Chapter 11 - Panick

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"Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime." - Mineko Iwasaki

It's been one week and a half since his parents visit and today they were having dinner with Izumi's parents. Sakura told Itachi about the brothel but he just said that he will handle it. He never spoke with her about his plans and it was frustrating. She cut a bit her finger while taking care of the vegetables.

"Ouch!" she dropped the knife and looked at the small cut. Itachi grabbed her wrist, analyzing the cut. He was too protective lately.  He brought her finger to his lips, sucking it to get rid of the blood. Sakura blushed. He kissed her fingertip and released her hand.

A knock was heard from the door and Itachi went and opened the door. He led the guests into the dinning room and went to help Sakura to bring the plates.

She observed that Izumi looked like her mother while her father had black hair and the same stern face as Fugaku.

They all sat on the cushions, Sakura between Sasuke and Itachi. They ate and had small talk as always and Izumi seemed to be really cheerful and excited for the wedding. Sakura had a hand on her lap and Itachi took it in his, giving a light squeeze. She looked up at him but he was looking at his mother.

They took a break while the dessert was still in the oven. Sakura got up and went outside on the wooden porch, in the garden. She sat down and looked at the stars and contemplating. She was afraid of the reactions after Itachi introduces her as his girlfriend. The cool air of the night hit her face, calming her. She inhaled.

Itachi saw her back from inside and had an idea. He went to their room.

Sasuke came and sat near her looked at the stars as well.

"You know... He's really head over hells for you." he said not averting his gaze. A small smile appeared on her face.

"He's lucky to have you. All his life he focused only on training and being better. The clan always expected too much from a child and he pushed himself. At the age of 7 he was wiser than a Hokage but it came with a price: he was mentally tortured... Until he found you. I've never seen him so happy."

Sakura chuckled.

"He doesn't talk much about his childhood." she said.

"What about you? What will you do?" she asked, looking at him.

"I am not the type to fall in love, even though it already happened. But I can't have that woman so I'm just gonna be on my own." she looked at him confused.


He caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"Because she's my brother's." he said giving her a small peck on the lips. She gasped.

Inside, someone was watching them. He gritted his teeth and clentched his fist, breaking the beautiful necklace, the small pink flowers falling on the ground. How could they do this to him? A waterfall of tears fell on his cheeks and his Sharingan activaded from the strong feeling. He had an arrow in his chest. Last time she had amnesia, but now?!

"I am sorry... I didn't mean to." Sasuke apologized.

"It's alright." she whispered.

They both got up and saw everyone at the table. Itachi came with the dessert and she could swear that his eyes were puffy from crying. But he acted like nothing happened.

He sat on his cushion, not looking at Sakura. Someting was up with him.

"So... About the date..." Izumi's mother said.

"In two months." Itachi cut her.

"Amazing!" she clapped excited.

The world crushed over Sakura and Sasuke's eyes widened. Tears starting pouring from her eyes, not caring if someone saw her. She bit her lower lip. How could do that the only person that she ever loved? Did he lie to her? Was it all only a game? Her heart ached and she felt like dying. He played her, he used her, he mocked her. Her hands started to tremble.

Sasuke looked at her and felt his blood boil. He slammed his fist on the table, making everyone jump sightly. He grabbed his brother's collar and forced him to stand, looking into his eyes with his Sharingan activated. He didn't like to see Sakura cry and Itachi acted like a total douchebag.

"How dare you?" he growled.

"Sasuke!" Fugaku warned him but he paid no mind. Izumi was terrified. What was this all about?

"She loves you, and this is how you repay her? By playing with her feelings? I used to look up to you, to be like you but you are nothing but a coward." he spat angrily. Itachi felt his anger raising. He grabbed Sasuke's wrists.

Sakura got up from her cushion and felt dizzy. She held her belly while the room started spinning. Before she could do anything, she blacked out, her body falling. Itachi saw it, released from Sasuke's grip and caught her just in time. He panicked, his eyes widened as he looked at her.

"Sakura? Hey!" he slapped gently her cheek but it was with no use. Everyone got up, surrouding them.


Itachi was jumping from roof to roof with Sakura in his arms, bridal style. He was heading for the hospital.

When he slammed the doors open, Ino was just passing by.

"Ino, she fainted, I don't know what is wrong with her." he said panicked, his voice trembling.

She instructed him to follow her and put her on the bed in an empty room.

He was asked to leave the room so Ino could do a check up.

He was waiting impatiently in the hallway, tapping his foot. The rest of the family and Izumi's family arrived too. Sasuke was panicked and didn't know what to do.

"She will be alright." Mikoto said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Izumi didn't care much, she was rather bored. "Can we go home, why are we here?" she said.

Itachi shot her a death glare.

"If you wanna go home, then fine. Go home. I don't need you anyway." he said, venom dipping from his voice. Everyone gasped. He never lost his temper.

"Son. Calm down." Fugaku said this time.

"I won't calm down until I know that she is safe." he whispered, his gaze dropping to the floor.

Izumi observed how he talked about her... He loved her, she concluded. A wave of sorrow took over her but her thoughts were intrerruped by the door which was opened by Ino.

She smiled brightly at everyone and Sasuke and Itachi rushed to her side.

"Is she ok?" Itachi asked panicked, trying to calm his breath.

"She's more than ok, she's actually..."

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