part one

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My name is Naygene. My surname is Steunkamp and I live in South Africa with my father, Ty Steunkamp. I'm his one and only daughter and I have no mother. I never bothered asking dad because I knew exactly why she's not with us. I walk early the morning into kitchen up to my dad and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye papa. Lekker werk. Lief jou." I greeted him.

Meaning: goodbye daddy. Enjoy work. Love you.

"Bye pikkewyn!" He greeted back. Pikkewyn means penguin. It's just something he likes to call me. In Afrikaans it's actually the most adorable name you can call someone.

Doing the regular, I skated around in town on my skateboard with some other friends racing them to the chinese graveyard. I came third which was kind of cool because I'm always the last or the second last one in a group of eight.

"Waar is die ander?" My friend, Sannie asked.

Meaning: where is the others?

"Hulle is oppad." I replied.

Meaning: they're on their way.

"Hey, how about we check out this place and scare them?" My other friend, Jack asked. He grew up in a english house. He understands our language but never bothered trying it out.

"Okay." We walked in and close the gates behind us. I look around as Sannie shows me a open grave.

"Hulle sê dat daar elke halloween aand iemand in gaan om n dooie liggaam te probeer waker maak soos Frankenstein." I heard her voice.

Meaning : they say that someone goes in every Halloween night to try wake up a dead body like Frankenstein.

I laugh and role my eyes ignoring her stupid sayings.

"Sannie, ons is is nie meer laerskool nie. Word groot." I laughed.

Meaning : Sannie, we're not in primary school anymore. Grow up.

But I meant it as a joke which made Jack laugh.

Coming home kind of late I heard nothing but silence when I'm suppose to hear dad arguing on the phone with one of his clients. I walk into dad's office which I was never allowed to go and there he layed. On the floor with blood all over him.

"Papa!" I run up to him and search for his polls but there was nothing.

"Papa word waker aseblief." I cried.

Meaning : daddy wake up please.

I grab the phone and dialled 911. (S.A emergency number.)

"911 what's your emergency?" I heard the voice.

"My dad is laying in a pile of blood. I need an ambulance please. Make it fast!" I replied in a shout standing away from the body.

"Mam, may I have an adress please?" I heard.

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