Chapter 4 - Mine

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"Mine. The language of love is like that, possessive. That should be the first warning that it's not going to encourage anyone's betterment." - Holly Black, Black Heart (Curse Workers. #3)

The pinkette woke up when the warm rays of sun hit her face through the thick curtains. She stretched her arms. It was long since she slept so well. She looked at her side, seeing a toned back facing her. The memories of the last night invaded her brain. Itachi was such a sweetheart. He didn't force her into anything, he took care of her and watched her until she fell asleep on his lap. But now... she had to go back to her nightmare, to that damned brothel. Her world crushed in seconds at the relization but she didn't have anymore tears to spill. She had to suck it up and accept her cruel fate.

The man next to her, turned and faced her opening his deep dark eyes that melted her heart. He smiled.

"Good morning." he said in his sleepy raspy voice. Kami, it sounded so heavenly. She wanted to hear this every morning when she would wake up.

"Morning." she said, trying to sound normal but her voice cracked. She didn't want to go back but the time was running out and she won't be a burden to him. He already did enough for her, maybe too much.

She got out of the bed and tried to adjust her wrinkled yukata. Her hair was a mess but she decided to brush it after she got back.

"Arigato for your hospitality. I don't know how I could repay you." she said giving him a soft smile which made his heart jump and his cheeks turn red but he was glad that he could control his emotions so well.

"Stay with me!" the voice inside his head screamed but he decided to push it in the back of his mind. What was happening to him? It was the first time when he couldn't control his thoughts and couldn't speak his mind at the same time. He looked at her from head to toes one more time, taking a sharp breath. The night sky was dull compared to her beauty, she had that thing that Uchiha girls lacked. Colour. The colours were everywhere: her hair, her eyes, and the most important - her cheeks. He loved how her cheeks became red at the little foreign gestures, she was so innocent and pure.

She was about to go out of the room, when his soft yet stern voice stopped her.

"Wait. I'm gonna walk you there." he got up and took a random black sweatshirt.

"Are you sure? People may see you there and they may talk..."

"I don't mind." he said passing by her and opening the door. He was met by Sasuke who was just passing by the hallway.

"Morning nii-san, Sakura." he bowed in front of her which took her aback. She wasn't an important person yet someone from a very respectable clan bowed to her, to a whore.

She just nodded. She was glad the he didn't ask questions, it would be embarassing but perhaps he will ask them when she won't be here. Men talk about these stuff afterall, right?

They were walking through the compound. The sun was shinning bright giving people good vibes except Sakura. She felt like the sky would fall down. Children were playing outside and one of them bumped into her.

"I'm sorry, miss." he said in his innocent voice. He didn't look older than 5. She bent down and pet his hair while giving him her precious smile.

"It's alright."

His mother came and took him by the hand shooting a nasty glare towards the pinkette. Did she do something wrong?

"I am r-really sorry lord Uchiha." she said turning to Itachi. Her voice was flirty and her cheeks turned red. He just nodded.

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