part two

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I sat in the living room as a police officer came up to me and sat infront of me on the furniture pleading his fingers.

"Naygene, I know this is a shock to you but the best advice is that you go live with your mother in America." I heard him. I look at him and shook my head.

"I can look after myself. I'm old enough to..." I started not daring to think about leaving my land.

"Naygene. Dis vir die beste. Jy het geen ander familie lid hier in Suid Afrika. Net n ma in Amerika." He disagreed.

Meaning: Naygene, it's for the best. You have no other family member in South Africa. Only a mother in America.

I shook my head with tears in my eyes.

"Sys nie n ma se dinges werd nie." I replied.

Meaning: she's not worth being a mother.

"En jyt gin ander keuse." I look at him shock. He just said I have no other choice. In this life I never have a choice. Everybody always disagree with me. Daddy too but when no one was there for me, he was.

So I had no other choice. I had to go live with my mother in America. I'm not gonna call her mother. I'm gonna call her on her name like she needs to be called. She wasn't the person I needed so I won't give her the respect she needs.

I was finally in America and I walk up on a group of people waiting when I saw some women dressed western with a board with my name on. I walk up to her and she knew me immediately.

"Hey Naygene." She greeted me and hold out her hand. "I'm your mother."

"What's your name?" I asked holding on to the witch I am.

"Roselee." She replied.

"Okay. Roselee it is." I said. She look down and take her empty hand back giving a laugh noticing me being disrespectful.

"I know you lost your dad. And I wasn't really something like a mother..." she started.

"Then good we understand each other." I interrupted rolling my eyes. "Now can we go?"

Taking the road to my so called 'new home' it was quiet and I soon notice where it's gonna be and I was totally pissed off. We stopped on a farm and as we climb out my nose caught this horrible smell.

"You're not serious?" I asked closing my nose looking over the vehicle's roof at her.

"Dead serious. Now get back to ground and get use to this other wise you'll fall very hard." She said assured and look at me.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"You'll hate this place now but once you'll get to know it, you'll fall deeply inlove with it." She said giving a smile.

"As jy so sê." I mumbled.

Meaning: if you say so.

"And what's that suppose to mean?" She asked with a run away smile. I gave her a sarcastic smile.

"If you have to know... I said if that's what you're saying." I rolled my eyes and look away at the dirty cows.

"Okay well lets just keep things positive around here okay." She said raising her eyebrows. I look at her and walk to the back with her taking my luggage.

We walk into my room as I notice that she's got a little taste or two.

The blanket and pillows on the bed was black which was my taste. The curtains was white and the floor was wooden. It had a big brown cabinet which might probably be for my clothes. There's a desk which would probably be a studie corner that had books on and pens etc.

Little impressing but I don't dare showing it.

"Okay so get settled. You can put your clothes in the wardrobe. It's empty and there is hangers in..." she started as I rudely took my phone out of my pocket and press the main botton to check for any internet service.

"Why is here no service?" I asked frustrated moving my phone around trying to pick up atleast a bar.

"Because it's a farm." She replied and open the curtains.

"How on earth am I gonna be able to talk to my friends?" I asked looking at her.

"Well you can't. Maybe when we go in town again but not here." She replied looking at me.

"Well it sure is useless to have a phone then." I said throwing it on the bed. I look at it then back at her that stared at me a little confused. She looks so beautiful. Her brown hair that looks just like mine and her face showing the fact that there can be a very gorgeous smile.

"I don't know what your father told you Naygene but just know that I also have a story okay." She said putting her hands on her hips.

I role my eyes and drop myself on the bed laying back. It's so soft.

"Well I sure don't care." I said looking at the sealing.

"You hate me, don't you?" She asked a little off. I felt sorry for her but I'm not gonna show it!

"You have no idea." I replied pulling of a sarcastic smile.

"Well...finish up okay. Dinner will be ready at eight. I'll show you around tomorrow first thing in the morning and introduce you to a few faces." She said and walk to the door as I just looked at her. She turn around and look at me. "I'm sorry you didn't actually see the true story behind the face of your father."

I sit up straight pulling my legs closer to me wrapping my arms around it.

"He was a good man and you didn't see that Roselee." I said pulling in my lips. I knew she wanted to say something but infact she just folded her arms.

"Yeah. I guess there's some things you didn't see on him either." She muttered and walk out.

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