Chapter 14 - Almost caught *LEMON*

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"You could start a fire with the heat between you two." - Michelle Hodkin

It's been three days since Itachi became Hokage and he was already exhausted. Who knew that there is so much paper work and that Konoha has so many problems waiting to be solved?! He let his head back on the chair from his office, sighing. He wondered how Sakura was. For her safety, he helped her move in one of the small rooms from the Hokage tower to keep an eye on her. He assigned the best two ANBUs to guard her door everyday and other two to guard the Hokage's tower main doors. Right now, she was returning from shopping for some baby clothes with the two ANBUs watching her every move from the shadows. She knew they were there and it made her uncomfortable but it was for the baby's safety.

The same day when her lover became Hokage he gave her a great gift. He brought the brothel and decided to turn it into a Children Mental Hospital. It always was Sakura's dream to help children with problems and with her boyfriend as Hokage, she was named the director of it. It was fair, her knowledge in that field was beyond incredible, even the most intelligent Uchiha was surprised. He also arraged courses for the girls who worked there so they can learn medical ninjutsus and the basics of mental health. Sure, not all of them accepted, but most if them did and were more than happy. Furthermore, he found some apartments where they can stay until they will afford a proper home. It was the least he could do for her friends and besides, she will be happy to work with them. Sakura was the happiest about the idea and couldn't wait for the next 10 months to pass so she and the girls can start the work. A mother and her own job, it sounds like a dream.

She knocked twice on Hokage's office door.

"Come in!" she heard his voice.

She opened the door, revealing Itachi who sat at his desk, scrolls and papers spreaded across it, even on the floor.

Two jonins were present, one had a weird beard and a cigarette in his mouth and one had a weird haircut with some thick eyebrows similar to Lee's.

"Lord Hokage." she bowed formally.

"Alright, dimissed." he told the two jonins and they went out. As soon as they were alone, she ran to him and hugged him tight, this gesture surprising him.

"What's gotten into you?"

"I've missed you. I hate sleeping alone. The bed is cold." she said as she sat on his lap, pouting like a child. He grabbed her cheeks.

"I know the feeling." he gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Look what I brought!" she said excited taking out of the bag a small bright blue jumpsuit. "I thought this colour would be nice for any gender. Do you like it?"

"I like anything you will choose." he said kissing her shoulder. "We should sew the Uchiha crest, though."

She nodded.

She put it back in the bag and turned to face him, still on his lap. She stafted kissing his jawline and his neck, trying to get even further.

"S-sakura." he moaned, throwing his head back.

Her hands started exploring his chest and abdomen through his shirt. She reached his manhood and gave it a firm squeeze, hardening it in an instant.

"I-i can't now... I must... ah... work." he said through his hard breaths but his actions said otherwise.

"You must be really stressed from all the hard work." she said biting her lip and reaching for his pants. She managed to pull them down a bit. She was now sitting on her knees, watching his intense gaze. Her hand started pumping his manhood while her wet tongue licked the tip to tease him.

"Fuck." he breathed, throwing his head back.

She started drawing wet lines with her tongue on his lenght while her hand massaged his balls.

A knock was heard on the door which made him jump sightly.

"Lord Hokage?" it was Shino. He had to give him a scroll for his mission today. Itachi cleared his throat.

"Come in."

The big desk sheltered Sakura too well but she continued her torture and it was hard for him to focus. He put a hand in her cheek to stop her but she only smirked devilishly and started sucking on his manhood. Itachi bit his lip as Shino bowed. His fist clentched on the desk.

"Are you alright, Lord Hokage?" Shino asked a bit worried, seeing Itachi's red face.

"Y-yes, just a head ache." he bit his tongue to stop a moan. Sakura started bobbing her head faster.

"Here is your scroll."

Shino reached for it, but Itachi's firm grip didn't let go. He gulped.

"Lord Hokage!"

He blinked a few times and let it go.


Shino bowed and got out of his office. Something was wrong with him, he thought.

He grabbed Sakura's arm and forced her to stand on her legs. She used a hand to wipe the extra saliva from her mouth, giving him a challenging grin.

He narrowed his eyes at her.

"So you want to play, huh? Fine, let's play. You know what would happen if someone would catch us like that?"

Itachi threw all the scrolls and papers in the floor clearing the desk and pushed her on her back, spreading her legs.

"This time will be no foreplay, because I know how much you love it. You will feel the torture too." he whispered in her ear, leaving his weight on her. His words sent goosebumps to her skin. She kinda liked the idea of trying new things.

Bad day for wearing a short dress, her pink lingerie was already exposed. He took it off and slammed into her without a warning. She threw her head back in pleasure, moaning, her hair hanging on the other edge of the desk. He started moving fast and she tried not to scream in pleasure. Someone might hear them.

The desk started to shake. He put both of her legs on his shoulders, allowing himself to go deeper. The sound of skin slapping mixed with the sound of their moans.


She dug her nails in his arm, begging him with her eyes to kiss her. He smirked and put a finger on her lips.

"Sorry, but this is your punishment. Maybe next time."

She groaned in frustation.

Two knocks were heard on the door.

"Itachi?" Tsunade's voice could be heard through it.

Sakura's eyes widened in fear as he continued to thrust into her. He covered her mouth with his hand and looked at the door's handle, furrowing his brows. Sakura bit her tongue as a moan threatened to escape.

After she heard no answer, Tsunade walked away. When her steps couldn't be heard anymore, he took off his hand, sighing.

He pulled one strap of her dress down revealing a breast. He gulped. She choose a bad day not to wear a bra and deep on the inside he was so jealous. Other men could perfectly see the curves of her breasts.

He massaged it, using his thumb to tease the pink nipple.

"S-sakura, I'm..." he threw his head back as a moan escaped his lips. Her legs started to shake and she squeezed both of her breasts in her own hands, she needed to grab on something. She threw her head back too. Soon, a warm fluid filled her and she loved the sensation.

He pulled out and got dressed, offering her his hand to stand up. Her legs were still shaking and he supported her.

He pulled her again in his lap, brathing heavily.


Yeah, yeah, again a lemon... Boriiing 😂. But I have too many great ideas so... *flips hair*

I have two ideas for an end and I don't know if I should make it happy or sad.

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