Chapter Ten

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Months flew by in an instant with nothing bad happening throughout the first term. We are finally in our last year of high school and will proceed to college after graduating from High School.

Pretty much everyone in class had something they wanted to do in the future, but there was still that 10% of the class who wasn't sure of how to picture out what they would be doing five years from now.

I was also part of that measly 10%. I seriously still have nothing in mind to what I'm supposed to do for the future.

My dad did recommend me to study in business to succeed him in the future. Well, I am his 'heir' and I have to carry out the Hanazawa name throughout the end and make more booming businesses that my dad was famous for.

Dad was a business prodigy. Sure I may not be up to his level, but I will do my best to follow in his footsteps and carry out my name in a good way that won't embarrass me nor my family.

But then again, I am not sure if I really want to carry out what dad wants me to be in the future, because I am not that smart and I'm scared I'll fail so many times that it's not even funny anymore. I want to be able to handle myself and pave a way out for my bright future, but it's hard for me to imagine that right now.

I guess all I can do now is work hard for the last two terms of high school and do my best to pass college entrance exams. If nothing still comes into mind of what I want to be, I guess I'll take business.

While at home, I was just lazing around, reading manga while laying on the cold floor, with the balcony door open and the electric fan pointing to me as it is so hot right now. I don't even want to turn the AC on cause it might just melt from the heat or something. Besides, the feeling of the cold floor is just right to me.

Rika is out of the region with her parents for a summer vacation, Kasumi's helping out with her family store while they're short on people, and Kei's got a summer job right now. So, this alone time feels a little boring, but quite relaxing.

The summer hues blending outside, makes the area a wonderful subject to capture with a camera, but I'm too lazy to walk to my phone charging just a couple of feet away from me.

Moments later, my phone begins to ring. Feeling lazy, I leave it. When the ringing ends, it starts up again a couple of seconds later.

Okay, this MIGHT be important, so I'll see who's calling...

I then lazily roll towards to where my phone was set at and look at the caller I.D..

Awee!!! It's been ages now since I last received a call from you~!

I happily answer the phone, "Yo-ho~!"

"Hello Hanazawa."

"Hey Oshiro-kun! What brings you to calling me?"

"Actually, I am facing a crisis with Hinako."

"Koizumi-senpai? Why? You can't handle being apart from her when she's going to college now?" I teased.

"N-No way!"

"You know what, come over to my place. This is something that should be discussed in person and not through calls!" I tell him in an over-excited tone.

"Can't we just meet up somewhere? I'm kinda embarrassed to go over to your place..." he sounded shy.

"Please! Dad's working now and my place is pretty normal, so everything's just peachy~!"

"As if your place can be considered normal!"

"What makes you say that?" I was confused.

"You live in a freakin' awesome condominium! I feel poor just standing in front of the place!"

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