Chapter 17 - Eternity

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"You’re in my every breath and every thought, intertwined so deep inside me that love’s not a strong enough word—you have my devotion, your name branded on my soul, my wolf yours to command. A hundred years? It’ll never be enough. I want eternity." - Nalini Singh, Kiss of Snow

It's been 7 months since the attack on the village. It was almost entirely restored with the help of everyone and Itachi couldn't be happier. The Hokage tower was restored and so was the Uchiha compond where Sakure moved back in. It seems like Shisui's mind controlling jutsu worked on the clan's men.

Sasuke ran as fast as he could to Itachi's office after he paid a visit to Sakura and he found her crying. She didn't want to tell him what was wrong and it scared him, making him announce his brother.

Itachi panicked as well, dropped everything that he was doing, and ran home at a high speed. He slammed the door open to the kitchen where he found the 8 months old pregnant Sakura crying on the floor.

"What's wrong?" he asked panicked, trying to pick her up.

"There are no more strawberries left." she continued crying.

He sighed.

"Damn, Sakura. You scared me. I thought that there was something serious."

"It is serious!" she screamed at him which made him take two steps back, sweatdropping.

"Everything is a joke to you, isn't it?" she screamed, throwing a glass on the wall behind him, breaking it. Itachi lifted his arms in defense.

He was kinda used to this behaviour. Her hormones were getting worse with each passing day. Two days ago, she tried to have sex with him even though she is well aware that sex would be dangerous at 8 months. After he refused her, he had to spend two hours trying to convince her that it wasn't because he thought she was fat, nor that he didn't find her attractive, but because it would be no good. After that, he had to go to the bathroom and release himself since she threw her now oversized butt on him multiple time. This woman was so troblesome. At least he knew that the next child won't come anytime soon.

When he was gone, she spent her days studying medical ninjutsu and trying her chakra control. One day, she managed to heal herself a cut that she made when she was cutting vegetables. She was so happy that she jumped around and danced for like 20 minutes. Also, she was practicing throwing kunais at targets which wasn't easy at all.

"Alright, I'll buy you some after we get back. I want you to come with me at the great announcement." he told her, taking her hands in his.

Today was the day when he will thank everyone for their work and announce the rebirth of the village.

They both walked on the Hokage's tower roof, watching all the people that were gathered. She gasped. It was the entire village. This is how popular he was. In the front row, she saw Ino and her husband Sai, a pregnant Hinata with her husband Naruto and Sasuke.

Itachi waved and people cheered, filling the silence.

"Firstly, I want to thank everyone for their work, for taking from their valuable time to help the village. Today, our home is almost done, only 2 apartment buildings were left. This village got through a tough period and we were all here doing our duty to help it raise. I also want to thank the Sand village for helping us with the materials. It means a lot to us and to our alliance."

He turned his head to Sakura, watching her closely. He looked back to the huge crowd.

"Secondly, there is another reason why this is an important day for me." he turned around, facing her. He took one of her hands in his, dropping in one knee and using the other hand to take out from his pocket a small dark blue box. Sakura gasped, covering her mouth with the free hand.

Everyone was silent, watching him with wide eyes.

"Sakura, we don't know each other for so long but it was enough for me to realize that you are everything that I want in this life. You pulled my soul from the darkness and hatred and you made my heart beat with such an intensity that I thought it would jump from my ribcage. You met me at a hard time in my life when everyone expected too much from me and put pressure on me but you... You gave me love without expecting anything in return because that's how you are. A pure and kind soul and life didn't treat you the way you deserve. In my eyes, you deserve to rule over the entire world and it still wouldn't be enough. You gave me light when I thought that I was meant for darkness, you came by my side when I thought that I was alone in the front line. I do not care about other's opinion on you because they don't know you like I do. You are not aware about the fact that you're holding my heart inside your palm and my world inside your womb. I may look strong, but you are the only person who can crush me only with words. From the first day that I met you, I had the feeling that I will love you until the day I die. We struggled through a few things but we always made it out alive. I know that our bond is beyond anything ordinary, that's why I want to make you happy and to make you mine officialy so everyone can know how special you are. Sakura Haruno, will you make me the honor to be wife until the death will pull us apart?"

She sobbed, tears were running down her face and she nearly choked. One hand covered her mouth. He opened the small box reavealing a silver ring with a emerald on it. He specialy choose this to match her bright and beautiful eyes. It reflected perfectly her unmatching beauty. Everyone waited in silence for her answer.

She started to nod.

"Yes, yes, yes!" she screamed in between tears, throwing her arms around his neck and nearly making him fall. He started to giggle while the crowd shouted their congrulations amd cheered. It was the first time in history when a Hokage did something so memorable and beautiful.

He put the ring on her finger and she watched how it sparkled wonderfully. He put both of his hands on her cheeks, pulling her into the sweetest kiss that they ever shared.

A sudden light almost blinded them both. They pulled apart and looked at Sasuke who was holding a camera. He looked at the photo and smirked.

"This is a good photo." and he was right. Everything was perfect. The kiss, her big belly, the crowd cheering in the background.

She never ever thought that she will find the love of her life, let alone marry and start a family but she was so glad that she was wrong. Now, the only thing that is left is meeting the new member of the family very soon.

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