Part twelve

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I look at the mirror fixing my cowboy hat looking at the clothes I brought with me.

I belong with her.

That's where I'll be going.

I nervously grabbed my bags and walk out being stopped by Tanya.

"Jy gaan wragtig!" She confronted me.

Meaning: you're really going

I decide to keep my mouth shut walking out of the front door leaving her behind that also gave my clothing a strange look.

I stop infront of Sannie and Jack that send me little smiles before giving a heavy sighed pulling me into their embrace.

I'm gonna miss them.

But I won't be missing my mother soon.

The trip back to America was nothing like the first time I went to America.

The first time I didn't want to go.

This time, I can't wait to get there.

"Is she expecting me?" I asked Luke that transported me to her in his bakkie.

"No. You asked me to keep it a surprise." He replied keeping his eyes on the road ahead. "She really missed you Naygene."

"I know." I replied admiring his beard. "I missed he too. Also, when did you decide on growing a beard?"

"Your mother likes it." He replied with a smile.

I gave a giggle and look infront of me seeing how the long road ahead of us stretches out.

"Are you two together?" I asked again.

"Yes." He replied with a big smile. "And madly in love."

"I'm also inlove with my mother." I told him that gave me a chuckle. "Who wouldn't be?"

"Are you ready for this?" Luke asked me when we stopped infront of the house that haven't changed a thing.

"I'm ready." I replied with a smile climbing out of the vehicle.

I run into the house bursting in like a bomb. I look around expecting to see her any time soon.

But she's nowhere.

She's not in the house.

In the bedroom?

Mom, where are you?

I came out of the house with a disappointment playing off inside of me.

"Found her?" Luke asked me.

"No." I replied sadly. "Is her grave Luke? Is my mother dead?"

I had to ask.

He couldn't answer that. He looked so... He gave a smile and shook his head.

"I know where fo find her." I smiled and ran to the stables. She's not there. All the horses is there and...all the saddles is still there.

I walk out and futher ahead saw her standing at the gates way other side of the house watching the wild mustangs. Both her kegs is on the work. She can walk and dance again.

I walk up to her slowly reaching her in no time. She has no idea it's me. I want to surprise her.

It's been three years though.

Yes, I had to work another year to get money for a flight.

Just when I was about to step forward to touch her shoulder, she turned around eyes to the ground.

She stopped and look at me in horror. I gave her a little smile. Does she remember me? Can she remember me?


"Hey mother." I manage to say.

She gave a sighed in relieve and pull me into her arms holding me tight crying in my shoulder. I couldn't stop myself from crying either.

She look at me and kissed me dozens of times all over my face. I gave a giggle finally looking at her.

"You've gotten so big." She said scanning me from head to toe.

"And you didn't change a thing." I smiled feeling her hands in mine.

"I can't wait for Lucas to see you." She flashed one of her most beautiful smiles looking deep at the soul behind the windows of my eyes.

"I've missed you so much mama." I cried. Tears and lump in my throat. "I couldn't really sleep. Everyone there was strangers to me. I didn't ride bicycles because I hate it. I hate it. I hate being away from you. I hate being away from here. I hate for not being allowed to be in contact with you. I hate them all!"

"Hey, you're home now." She said softly touching my cheek. "You're with me now."

She run her hands over my hair before planting a kiss on my lips and pulling me into her embrace.

Ending song: hammock I can almost see you

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