Letters Back And Forth

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Dear Sean,

It's been a while since we've heard from you. My brain still can't wrap itself around the fact that you are fighting for the country. Man, time flies by. It's been four years!

Dawn looks more like you now, exept those bright blue eyes. She still has my eyes.

I wanted you to know that sadly your Aunt Sandy passed away Tuesday. The service is in a few days, and it's going to be a big one.

Oh, and Mark's coming to visit. He's coming to our house then going to go see Felix on the other side of town. It just won't be the same without you.

Well.. I guess this is goodbye for now, just know that Dawn and I miss you so, so much and can't wait for you to come home!


Y/N and Dawn.

Dear My Girls,

We have been working with some other countries.. Maybe the bombing won't happen after all! And maybe I can come home and start pumping out videos again.

I know everybody misses me, don't think I don't feel the same way. I'm still the small, sensitive scrawny little boy you met at the shop 10 years ago.

And send my love to my uncle and cousins. Aunt Sandra was a wonderful human being. I wish everybody all the best.

Goodbye, my beauty! I love you!


Dear My Girls,

I still don't know how to write this.. I feel so.. dull. Why you? Why did you guys die and now I'm here? I should've been the one dead! You and Dawn still had a life to live, and now I can't bare thinking about life. All I want to see is death.

I get to come home, but to an empty house with ashes of my bestest friends. My wife and my daughter, now dead.

Now I'm 27 and a widow. I hate the sound of that. Widow. It sounds like I'm a spider. I don't want to be a spider, I want to be me. Me and you. Sean and Y/N, with their adorable sidekick Dawn. 2 gals and the odd guy. I just want it to be normal.

I don't see myself loving somebody else. I just.. can't. But I'll try, I know you two would want me happy.


Dear my girls,

I'm done. I can't take it anymore! The loneliness, the huge gaping hole in my life. It's too much.

I'm saying my goodbyes to my family and friends. I don't know if I'll make it the week.

But soon, we'll meet again.

Is there sex in heaven?


Dear my girls,

Goodbye.. and hello

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