part nine

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Later on I had finally managed to help mom on her horse and we left to go meet the two men. We were both kind of surprised when we saw them already there ready to start the event and everything ready for us. In South Africa these types of men is hard to find but barely start living in the western and someone already makes his first move. Maybe it was all Luke's idea to steal mom's heart.

We stopped as Luke walked up to mom and helped her get off the horse. I was already off and for me it kind of looked very cute the way he helped her off and the way she held him. In each other's arms, that's where they belong.

I gave Lucas a smile same as he gave me and we both looked at our parents.

The flames dance upon the wood as I place the burned marshmallow in my mouth looking at Luke and mom that gave each other a smile.

"We'll be right back." I said and stood up showing Lucas to come. He stood up and follow me as I walk away, not too far but away from mom and Luke. I stop and look at him as my eyes adress him in the dark. "Thanks for everything."

"I should thank you." He whispered placing his hand on my shoulder.

"What for?" I gave a little blush.

"Everything." He replied. I gave a smile and look at mom that seemed like she was trying to explain something to Luke talking with her mouth and hands with her eyes planted on him.

"They're inlove." I whispered as Lucas also looked at them folding his arms.

"Well they both deserve to be happy." He agreed. I see Luke explaining something back to her as he went on both his knees infront of her that sat on the ground with her injured leg stretched out infront of her.

"Oh my gosh. They're going for it." I gasped grabbing Lucas' arm when Luke opened his arms for mom giving her a hug. She threw her arms around his neck hugging him back.

Watching his face travel kissing her from the neck unto the mouth made me feel like I wanna scream of happiness.

Being home again and after putting the horses back in their stables I froze outside as my eye capture something very beautiful. I walk to the kitchen window looking in seeing mom sitting there busy touring into her dream world.

I allow a smile to get to my lips. Now I understand what everybody sees in her. She's one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I guess that's why dad had been so hard on her. He wanted to show me that roses can loose it's colours...or atleast that's what he told me.

Gosh, I feel like I hate him now more than ever. Her hair is hunging roughy loose over her shoulders. Her black pyjama strap is hanging down her shoulder. She escape her dream and put her foot on the table to clean the wound.

I decide to walk into the front door taking a seat at the table looking at her beautiful face.

"Is everything alright." She asked when she must've notice me staring at her.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I replied placing my elbow on the table with my hand under my chin to keep my head up. "I'm just wondering."

"Wondering about what if I may ask?" She asked me as I'm sort of speechless but got up on something immediately.

"About what's going on between you and Luke." I replied sitting back with my arms fold waiting for an explanation.

"About that." She giggled ready to speak. "When you and Lucas walked away I was about to tell Luke how I feel about him but he stopped me and said that he's head over heels inlove with me again. And then we kissed."

"That's so adorable." I said and bite my bottom lip. "I'm sorry mom, about judging you the first time I saw you. I'm sorry about what dad did..."

"Don't worry, we all do those things honey." She stopped me. I look down then back up at her.

"I wanna take this to a new beginning. I want nothing to do with my life back in South Africa. I'm a new person and that's all thanks to you." I said proudly speaking my heart out.

"Well, maybe I can take you into town tomorrow so that you can call your friends..." she started. I gave a surprised facial expression.

"That would be great." I smiled. She laugh and look proudly at me again.

I just want to close this chapter on a good way. I want to let my friends know that my mother isn't a witch and that I'm really very happy here. I want my phone call to them tomorrow to be the last. It's for the best.

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