part five

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The next morning I wondered off again. Just walking through the trees. I know about the wolves but I couldn't help wondering if maybe...Lucas would want to see me again as much as I wanna see him.

I walk up to the open seeing a white horse standing. It's a mustang. I walk slowly up to her quickly noticing it's a girl. She's such a beauty. She shook her head when I reached her and tried to touch her.

"No, shhht. It's okay." I whispered and finally touched her nose. That's when I realised that I'm made for this. This horse is wild and I know it. I gave a smile and place both my hands on her face rubbing it gently. "Wow, jys so mooi."

Meaning: wow, you're so beautiful.

"Naygene what are you doing?" I heard Lucas asked behind me. I look at him and smile.

"She's lovely." I replied. He walk to me slowly till he was infront of her. She shook her head away when he wanted to touch her.

"Looks like she's yours now." He replied. I give him a smile. "What do you want to call her?"

"I think I'm gonna call her Beauty." I replied and look back at the angel.

"Well then, let's get Beauty home." He smiled at me. I smile and nod my head as he gave me the rope to put carefully over her head.

"Just don't hurt her okay." I whispered. He nod and walk in the front as I walk on trying to let her come to me. Managing to get her home Roselee looked surprised and walk up to us. I took the rope from Lucas and rub Beauty's head.

"What's going on?" She asked a little caught of gaurd.

"She's beautiful right? She allowed me to touch her. So I want her." I replied wrapping my arms around Beauty's neck looking at Roselee that looked at Lucas and me.

"Where did you get her?" Roselee asked a little frustrated. I look at Beauty's neck to escape the irritation she's bringing in my world.

"It's a wild mustang mam. It stood alone in the middle of no where. Naygene has a very special gift." Lucas stood up for me.

"Okay. But lets get it washed first." Roselee said touching my back. I smile at her as we lead Beauty to the rest to get washed.

After a while the three of us laughed as I washed Beauty's back and Roselee sat stood at the other side also washing while Lucas dry up the parts that was already washed. Roselee's smile run away the moment her eye caught Lucas' father coming up to them.

"Hey Roselee." He greeted then nod at me to greet me.

"Hey. This is my...uhmmm. this is Naygene. Naygene this is Luke." Roselee said a little awkward. Luke gave me an add look then looked back at Roselee.

"Is this who I think it is?" He asked her. She gave a little smile and nod her head. "Oh my. You look so much like your mother."

I laugh and nod my head.

"I sure do." I replied. He smile and look at Lucas that gave us an add look.

"Are you gonna take long?" He asked Lucas.

"You can go. We'll take it from here." Roselee smiled at Lucas.

"Thank you so much." He thanked and walk off with Luke. I look at Roselee that just stared a them. She pull in her lips and place her hand on mine.

"Don't hate me okay. No matter what, don't hate me." She said and continue doing what she does. I gave her an add look simply contuing.

"Eks lief vir jou en ek sal nooit kwaad wees nie moeder. Ek belowe." I spoke out of the blue. I let my language and mouth take over.

Meaning: I love you and I will never be mad at you mother. I promise.

I don't know why I said that but somehow...It's sort of starting to feel like she deserves my respect and a second chance.

"What did you say dear?" She asked looking at me. I look down then back up at her.

"Nothing much. Just something that popped up in my head." I lied. She nod and went back to washing.

She makes me so soft and I can't help but to start loving her. I never wanted a mother because I never had one and now...she's all I ever want, I found a mother in her.

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