Chapter Three

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The next day, we had moved our plan into action, that me and Koizumi-senpai be friends first and then Oshiro-kun comes along and the three of us start to be friends. Koizumi-senpai was a nice girl to hang out with, she treated us right and she seemed very lady like.

Also, after being with them, spending each day in this so called 'friendship', I escaped to spend my time crying alone because of my broken heart and less time spent with others because I want Oshiro to be happy.

Weeks have passed and the both of them have been hanging out without me. Then months pass by and they finally are a couple. Which devastated my already broken heart, making me feel empty.

Why was I helping him though? I know this was none of my business... But I guess I'm treasuring the last few moments that I can actually have with Oshiro-kun. He was even so happy when he told me that he and Koizumi-senpai were finally dating...

This time, I skipped out on fourth period and stayed at the rooftop to be alone and release all my emotions. Sure, there were still those school mates who kept clinging to me and still gave me presents, but they don't notice anything wrong with me as I just keep my usual cutesy act on. I only show my true feelings when I'm alone.

I know that it's stupid to be hung up on some old crush I had, but I should be moving on, and should consider myself lucky that I still have friends near that are willing to spend their time with me no matter how worthless I really am.

But, it's just so hard when the person you love doesn't love you back, and has sought for your help to be with someone else they truly desire.

I was being a good friend, but a bad person at expressing their feelings...

As I remain on the rooftop, sitting on one of the benches in the little garden, someone suddenly shows up, "Hey Hanazawa? Why'd you skip out on fourth—" he paused then blurted out, "Were you crying?!"

And as if just noticing it, I gently touch my cheek to feel the trails of tears that had seemingly poured down without me ever noticing it. I then face away and fiercely wiped away the embarrassing tears from my eyes. "It's alright Takabayashi-kun, they were just from yawning... I guess I'm a little sleepy?" I try to laugh it off.

"Don't lie to me! You may have been able to fool the others, but I can clearly see what you're going though!" he demands, "Just tell me what's wrong? I may be able to help you..."

"No... You wouldn't understand what I'm feeling..."

"Is it about Oshiro?"

I faced him, shocked, but then face down as he got it right. "It's alright... I understand... I already knew that you developed feelings for him anyway..."

"No! I-... I!" tears then start to form in my eyes again as I feel the urge to cry again.

"It's alright... I'll always be here for you..." he comes in to take me into a warm hug whilst rubbing my back to calm me down.

But, as he was doing so, I couldn't contain it. I tugged on his shirt tightly while crying myself out on his chest while screaming his name as all the emotions came rushing out, "Takabayashi-kun!"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

After what felt like I've cried a lifetime of tears, lunch time eventually came. Takabayashi had gone out to buy the both of us lunch while I didn't have the energy to do anything. And also because my eyes were still swollen and I didn't want anybody to see me that way. Especially my two BFF's.

"Here... I bought you this, so please eat..." says Takabayashi as he hands me a yakisoba bread.

But because of what I've gone through, I didn't have the energy to eat. So I push the bread aside. But Takabayashi-kun gets angry and nags at me, "You need to at least eat something if you want to survive the day! I bet you didn't even have breakfast!"

I jump at his accurate guess and mutter to myself, "You wouldn't understand unless you got your heart broken..."

"Oh but I have gotten my heart broken before!" he says as he then takes a bite out of his bread. I then stop to stare at him and he tries to chew his food with me looking. As he finally swallows, he wipes his mouth with his hand and asks, "What?"

I was staring at Takabayashi, because I was shocked to hear that he had his heart broken. I stupidly thought that he was just a nerd who loves books!

"I didn't know you had feelings for anyone?" I joked.

He snorted at my lame sentence, and answered me, "That's because I know how to contain my emotions."

"You mostly look monochrome to me!" I spat, then asked him, "When was this, really?"

"Oh... Probably around the last semester in first year."

"Really?! We were classmates back then! Is she someone I know?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Pfft! Please! You know almost everyone in school Hanazawa!" I then pout, as I really did know almost everyone in our high school. Be it in the other sections of our year, in the first years, or even the third years. "So, yeah! You know her..."

"Awe... Poo... This'll be hard..."

Hahaha... But it's okay... I feel like I have a chance with her again!" he smiled, but it only caused my heart to weaken yet again.

If Takabayashi-kun will end up having a girlfriend, I'll only have Kasumi and Rika left. And if they get boyfriends, even though I have my other so called friends, I'll still end up being alone... And I don't want that...

I don't want to be alone again...

The both of us then continue to eat as we talk about other random things, and also ended up asking each other thoughts on how Oshiro-kun and Koizumi-senpai might end up and if their relationship would last.

Takabayashi is still secretive about his own crush, but I try not to annoy him and not pry in any further...

"You know Takabayashi-kun..."

"Hm?" he faces me while taking a sip out of his tea.

"You should really consider trying to at least look a little more presentable, since it's such a waste to hide away your pretty face~!"

He shrugged, "Maybe I'll try it out."

"Great!" I clapped, "Maybe all the girls will then swoon over you, huh?"

He laughs at me and just shakes his head at my funny remark.

As the bell rang, he told me to come back to class, and I agreed. I was feeling much better after I've poured out my heart and soul to him earlier. Takabayashi really is a good friend that I can rely on.

Reaching the classroom, almost everyone runs towards me to ask if I'm alright, because I missed fourth period. I apologized for making them worry and told them that I had a little migraine and had to rest a bit.

Then all heave out a sigh of relief and then the teacher comes in for fifth period.

At least everything's alright...

For now...


Hey Guys!!!

How's this new book of mine so far? I know nothing special's really happening yet. But I guess some of you can already assume where things will go from here, or maybe will hit an unexpected turn? XD

I'd really love to hear on you guy's opinion of this book! And I hope you'll support this book too... ^^

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~Kurisu-chan ^^

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