part six

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The next morning I ran out to Roselee that stood there looking at Beauty that was running in circles with a robe being tought by one of the workers.

"Morning." I greeted with a smile.

"Morning." She greeted back. That moment Lucas came up on us riding his horse. "Hey. What's this?" I asked looking surprised at Roselee.

"Well I was wondering if maybe he could teach you riding Beauty. I can bet she'd love to let you ride her." Roselee replied keep looking infront of her.

"Really?" I asked happily. She look at me and nod.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be inside the house getting a few things done. If you're ready to take her for a walk into the wild go with Lucas. You don't have to come in tell me." She said and walk away. She looks so unhappy. It's like she's holding something back.

"Hey." I heard Lucas. I look at him and smile.

"Hey." I greeted back.

Lucas climbed on Beauty first to make sure she won't jump in the air but she was all calmed down. It was kind of hard for me to stay on her back but I made a progress.

Lucas tought me how to turn her and go all directions. It was totally cool and all worth it. It did took us the whole day but when we were ready we had head off on to our special ways.

I was the first one who ride Beauty and Beauty was the first horse I ever rode. We have so much in common. Both still a little strange and wild to this place but we're starting to get along somehow.

Me and Lucas both on separate horses riding them along the windy road is kind of cool.

"So what is Roselee of you?" Lucas asked and look at me.

"She's my mother." I replied.

"Wow, I didn't know she had a daughter." Lucas laughed. "I thought you were a causen or so."

"Yeah well I'm pretty lucky to be her daughter." I giggled. "So do you think your dad and my mom can friends again?"

"I don't know. You want them to be friends?" He asked with a smile. I look at him and nod also with my lips expressing happiness. "Don't worry. Me too."

"You're so different Naygene, there's just something about you." He said looking at me in wonder. I gave a blush and stop the horse same time her stopped.

"I know Lucas. I'm not like other normal girls." I replied as he gave me an add look waiting for me to explain. "My dad weren' any other's. He was...different and it made me different but when I came here...I changed. I always felt like I wanna go back to South Africa but now...I just wanna stay. I'm tyred of calling my own mother by her name. I'm tyred of hating her. She has a story which I don't know about and I really wanna know. I just don't know what really happened between her and dad because she's such a loving person and she keeps trying to tell me something that happened between her and dad that involves your dad. I just wish I knew what it was."

"Ask her." He adviced.

"I did but...she still wouldn't tell me." I replied noticing the sun is almost about to go down and I really wanna see the mustangs again.

"Maybe she will someday." He said. I nod and turn Beauty around as he also turned around.

I came home and walk into the house hearing someone in the bathroom. It must've been Roselee. I open it without any possession to knock. I look into Roselee's back that was turned to the door side as she was already in her pyjama pants about to put on her shirt. Something I saw on her back scared me alot. It was terrifying and very scary. She turn around putting her shirt infront of her looking shocked.

"Please go out." She begged in a whisper about to cry. I shockingly turn around and close the door behind me walking out. I felt full of regression and I felt like a I wanna scream. There was a big old mark on her back but it looked terrible. It looked like deep recovered scratches.

I walked out and stared at the running mustangs in the afternoon sunset. I dry up my tears and look at Roselee that walked up to me. She also lean against the fence looking at what I saw.

"I love drawing." I said trying to start a conversation.

"I also loved drawing but your father hated it so I stopped." She replied. I look at her taking a deep breath.

"It's okay to pretend that everything is fine. But it will get too much to handle." I adviced her. She look down then turn to me.

"Your father was such a gentleman and I loved him more than anything in this world. Things changed the moment we started living together. I thought that if we have a baby together things will go better but..." she took a deep breath and starts crying. "It got worste. Luke told me to do what's best for me and the baby but I didn't want to listen because I loved this monster till I had enough. I told him it's over. He got so mad that he literally dragged me by hair and slammed with weapons across my back. He tide me to the tractor and dragged my around as I wished to die and when it was over he was gone with you."

Tears was rolling down my eyes and I couldn't stop them.

"I wanted you back but I couldn't reached you. I never had enough money to go and get you. Lucas was just a little boy. He was sort of your best friend. Always said how the two of you will ride with your horses down the sunset. His mother died in a car accident a week later so I was like a mother to him. Business started running and when my back had fully recover I stopped letting Luke and Lucas see me. I was so afraid that they'll keep me reminded of what I lost." She cried and put my hands in hers. "I was literally inlove with Luke and I knew it was wrong because I had more important things to worry about then trying to be Romeo and Juliet. So we...never got along again."

I shook my head and gave her a tight hug. The hug she needed.

"Did he ever know?" I asked still in her embrace. "That you loved him?"

"No. I didn't had the guts to tell him." She replied in a whisper beside my ear.

"Dad was a jerk. He couldn't even handle me beig around him." I said.

"I'm sorry hun." She apologised and kiss my head. I look at her as he dry up my tears.

"Atleast it's us now. Dad's not here to distroy us again." I said with a little smile.

"I'm proud of you sweetie." She said and throw her arm around my shoulder as we walk back with my arm around her waist while she was in her rope.

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