Chapter Seven

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Months passed by and Kei and I have gotten pretty close as lovers. We visit each other's houses twice or thrice a week and spend most of our time at lunch or in the classroom when the teacher doesn't arrive yet. Rika and Kasumi also know that I'm dating Kei, they said that they'd never thought that I would date the guy cause I always had my mind on Ryota. But well, I eventually moved on from stressing over his love life and me not being chosen by him.

Rika and Kasumi were supportive of my relationship with Kei and cheered me on. It was embarrassing, but I loved the two so much. And besides, they were also a bit close with Kei, and now that he eats lunch with the three of us, he's become closer than ever. But is still quite possessive...

Kei also walks me home, but we don't spend much time together after school, since he says he has a part time job. It's a bit lonely at times, but I can understand. Rather than me living the easy life, Kei's working hard for his own good.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Around lunch one time, Kei was very busy, so I ate with Rika and Kasumi by the rooftop's garden. It became a haven for us to relax in during lunch hours.

We decided to walk back to the classroom after we finished lunch so I could check on how Kei's doing.

Nearing our classroom, Kei walked out the door and waved as he came to approach me, but stopped in his tracks as soon as some random guy walked in front of me.

"S-sorry to startle you..." he began, "Hanazawa Yuiko-san?"

My eyes widened, although, I am not shocked that he knows my name. I am not bluffing when I say that practically everyone in the campus knows me by now.

The guy was tall, good-looking, and looked very familiar. I studied his face well, until I broke the silence, "Ah!" I startled him this time, "Are you probably Saito Shun-senpai? The school's basketball captain?"

"H-How did you know?"

I giggled and shrugged my shoulders, "You are a popular figure! How could I not know you? What do you want?"

"I-I was wondering..." he scratched his head, "Do you have anyone you like right now?"

Oh boy... He was asking if I was single...

"Cause I really admire you and think you're a cute girl inside and out." he was blushing.

I peeked over at Kei far behind him who looked pissed. This was not a good time for him to confess.

"About that Saito-senpai..." I began.

"Y-You don't have to answer right away..." he then held my hands, "Just hear me out..."

Rika and Kasumi gasped behind me. This was not good at all!

"Senpai?" a menacing aura spread as Kei pushed Saito away from me with a frightful smile on his face, "I'm sorry for my rudeness, but Yuiko's already got me. I'm her boyfriend." he declared.

Saito looked like he was in pain, "I-I'm sorry... I didn't know Hanazawa-san already had a boyfriend."

"Now you do."

"Sorry... And can you please let go of my shoulder? Y-You're gonna bruise me."

"That would seem appropriate." Kei said with a plain tone and a scary monochrome look. I had to stop him from doing anymore damage to the situation.

I grabbed Kei's arm to snap him back into reality, "That's enough Kei, Saito-senpai did nothing wrong."

He then faced me and let go of Saito as Saito then placed a hand on the spot where Kei had held. Saito apologized again and went back to the third year building.

"You didn't have to grip him that strongly you know." I scolded Kei.

"Oh, but every guy who hits on you, despite you being in a relationship, needs to be punished in some way to engrave it in their tiny little minds that you're already mine." Kei looked really scary right now. This wasn't the calm, loving Kei that I knew. He seemed like a whole different person.

"Snap out of it Kei!" I yelled at him, making some students look out of their classrooms and whispers travel around to what was happening.

"Huh?" Kei blinked twice, as if snapping out of a trance, "I'm sorry Yuiko, what were we talking about?" He looked like he was his old self again.

I sighed in relief and gave him an awkward smile, "Don't scare me like that again!"

Kei was still confused, but shortly after, like it just arrived, his eyes widened and apologized to me for his sudden change of character. He was really out of it, and it scared me so much. But I'm glad he's back to normal.

"Ahem!" Kasumi cleared her throat loudly.

"Alright busy bodies! Back to your classrooms!" announced Rika to everyone listening in on us.

Everyone else just went back inside as if nothing ever happened, and we just giggled for making a scene. We then walked back to our classroom as well.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

After classes, Kei only walked me up to the school gate, as he said he had to rush over to his part time job. I nodded and he gave me a quick peck on the lips as saying goodbye before running off to work.

As I watched him go his way, someone called out to me from the gate. "What do you want Saito-senpai?" I ask him as I didn't really know why he'd still approach me after all what happened earlier at lunch break today.

"I really am sorry for confessing to you. I really didn't know that you had a boyfriend."

He just came to apologize...

"It's alright. At least you know. But, I'm sorry that Kei hurt you. Did he do much damage?"

Saito then showed me his patched up shoulder, "I didn't know a nerd like him could do this much damage to a sports enthusiast like me."

I giggled, "He may not look like it, but Kei-kun's pretty athletic himself!"

"I see... So, can we just stay friends instead?" he gave out his hand, and I shook it.

"Sure! I'd love to be friends."

"Will we still be seeing each other tomorrow at school?"

"Yeah... And maybe I'll watch some of our school's basketball matches and cheer for you as well."

"Awe... You don't have to!" He blushed and I just giggled at him for it. It's normal that I would act this way towards a friend, but since he loves me, he might take it too much to heart.

Saito-senpai walked me home and we exchanged phone numbers. "See ya tomorrow. I'll send you a text tonight!" he waved.

"I'll be waiting then!" I waved back.

After I finished taking a bath and dressing myself, I heard my phone ring.

I have two text messages. One from Saito-senpai and one from Kei. Kei's was the one that made my phone ring. I was probably taking a bath when Saito texted me? I read Saito's text first.

'Good night Hanazawa-san. Thanks for making me your friend! I'll greet you at school tomorrow whenever I pass by you!'

I just smiled at his text and answered, 'Good night senpai. See you tomorrow!'

I then read Kei's, 'Just got home from work and will soak in the tub. See you tomorrow at school. I love you!'

His texts always make me smile, 'Freshen up before bed and get some good rest! I love you Kei! See you tomorrow!'

I then decided to watch a little TV before hitting the hay.

I hope Kei won't snap at Saito-senpai again...

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