Meeting Your Daughter

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You were in the car with Jack. Today is the day. Today you get to have your baby!

Your due date was three weeks ago, so doctors need to induce labor, which you were definitely okay with.

Jack has been wanting a girl for the past few weeks. The whole pregnancy he said he wants a boy, so you have no idea why his mindset changed. Maybe he just has a feeling that it's going to be a girl, yet you have no idea what sex it is.

And Jack has been so excited! He has been very jumpy, and singing a lot. Not to unusual for him, but it's extra right now.

Getting to the hospital, you felt butterflies in your stomach, yet a huge smile was on your face.

Jack parked then looked at you. "Are you ready?" He asked grabbing your hand.

"Yeah, yeah I think so. Well, not for the pain.. But I'm so excited to meet out little bundle of joy!"

"He or she will be beautiful!" You both got out of the car, and walked into the hospital.

Seven hours later..

"Aah, Jesus Christ that hurts!" You were getting your epidural. Considering it's a needle going into your spine, it hurt more then your contractions.

When you layed back down, you already felt relief. Jack sat beside you in a chair, playing with your hair.

"Who do you think the baby will look like, me or you?" Jack asked, putting one hand on your stomach.

"If it's a mix of us it going to be amazing." Jack kissed your head, making you smile.

Every time you have a contraction, Jack knows and squeezes your hand. You love how caring he is right now, yet so excited!

"Okay.. I'm starting to feel pressure.." Jack's eye went to happiness but horror.

"Do you want me to go find a nurse?"

"Please.." Jack got up and jogged out of the room. Now you're all alone, trying so hand to fight the erge to push.

Jack came back a few minutes later with a nurse.

Ten minutes later

"Okay Y/N, I'm going to need you to push.." With a count of three, you pushed as hard as you could. Jack's hand was turning red, but the smile still was on his face.

He kissed your forehead, and told you to relax.

"You're doing amazing, baby!" You gave him a weak smile, but you wanted to give a huge grin.

"Sean? Can you pull Y/N's leg closer to you?" The feeling of his hand on your inner thigh made you feel more comfortable. He held a firm grip on your thigh, just like when you two are.. ahem.. Yeah.

Pain grew more intense, and you wanted to give up. He knew, but encouraged you to keep on going. The love that beamed off his body was no less then the day you two met, the day you two shared the first kiss, making love in the back of your car, him proposing, and him saying 'I do'.

Suddenly, a wave of relief hit you with a brick. You looked up at Sean, who has a tear falling from his cheek.

"It's a girl!" A nurse said, making Jack cry more then he already was. His smile lit the room. Heck, it lit the world!

She was passed to you, and now you were sobbing just like Jack.

Her sobbing quickly stopped when she looked at her new father. Jack looked at you and you looked at him.

"What the.."  He kelt down so he could look at the baby's face.

"Hi baby! I hope you have a name soon!" He said, choking back his tears.  "Anyways, I'm your daddy! I'm the one to come to if mommy says no!"

"Hey hey now, don't spoil her!"

"Why not? I mean, she's my baby girl!" Sean lent up and kissed you. "What should we name her?"

"What about.. something like Jacklynn?" You say.

"Eew no! It sounds bitchy!" He jokes.

"Would you rather her name be Seanette?" A evil grin appeared on his face.

"I love it!"

"You gotta be fuckin joking.."

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