Chapter Eight

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"Hahaha... What are you talking about Ricchan?!" us three girls along with Kei were enjoying a lovely lunch by one of our school's gardens when a couple of seniors from the basketball club passed by us. We turned our attention to them as soon as we heard that Saito-senpai was absent.

"Hey? Why do you think Shun didn't attend school today?" - guy 1

"Yeah right? I mean, it's so not like him to even skip out on practices!" - guy 2

"Maybe it's just a cold and he'll get better tomorrow?" - guy 3

"I hope captain gets better. His fangirls will miss him!" - guy 2

"Yeah! I'm so envious he's popular with the ladies! But wasn't there a second year he asked out?" - guy 4

"Wasn't it that popular rich princess from class 2 - A?" - guy 1

"Yeah! Yeah! Too bad she's already taken!" laughed guy 3 and they walked farther away, still chatting and laughing about the next few topics.

We were silently listening in on them and nervous sweat was trickling down my face. Rika and Kasumi also looked pale as they know how scary Kei can be. And indeed, he was extremely pissed off from that conversation we just heard.

Even though Kei's juice box was empty, he was still sipping on the straw even though he crushed the carton to a smaller size. His eyes looked dead and he just stared forward to a distance with a blank expression.

"K-Kei?" I tried to snap him out of it, and thankfully it worked.

He faced me, looking like his old self and apologized, "I-I'm sorry Yuiko, I was distracted. Did you say something?"

I shook my head, "Nah... I was just trying to get your attention."

"Ah... Alright..." he smiled then motioned to clean his trash while he mumbled, "I hope Saito-senpai doesn't attend school ever again."

"Pardon me?" asked Kasumi.

"Huh? Oh! Nothing important..." Kei shrugged off and Rika shot me a look saying, 'Let's talk later'.

After lunch, we walked back to the classroom and I excused myself from Kei so I'd go to the bathroom. He agreed, and Rika and Kasumi walked along with me.

Rika then scanned the stalls and every inch of the bathroom to confirm that nobody was inside before speaking, "Something's fishy about your boyfriend, Yuicchi."

"I know! Takabayashi-kun was never like this before! He's somewhat scary!" seconded Kasumi.

"I know. It's a first for me as well! I don't know how to respond, but I trust him."

"Sure, he's a good and loving boyfriend and all. But he seems like one of those types you read in mangas or watch in animes." - Rika

"Yeah! It's rare to read about those types in the male side, but it's scary to actually know of one in real life!" - Kasumi

"C'mmon! What are you guys rambling about?" I laughed to let off the tension, but the both of them just stared at me silently. I had a clue to what they were comparing Kei to, but I didn't want to accept that the gentle Kei is actually a Yandere. (A/N: Yandere is a type person who would kill for the person they love.)

Sure, he may be overly-possessive of me, but he's a nice guy!

"Wanna bet something happened to Saito-senpai?" - Rika

"Don't be like that Ricchan! I know Kei would never hu-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I did see Kei gripping on Saito-senpai's shoulder with outstanding force that he acquired a bruise from it.

"Finish that sentence Yuicchi." Rika told me flatly.

"Okay... Maybe Kei would hurt someone... But I know he'd always consider my feelings!"


"Yuicchi..." sighed Rika, "Let's just hope I'm wrong..."

After the conversation, we walked back to our classroom.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The next day, when me, Kasumi and Rika entered the school. It seemed a little ominous. Sure it looked like it was going to rain later on, but something about the atmosphere just doesn't seem right.

In the morning, I heard people wanting to go to the gym later on. I went to ask my friends about it, and they didn't know. But when I asked one of my fellow classmates, they told me, "We don't know what it's really about, but they say something's happened to our school basketball ace captain!"

Saito-senpai? Oh please don't let it be what I think!

After fourth period ended, its practically like the entire class, along with students from other classes, rushed out of their classrooms to go to the gym. I rushed with Kasumi and Rika beside me. Kei was worried to why I looked so worried, so he's catching up behind us.

There were gossips running around the crowd. Some teachers were even yelling at the students not to make such a big fuss or react in a way that would cause a stir. Of course, we had our own freedom to walk around the school at break time, but this seemed so much more than a simple break.

And, as the gym door burst open, and students started to fill the empty space; the little audience, along with the basketball team sitting on the stage, were already inside, looking as lost as ever.

"Where's Shun?!" yelled some guy in front.

"What happened to Saito-senpai?!" demanded some girl in the middle. Then other students started shouting questions regarding Saito-senpai and what's happened to him. The gym soon began to sound like a market. Students were in a riot. It was chaos.

"SHUT YOUR TRAPS!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!" yelled one of the basketball members that we saw yesterday, "WE'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING! SO JUST SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!" He looked like a volcano that was ready to erupt. His entire face was red all the way to his ears, and he looked as if he was ready to cry.

One of the other members behind him stood up and walked towards him to pat his back and whispered some things to him. The senior nodded and sat back down as he furiously wiped his cheek and was comforted by other teammates.

The guy who was now standing in front of us on stage then began to explain everything to us. "We are sorry to inform you that, Saito Shun, the basketball ace captain whom we all loved out of his cheerfulness, kindness, cheekiness, stubbornness, and also truthfulness, is now not with us."

The crowd all gasped in shock. How could this have happened. Why and when did he die?!

"He passed away yesterday evening. One of our teammates, Arata, discovered his body last night when he came to visit him to hand down notes he missed from class and to ask why he missed practice. Turns out, he committed suicide, as he hung himself from his ceiling fan in his room."

What?! But...why?! I mean... I've never met senpai before, but he seems like a person who doesn't want to even think about death. I mean, he asked for my phone number and said he'd text me and greet me anytime he'd see me! Why would he commit suicide --! Unless, he didn't... And was murdered instead?

The crowd soon began to oppose, and some felt in despair. Senpai was really a good person, and he has no idea of all the people he's inspired and all the admirers he's had. Besides, he was about to graduate and was probably scouted by dozens of colleges all over Japan since he's such a great athlete!

"Calm down everyone! I know it's hard to believe and you all don't like this news! But hey, it hurts us more than it hurts you! Cause we've been with him the longest than all of you have ever been!" defended another one of the seniors.

I fixed my eyes over at Kasumi and Rika, who both couldn't believe their ears too. The three of us then slowly faced Kei behind us, who was still as a robot, eyes like a dead fish's, and the creepiest part was that...

He was smiling.

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