Chapter 20 - Jealousy

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"Jealousy isn't a quality, but if it isn't overdone (and if it's combined with modesty), apart from its inconvenience there's even something touching about it." - Milan Kundera, Laughable Love

*One month later*

Sakura got out of the Children Mental Health hospital where she was director. Her shift ended 10 minutes ago and she had to hurry home to her little kids. She let Tsunade take care of them while she and Itachi were at duty. She waved to Lily who was trying to comfort a little kid that was around 5 and was scared on starting the therapy.

She went out of the main doors, breathing in the fresh air. It was only a bit past 1 PM. The streets were crowded and the mothers took their children for a walk and broight them ice cream. She smiled. There will come that day when she will do the same but until then, she had to take a break from sleep every night from 3 to 3 hours to feed her babies. She exhaled. It was exhausting, but her husband helped a lot and he said that he won't let her struggle alone. Even though she protested, telling him that this will make him even more tired. And she was right, his lines are deeper, but he doesn't look less attractive at all. He found him stunning and he will remain that way in her eyes, whatever happens.

Tsunade took care of the Hokage's business in the past month but now he had to go back to his work, it was his duty. But Tsunade, as a retired, bored Hokage who didn't want to start gambling again, offered to take care of the little angels while the couple was busy. She was good with kids, maybe because she always wanted to have kids but couldn't because her lover, Dan, died a long time ago. Sakura's eyes softened at the thought. She doesn't know what she would do in her place. Probably she would break. Mikoto, Fugaku and Sasuke visited often, when he wasn't on missions. Yes, he was promoted to the ANBU captain, taking his older's brother place. They celebrated it by throwing a huge party at his home where Itachi got drunk with sake for the first time in his life. He is fun to be around in that state but he almost dropped Kimiko which made Sakura slap him hard. That powerful slap awoke him, and he had a red palm printed in his cheek two days, making Sasuke mock him often. She giggled at the memory.

She started walking towards the compond when a man who didn't look older than 25, stopped her.

"Hello, Sakura-sama!" he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Sakura smiled. A blush crept on his face.

"I just wanted to hand this to you." he gave Sakura a pink piece of paper.

Itachi just got out of his office and started heading home when he observed his girlfriend talking and giggling with a young man. She held in her hand a pink piece of paper. He narrowed his eyes and observed a big red heart on that paper. He felt the jealousy and anger raising to his brain. Yes, men were always hitting on his beauty, but this man had too much confidence and got too close, even made her giggle. Was he mad? Everyone knew that she belonged to him. He clentched his fists and started heading for the compond, not caring who sees him in this state. As he was passing by people, they stared at him terrified. Maybe the stress and exhaustion combined made him overreact.

"Hokage-sama!" a jonin bowed but Itachi didn't pay attention.

"Thank you so much!" Sakura smiled brightly at the man. She wore a blush as well. She waved and started heading home.

After she got into the compond, she bumped into Tsunade who was just walking home.

"Oh, Sakura. How was work?" she asked the pinkette.

"Fun. I really love this job." she said, giving the former Hokage a big grin.

"Good to hear that." the blonde returned the smile.

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