Chapter 5 - The storm

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"At the first kiss I felt something melt inside me that hurt in an exquisite way. All my longings, all my dreams and sweet anguish, All the secrets that slept deep within me came awake, Everything was transformed and enchanted, everything made sense." - Hermann Hesse

After they returned home, he showed her the room which will be hers. It was similar to his and it was exactly near his room in case she needed anything. Sasuke didn't mind a new person in their house, in fact, he was too busy to study for the ANBU exam. Besides, he kinda liked her and it was very rare, he liked nobody, not even his sensei Kakashi. He could see clearly that since when this girl arrived Itachi was different. He spoke more and gave more complex answers than "hn" and well... he smiled. Despite the fact that his brother told him that she is an old friend from Suna who just wanted to get to know this village, Sasuke knew that he was lying. He could tell that they don't know each other for so long and what Itachi does is so unlike him.

The house was quiet as the night approached. They had dinner together and small talked. It wasn't that awkward as Sakura thought. But she was still thinking about what happened back there at the brothel. He looked so dangerous, so ready to kill. She heard that he was the laid back type of guy but it didn't seem like it.

Outside was raining heavily and Sasuke feared that there will be a flood in their garden until morning. The rain was hitting the window, this being the only sound heard in her room. The door cracked open.

"Sakura?" she turned her head towards Itachi's calm voice.

"I brought you the books about medical ninjutsu, I remember you told me that you liked to read these kind of stuff."

She got up from the window and took the three books from him. Their hands brushed against each other and they both felt a strange electricity running through their skin. Sakura blushed.

"Arigato, Itachi-kun." she thanked him shyly. He nodded.

She was left alone again, probably Itachi was busy considering that he was the ANBU captain. She still tried to think of a reason why he helped her so much, nobody forced him. Does he feel pity? Probably. She couldn't come with a better reason yet she didn't want to be a burden. She didn't like people to take care of her because she knew that she will be in debt. How would she repay him for his kindness?! Unless... He really brought her here with THAT reason. It would be for the best, though. This is her job afterall.

She changed her clothes and jumped in bed. She fell asleep really fast.

"Mom?" a pink haired teenager girl was running through the hospital corridor along with her father.

The thunder from outside could be heard through the silent corridors. She was soaked and so was her father but she didn't care. All she wanted was to get to her mother.

She slammed the door open and there she was. Three doctors were inside the room, one of them by her side, putting the white sheets over her pale bloody face.

"N-no..." the girl from the doorway whispered, tears filling her beautiful big green eyes.

"Noooo!" she screamed.

Sakura got up on her bum breathing heavily, sweat covering her face. It was a nightmare. Everytime when there was a storm outside, the nightmare came back and everytime it was more and more painful. She wiped the droplets of sweat from her forehead and got out of bed, the cold hitting her bare legs and arms.

The short white night dress made of satin can't keep her warm. She got out of her room, slowly, taking care to not wake Sasuke. The corridor looked terrifying, it was completely dark, the only source of light being the one from her room made by the lightings. She could hear the wind and the rain violently hitting the roof. She was scared.

She slowly opened Itachi's door and got inside, making her way towards his side. She bent down to look at his paceful face. He didn't look so deadly when he was asleep, actually, he looked like an innocent baby.

"Itachi?" she kept her voice low as she put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hm?" he murmured in his sleep. Kami, that voice was so sexy. He slowly opened his onyx eyes starring at the pink beauty in front of him, thinking that he was dreaming.

"Sakura?" he exhaled shocked, standing up. She blushed.

"It's everything alright?" the blanket fell a bit from his body, revealing his irresistible toned chest and his abs. Sakura gulped, averting her gaze and trying so hard to look only into his eyes.

"I-i had a nightmare. I am afraid of the storms." she admitted embarassed. Itachi studied her then sighed. He moved to the left side so she could get in bed.

"Come here."

She shyly climbed into bed and Itachi covered them both. She was facing his angelic face and suddenly, felt safe. He put his arms around her skinny body and she burried her face in his warm chest. They both loved the proximity but none of them will admit it. She thought about the girl, that in the future, will share the bed with Itachi every night and will get to cuddle and feel his warmth. She was envy and it made her scream because that person won't be her. She wanted this everyday, every night, it was like a drug.

They both fell asleep in each others arms.


It was already morning and Itachi opened his eyes lazily. He looked down at the beauty sleeping with her head on his chest and smiled. A few strands of pink hair were covering her face.

Outside was still dark. The grey clouds were covering the sky and inside the room was kinda cold. He loved this atmosphere and it was even better that she was by his side.

"Love... 'tachi... Don't wanna go back..." she murmured in her sleep. His eyes widened in surprise and his heart started beating so fast that he was afraid that it would wake her up. He closed his eyes shut, letting the words sink into his mind, melting all the worries and hatred. Did she really...? Was it really mutual or was he dreaming and soon will wake up alone in his bed, disappointed?! He inhaled sharply.

It warmed his heart and probably was the happiest man in the world. He started playing with her hair.

"Me too." he whispered to her sleeping figure, kissing her forehead.

After some more minutes of silence, she opened her big beautiful eyes and looked up at him. He felt like his heart was gonna jump from his chest. Why was she so breathtaking?

"Did I wake you?" he asked worried.

She shook her head while stretching her arm. They both had the best sleep in ages.

She jumped out of bed, thinking about making breakfast for the boys. Itachi's eyes traveled down her back where her hair stopped just above her butt, studied the curve of her butt and her long skinny legs that matched her figure. He felt something uncomfortable in his pants. She was stunning. But before he could think about something more, he saw he putting her hands on her temples and ready to fall.

Panicking, he used his high speed to catch her in time. Their chests were pressed to each other as they were looking deep into each other's eyes trying to read their feelings. It's like they both could hear their heartbeats drumming in their ears. Sakura blushed.

"I-i am so-sorry... I w-was dizzy and-" he cut her by pressing his lips to hers which felt like soft cherry blossom petals. The kiss was gently yet it was like they both were craving it for so long. His hand pressed harder to her lover back, clentching the material of her night dress in his fist.

They both pulled apart being out of breath. He put his forehead on hers, looking into her eyes.

"Just stop apologizing for everything." he said trying to catch his breath. She nodded.

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