part seven

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The next day I decided to get two horses ready for me and mom. I decided to secretly start calling her mom and when I'm ready to let her hear it I'm gonna make sure she hears it.

Mom rode her horse, Precious and I rode Beauty. It wasn't weird it was just a mother and daughter day for me and it was kind of special. I didn't know a special place to take mom but she knew a place to take me to.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we rode on the open letting the horses walked with us on their backs.

"It's a surprise." She replied with a smile.

"You're so full of surprises." I smiled at her.

"I know right." She giggled. I look back infront of me.

"I took karate classes for three years." I giggled.

"You did? What happened?" She asked surprised looking at me.

"I sort of...broke this kid's leg and got...disqualified." I replied with a proud smile.

"Wow, that's" she laughed. And stopped same time I did. "We're close. Now hold your breath."

I gave her a smile and walk on with her till we came to a point. It's a big world out there almost like a colourful vision of the grand canyon.

"Wow it's so beautiful." I gasped and look at her as she took my hand.

"I know right. This is where I usually came to escape the pain." She said with a smile. I look at her with a proud smile.

"I love you mom." I finally said. She gave a smile with tears in her eyes.

"I love you too sweetie." She said. I gave a blush and gaze into the wind.

"How about we go say hello to Luke and Lucas?" I smiled at her. She gave me an add look and nod her head.

"Would love to." She replied.

Walking through the woods we finally came to the open where I found Beauty and met Lucas.

"Stop." I stopped hed as she stopped Precious after I stopped Beauty.

"Everything alright?" She asked a little worried. I climb off Beauty as she also climbed off her black horse. I turn around and see my enemy.

"Naygene. Get on the horse and run while I distract him okay." Mom adviced. I shook my head as she look at me.

"No mom. I'm not gonna do that." I assured and look at the aggressive thing about to attack us. I quickly go on my haunches to pick up a stick. Wrong move but okay.

That moment it runs up to me. It bite the stick and ldt go like it was challenging me.

"Naygene." Mom cried and run up to me making the creature turn around and grabbing her leg.

"Mom!" I screamed in horror and kick the wolf trying to get it of her leg as she laid in the grass screaming. I use the stick to slap the wolf. He didn't let go at all. I jump kn it's back like one of those dangerous bull riders and use my hands to open his mouth. When I felt like I wanna break it open I managed to get it of her legs making some karate move tightening my grib around him rolling over closing his mouth keeping it that way.

"Naygene!" I heard a man voice. I held the animal tight till Lucas came. He shot a gun fire in the air as I let go of the creature that ran away with the second shot.

"Mom." I crawled up to her as she was moaning in pain. He leg looked horrible amd it was blood everywhere.

"Come on. My dad's farm isn't far from here." Lucas said and picked her up. I jump up and took the horses that Lucas managed to calm down after the gun shots.

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