girls. He's here." the owner announced as she rushed into the main room. The girls formed a line staying straight like soldiers. Sakura did the same, being the last in line.

Her yukata was yellow with white flowers and short. It barely covered her butt. Underneath, she wore black thongs made of lace and no bra. You could see a bit of her side small boobs because of the not-so-deep v.

From the front door came a tall man with black short hair, onyx eyes and a baby-like face even though he seemed quite old. At least, older than her. They all bowed and so did Sakura, feeling her ass exposed to whoever was behind but she paid no mind.

"Oh, Mr. Uchiha, come in. How can we help you?"

The Uchiha smiled kindly.

"I'd wish to rent a girl for tonight." he said to the owner. She blushed.

"Hey, the Uchihas have handsome men I really wish I'd sleep with one." the girl near Sakura told her giggling. She shivered. Yes, he was handsome but she didn't want to be here.

"Treat yourself." the owner said. Sakura didn't know her name yet.

"Oh, it's not for me. It's for my best friend's birthday party for tonight." he said scratching the back of his head embarassed. He was cute, Sakura thought.

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