Chapter 6 - The Cherry Blossom tree (Filler)

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*18 years ago*

The little 6 years old Itachi was walking along with his mother to the hospital for a check up. His mother was six months pregnant with his soon-to-be little brother, Sasuke.

He stopped in front of the hospital where was a Cherry Blossom tree. Weird, he thought. Those trees had already fruits, none of them still had flowers. This may be really a special one.

Even at that age, Itachi was smarter than any kid, having the second best grades in the history of the Academy after Minato Namikaze.

A petal of a pink flower landed on his palm. He studied it with interest like it was the most interesting thing that he ever saw. It was smooth and represented the true definition of beauty. He didn't know why every boy hated this colour, he was always fascinated by it. It was bright, total the opposite of him and the Uchiha clan and it gave a touch of innocence and purity. He put it in his pocked and followed his mom inside.

They waited on the seats from the corridor. His mother's doctor was busy helping a woman to give birth in the room in front of them. Her cries of pain could be heard through the corridor along with the doctor's voice which instructed her to push harder. It didn't affect Itachi. He witnessed a war, afterall. He understood what pain is and that people had to eventually face it in life.

Suddenly, a loud cry could be heard from the room. His mother giggled at the innocent sound.

"Congrulations! It's a girl." he heard the doctor say behind those doors.

The red haired female doctor came from behind the door leaving it a bit open. Inside, Itachi could see a man with pink hair holding a little baby who wasn't crying anymore. She was giggling as her father played with her. Itachi smiled.

"Mrs. Uchiha, follow me." the doctor instructed.

*4 years later*

It was winter and outside was snowing. Itachi was coming back from his ANBU exam. The children's laughter could be heard everywhere as they were fighting with snowballs, probably his brother was around too.

In the park, he heard some children laughing.

"Kami, her forehead is so big. No wonder no one wants to play with her." a boy with brown hair said.

"Yeah, she is a weirdo." a girl said this time.

Itachi got closer and took a look at the person in front of them. It was a little girl, not older than his brother. She was sitting on the cold snow, crying as the children were pointing fingers at her and started laughing. She had pink hair which covered most of her forehead. Her big beautiful green eyes were full of tears.

"Hey, leave her alone, dattebayo." a blond boy shouted at them as he tried to defend her. Itachi recognized him, it was the Jichuuriki.

"Look who's talking. You defend your weird girlfriend? If I think about it, you two would make a perfect couple of freaks." they started laughing again taking snowballs and hitting the boy hard. He started running and the kids went after him.

Itachi approached the little girl who was still crying and bent down.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I-i just wanted to play." she said sobbing.

Itachi gave her a warm smile.

"I will play with you."

Her eyes lit up with joy, that spark returning to them.


He nodded.

"What's your name?" he asked.


"Well Sakura, I'm Itachi. It's nice to meet you." she nodded.

They made a snowman and had a snowballs fight. The little girl was laughing and having fun. Even though Itachi was too mature for this, he found it enjoyable, forgetting about his duty for some minutes but the time was coming to an end and Sakura had to go home.

"Arigato for being my friend." she ran to him and embraced him in a tight warm hug. He smiled and hugged back.

When they pulled apart he looked into her eyes.

"I have something for you."

He took out of his pocket a red piece of cloth which he used to tie her hair and let her forehead breathe. She touched her big forehead.

"But it's too big..." she said.

"No, it's not. You shouldn't hide it. It's prettier this way." he gave her a weak smile.

"How will I give it back to you?" she asked.

"It's a gift for... Our friendship."

She nodded happily and smiled. She started running towards her home, waving to her new friend.

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