Chapter 3 - Protector

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"She didn't need to understand the meaning of life; it was enough to find someone who did, and then fall asleep in his arms and sleep as a child sleeps, knowing that someone stronger than you is protecting you from all evil and all danger." - Paulo Coelho, Brida

Itachi led the young lady to a table and he poured her a red drink, that she assumed, was wine. The smell of alcohol invaded her nostrils and felt like she wanted to vomit. It reminded her of her dad so she refused nicely.

"I have to go and find dad. Treat yourself." he politely told her as he bowed and started walking through the crowd. He really was a gentleman, she tought. Suddenly, the sorrow took over thinking about the fact that she could never find such a man. She was cursed to live the rest of her life like a whore.

The group of men who took care of the music picked their violins and started playing a beautiful melody. A blond guy approached the pinkette.

"Do you wanna dance?" he asked politely, offering her his hand. She starred at the boy. He was about her age and had big blue eyes, deep as the Ocean and some whiskers on his cheejs, making him look lika cute cat, she tought. She offered him her hand and dtarted to move being guided by him.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, dattebayo and I am gonna be a Hokage. What's yours?" she giggled. He was so cheerful and could light up anyone's mood.

"I am Sakura Haruno." she said holding onto his shoulders, taking care not to fall.

"Are you a friend of Itachi? I've never seen you around Konoha." she let her head down in sadness, trying not to show her emotions.

"Yes, you could say that." she said, her voice barely audible. He nodded pleased by her answer. He spinned her and let go of her hand. She bumped into a firm chest.

"Changing partners 'ttebayo." she heard Naruto from behind. She lifted her eyes and was met by black onyx eyes as the darkness. This guy had pale skin and a duckbutt hair, some bangs covering his left eye. He was gorgeous and looked so much like Itachi. He grabbed her hand and her waist and started moving on the rhythm. She smiled shyly. His eyes pierced through her green orbs.

"I see you met the dobe." he said finally.

"Naruto? Yeah. He's a nice guy."

He just nodded. The song ended and they pulled apart. He kissed her hand gently.

"Arigato for this dance, miss..."

"Sakura." she said.

"Sakura..." he repeated. "I am Sasuke, Itachi's brother." she smiled kindly. So this was the guy that the girls talked about. He was stunning.

"Hey Sasukeee! Won't you come and dance with me?" a red haired girl with glasses asked in a girly flirty voice clinging onto Sasuke.

"No." he responded coldly then walked away. Those were really some mood swings, Sakura thought.

"You! What do you have so special that made Sasuke want to dance with a whore like you?'' she screamed pointing at the pinkette. Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at them shocked. She felt their stares burning through her skin. They were judging her.

"Sasuke was never interested in girls then comes a sack of stds like you with a short yukata that barely covers her butt..." the garden was silent. Sakura started to cry, her tears falling like a waterfall on her precious face.

Itachi made his way through the crowd until he got near them.

"What is happening here?" he asked calm, looking at Sakura. He felt like his heart broke. Seeing her cry felt like a thousad arrows in his chest. She was so clueless and innocent, she didn't deserve it. He turned around facing the red headed girl, trying to keep his calm.

"Get out, Karin!" he said in a serious tone.


"OUT!" he cut her, activating his Sharingan and starring deep into her eyes. Her body started to tremble and she started running through the crowd. Itachi clapped his hands to gain people's attention.

"Alright everyone, there's nothing to see here." everyone went back to what they were doing and music started to play again.

Now Sakura knew why people feared him, under that stunning face was a tough guy. His blood red eyes scared her to death. He turned around facing her terrified face. He cupped her cheeks.

"It's alright, don't cry." he told her in his soft voice, frowning.

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, avoiding her eyes and mascara. Thank's Kami that it was waterproof.

"Let's go inside." at those words she froze. She knew what was next. The party didn't even look like it will end soon. He dragged her through the crowd, inside the house. He let her into a room with a big bed with white sheets that will soon get strained. He closed the door and she started to sob.
"I am not forcing you to do anything, Sakura. I know you are not comfortable with that." he said studying her.

"B-but... I was rented for that." she said in between sobs. He sat on the bed and patted the spot near him. She obeyed.

"Yes, but I didn't want this. I am not like that."

She lifted her eyes to be met by his. Her heart was drumming in her chest. Was he really worried about her well being?

"Come on. Tell me something about yourself."

She thought about what she could say.

"My mother died when I was 16 and I was forced to stay with my dad. My mother was a talented kunoichi who trained a group of three young genins but died when she was sent on a mission. She taught me to to write, read and I liked mostly medical ninjutsu. My dream was to be trained by Lady Tsunade and surpass her but everything was shattered when she passed away. My father spent all the money on alcohol and came back home drunk every night beating me." she sobbed. Itachi watched her and listened to her story.

"We were in debt so he sold me to the brothel just last night." she wiped her tears. Itachi nodded.

"I am sorry that you had to go through this." he caressed her long hair.

"It will get better for you." he pressed his lips in a thin line not sure how it could be true. She was basically a prisoner forced to sell her body.

"Are you hungry? I am gonna bring you some food. You can also sleep here. This is my room, no one will bother you." she nodded and mothed an "arigato".

He exited the roon and bumped into Shisui.

"Oh, where are you going? Not liking the pinkette?" Shisui asked putting a hand on his heart and acting shocked.

Itachi smirked.

"No, I just forgot the condoms." he lied. Shisui nodded and walked away.

Itachi grabbed some riceballs and dangos from the kitchen and went back to his room. Sakura was laid on her back, starring at the ceiling.

He put the tray on the bed, near her and she started eating. While he watched her he thought about the fact that if she returns to that brothel in the morning, who knows who'll rent her next and how he will treat her. The next client may not even care that she is a virgin and will hurt her even more. He had to do something. He can't let such a precious flower die, she needed protection and safety. What kind of leader he is if he can't even defend one single person against their greatest nightmare?

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