Diary 12

212 13 1

Dear diary,

This is Day 2 of camping. Sigh* it wasn't fun. I shouldn't have signed up for this camp.

"Naeun-ah, ppali!" She heard Krystal shouted.


Anyway, I'll say no more for today. Besides, we're going horse back riding!

Naeun put her diary away and fixed her hair quickly and put it into a cute bun.

As soon as she walked out of her tent, she met her friends

"About time." Krystal said.

Naeun giggled. "Minhae."

"Let's go then. I'm excited for this horse back riding." Bomi said

They went to barn and found their professor.

"Hey ladies."

"Morning Professor Lee."

"I'm glad you're here. The boys already went to get your horses. And I see you're already in your gear."

Suddenly they heard some horses coming their way.

It was DO, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

The girls giggled.

"Hello Ladies. Pick up your horses but be gentle." DO said.

The girls had picked their horses and Naeun picked the beautiful white horse. She gently pet the horse's nose and smiled

"You're a beauty aren't you?" She said. The horse snorted as in a thank you.

Every girl got everything set up until they saw....

"Omo! That's Kai!"

He rode his horse gracefully, like a real Prince Charming.

Naeun stared at him for a bit but then she shook her head, and continued prepping her horse
"Alright, students! Stick along with your partners and let's meet at the stable!"

"Ne, sunbae-nim!"

"Arasso! Let's go!"

Krystal and Myungsoo were together and they were having fun.

"Ooh, Oppa look! That's a humming bird." She said.

"Huh, that's rare. I haven't seen a humming bird before." He said.

"It's cute."
"Yeah, like you."

Krystal smiled and blushed.

Chanyeol and Bomi are doing fine, simply quiet. DO, Baekhyun and Sehun are together, enjoying the beautiful view.

"Where's Naeun?" Kai suddenly asked.

"Isn't she with you? You're her partner." Sehun said.

Kai became worried.

"I'm going ahead. She might have gone to the wrong path."

"Arasso, I'll keep the group going." Sebum said.

Kai nodded and rode ahead to find Naeun.

As for Naeun, where is she?

Dear Diary (EXO KAI LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now