Chapter 21 - Fear

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"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie

*Five months later*

Sakura looked at her beautiful wedding dress in the mirror. She looked like a real princess for the first time in her life. When she was little, her mother always told her stories about beautiful princesses who found their prince and married, living happily ever after. She giggled. The prince was found and the wedding was today. Moreover, she had two amazing children that she loved dearly. What could go wrong? Everything was in place. Everything was perfect. She had the life that she always dreamed about.

The thing that she missed was her mother. The fact that she had no relative to attend her big day, made her smile fade.

The door was opened by her soon to be husband, holding Yoshiro.

"Hey, mama. Yoshiro is hung-" the word was stuck in his throat when he laid his eyes on the pinkette. She was glowing. Yes, she usually was mesmerizing but now... He didn't even have words to explain what he saw in front of him. He heard that after birth, women become fatter or uglier but this wasn't the case. He opened his mouth and couldn't speak, making Sakura giggle.

"Do I look that bad?" she asked her lover.

He shook his head. "Not at all. Not even close." he managed somehow to take his eyes off, moving them to their son.

"Yoshiro started crying, I thought he was hungry. Bu I see that he stopped."

Sakura stretched her arms to hug her son. She held him tight to her chest, caressing his black hair.

"I think he just wanted to see you." Itachi's face softened. He was dressed in his attire as well but the kids made them run late. They didn't mind.

"My mom offered to hold them and take care of them during the ceremony and party."

Sakura nodded. "Have you prepared the milk bottles?" Itachi nodded. "Are they warm enough but not too warm?"

"Checked." oh, how he loved to see her acting like a caring mother. It made her look even more perfect.

Yoshiro took a long strand of pink hair and played with it, giggling. They both smiled at their little treasure. Itachi gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and went back to Kimiko.

"Yoshiro, we're gonna be a complete family soon." the pinkette giggled, caressing her son's cheek.


The ceremony went well and everybody enjoyed it. Now, the guests were enjoying  the food, sake and party. Naruto showed people some amazing drunk dance moves, making everyone laugh. Sakura couldn't stop looking at her children who were sleeping in their grandmother's arms. She had a bad feeling that something will happen.

Itachi put a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax." he whispered into her ear. She inhaled deeply.

"Alright, I'm going to take some sake." she got up from her chair but Itachi caught her wrist.

"Not too much. You still breastfeed." he told her, his black eyes penetrating hers.

"Yes m'am." she mocked him, heading for the table where most of the food and drinks were. His eyes followed her figure until she was swallowed by the crowd.

"So you are Sakura Uchiha." a man who was leaning on the table asked the pinkette as she poured herself a glass of sake.

"Mhmm." she answered uninterested. The man grinned.

"You are as beautiful as I heard." his grin grew even wider. He was creepy, she thought. But she had to be polite. Her husband was the Hokage after all.

"So, congrulations for your wedding." he said, sipping from his own glass. "How long it will last..." he whispered, putting the glass down and walking away. A shiver ran through the pinkette's spine. What did he mean? She shook her head, paying no attention. He was just a creep, she reminded herself.

She returned to Itachi with a frown.

"Everything alright?" he asked a bit worried.

"Yeah..." she answered absently. His fingertips caressed her naked arm, trying to comfort her. "Stop worrying. Everything will be fine."

"I hope so." she answered.


The couples started to dance. Itachi stood up from his chair and offered Sakura his hand.

"Will you dance with me?" he asked her. She had a deja vu which made her blush. The first night when she met him was something similar to this but she never got the chance to dance with him. She took his hand and stood up.

Every pair of eyes moved on them, watching their every move and step. The couple started dancing, moving their legs in sync. His hand grabbed firmly her lower back.

"You know how to dance too. Is something that you don't know?" Sakura asked her husband a bit envy.

"Yeah." he got closer to her ear, whispering "I don't know how to stop loving you."

A blush crept on her face. "Ugh, stop making me blush." he chuckled.

The groom spinned his wife until she bumped into another man just like in the first night. But this time, it wasn't Sasuke. It was an unknown blond man with green eyes. He was pretty.

She took a glance at her husband who was dancing now with Ino. The man who she was dancing with glaced at the crowd, then down at her.

"I never thought that I will have the honor to dance with the most beautiful woman from this wedding." he flashed her a smile which she returned.

"Thank you." she whispered.

He led her somewhere outside the crowd where were only a few drunk people. Nobody paid attention to this portion. He spinned her around, her back hitting his chest.

"A husband shouldn't let his wife out of his sight." he whispered darkly into her ear. Her eyes widened un fear. Just when she was about to scream for help, he put a small cloth on her nose which smelled weird. She struggled to get out of his grip but she became weaked with each passing second. He chuckled.

"It's useless."

She felt her eyelids heavy and the darkness swallowed her.


"Being a Kage's wife is the most dangerous job." - Itachi Uchiha (Love for Sale)

I want to say sorry from now. I will be a bir cruel in the next chapters.

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