Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hey guys! Only two more chapters until this book ends. I want to thank everyone who reads, comments, and votes. Thank you for your continued support of this book that Caitlinneil7 and I have been writing. Keep an eye out for the sequel, 'The Art of Loving You'~ Britt

Camila's POV

"Laur, have you seen my jersey?" I asked rushing around her room, I had stayed over with her and made sure to bring my basketball uniform.

Running a hand through my hair, I stopped and stared at myself in the mirror, my hair was to my shoulders now, since Lauren and I got our hair cut two weeks ago.

"It's in your bag." Lauren said, coming into the room with Kinsley on her hip.

She came up behind me and smiled at me in the mirror, her eyes avoiding herself. She was still very uncomfortable with looking at herself in the mirror, but since we had sex in front of the mirror she had grown a little more confident with how she looked.

My eyes darkened as I thought about having sex with her in front of the mirror again. "Laur." I breathed out, my voice raspy and thick.

"What?" She asked innocently, adjusting Kinsley on her hip. She smiled down at our daughter, who giggled and reached up to touch Lauren's nose.

Kinsley grew more and more like Lauren every day. From the way she laughed or smiled to the way she slept. She was Lauren's double.

Lauren had a lot of her hair cut off, it was now just below her shoulders and it looked amazing on her.

Turning to face her, I let my eyes roam her body. "Take Kinsley to see Uncle Zayn." I commanded softly.

"Why?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

Kinsley clapped her hands together upon hearing her uncle's name.

Walking up to her, I grabbed her hand, blocking Kinsley's sight.

"Because, I said." I tell her softly while placing her hand over the growing bulge in my sweatpants.

Lauren gasped. "Camz, no." She said softly, retracting her hand. "You have a game today and you can't be sore, plus we are going to be late for school if we don't get a move on." She said stepping back.

Lauren hated being late, after missing so much when she was pregnant with Kinsley, being late was the last thing she needed on her record.

I groaned and dropped my head onto her shoulder. "What am I going to do about this then?"

"I don't know." Lauren said. She moved over to my bag on the end of the bed and pulled out my jersey, holding Kinsley with one arm. She threw the jersey in my direction. "Now get changed." She said, leaving the room.

I groaned bending down to pick up the jersey. All members of the sports teams and cheerleading teams were required to wear their jerseys all day in school whenever the team had a game.

Stripping down until I'm just in my boxers and bra, I slowly pull on my uniform before putting my hair up.

"Mmm, you're looking very good." I heard from behind me, along with the door shutting and the click of the lock.

Turning around, I came face to face with Lauren and her steel grey eyes.

"Laur?" I asked in confusion.

She smirked at me, a high-pitched giggle leaving her throat. "I'm joking." She laughed. "You have a game remember and we can't be late for school." She said, her laugh subsiding. Her eyes returned to their normal color as she turned and unlocked the door.

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