Chapter Five

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Hey everyone! I know I said I would post on Friday's, however I completely forgot and was busy yesterday! So here is Chapter Five! ~Britt

Camila's POV

I couldn't really sleep, so I just stayed awake watching Lauren. I'm scared that if I look away she will disappear again.

Does she hate me? Is she scared of me now? All I know is that she flinched anytime I touched her.

What is going through her mind?

All of these questions were running through my head as I held her in my arms.

I sighed, swallowing thickly. I was so scared. Scared for her. Scared for myself. Scared about life, but I couldn't let her know that. No one could know

Everyone thought I had everything figured out, I mean my dad owned the school and my mother was a rich doctor. My sisters were going to college for law degrees, and I was planning to go to college to become a doctor.

But what nobody knew was how scared I was. I mean everything I did, I did so someone would notice me. After everything that happened three years ago, mother never really wanted anything to do with me unless we were in front of colleagues or other rich people.

"Y-you're t-thinking t-too l-loud." I heard her voice, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I blinked quickly before looking away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I said softly, hoping she didn't notice how tense I had become.

"W-why are y-you so t-tense?" She frowned. She turned to me, lying on her back.

Sighing I turned so I was hovering over her. "It's nothing baby girl, it's just now going on noon, are you sure you're ready to wake up?" I asked, running a hand over her stomach.

To be honest, I wanted her, I always wanted her. But in this moment staring down at her, seeing the tiredness in her eyes and the way she looked after just waking up. I wanted her even more, I couldn't help it as I felt my erection starting to grow.

"I want you." I whispered, leaning down to kiss her.

She seemed shocked and stunned by my actions but eventually kissed back slowly.

I crawled on top of her, sitting on her waist.

She gasped, she must have felt my erection through my sweatpants.

Deepening the kiss, I slip my tongue into her mouth. My hands gripping her's and holding them beside her head.

Moving into a better position, I lay between her legs, that way she can feel my erection fully pressed against her.

A low moan escaping my throat as our bodies connect in a delicious way.

She moaned loudly, which turned me on even more. After a few minutes, she pulled away, looking scared.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, worriedly.

"I-I d-don't w-want to." She whispered, causing me to hold back a groan.

Moving off the bed, I run a hand through my hair. "What happened? You wanted me yesterday and now you don't? Are you scared of me Lauren?" I asked, my chest tightening in pain as I looked at her.

She swallowed, thickly and shook her head. "I- I'm not s-scared of you, I j-just d-don't w-want to." She mumbled, looking down shyly.

Taking a deep breath, I ran my hand through my hair. "Fuck," I groaned out before storming into the bathroom.

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