part eight

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The next morning I walked up to mom's room and knocked.

"Come in!" She called. I turn the knock and walk in as she sat there in her bed wearing glasses as she was looking at papers.

"Morning." I greeted her.

"Morning. Come climb in" she said giving me a smile. I do as she said and climb in next to her. "You're up early."

I gave a little blush looking down then back at her burning to tell her about my plan.

"What's up?" She asked putting the papers down and taking of her glasses.

"Well, I was wondering if maybe you would love to join a camp fire. I talked to Lucas last night when Luke tucked you in bed and I was wondering that...maybe the four of us could just do a little camp fire thing." I replied hoping that's a yes.

"Well that would be very nice. I'd love to go." She replied laying back.

"Awww thank you so much. Lucas said he'll talk to his dad so we will hear from them today." I smiled looking down then back up at her. "Did you tell him yet?"

"Tell what?" She asked as I also lay back.

"How you felt about him and...still might feel about him?" I replied a little shy but over my comfort zone.

"No." She replied with a beautiful smile.

"Think you should tell him tonight. I'll talk to Lucas and leave you two for a while. Plus we're gonna go to where you took me yesterday at that mountain top." I said as she put the blanket over my bare shoulders. It can get really cold here in the morning and that's a true fact.

"Well that would be nice. Thank you sweetness." She thanked touching my cheek.

I give a little smile and just stare into her dreamy eyes.

We stood outside watching the little pigs playing in the mud. I sort of did something special today. This is the western so I kind of...burst into mom's closet. It's kind of cool to wear her clothes and some extra boots. I also high jacked a hat that matched my outfit.

"Morning." I look next to me and saw Lucas.

"How'dy partner." I greeted back with my strange pull off accent.

"You look good today." He laughed.

"Thanks." I smiled and turn around sitting on the fence.

"So I talked to my dad and...he's in." He smiled placing his arms next to me on the fence.

"That's amazing. Mom also agreed. And I have just the perfect spot." I bragged and jump off the fence.

"That's cool. So I'll see you at four?" He asked.

"At four it is." I smiled as he just stared at me. "Meet us on that mountain top..."

"I know. Dad knows where it is because he met your mother there." Lucas interrupted. I nod with a smile and jump off the fence.

"So long partner." I smiled and walked off to the horse stables.

I walk to Beauty and rub her head as my eye caught sighed of a big thing covered with a white sheet. Walking slowly up to it I must've thought I saw a wheel under it. I let my shaking hands travel to the material pulling it off as dust travel the whole room and a few birds flying away.

I look at the piece of scrap realising it's a rusted old tractor. What pulled my attention was a hand being placed on my shoulder. I jump around and see Luke.

"Hey." He greeted me.

"How'dy." I smiled at him and look at the tractor.

"How's your mother?" He asked also looking at the old tractor. He walk to it and touch the chains closig his eyes.

"She's doing good." I replied noticing his expression running on his face like a memory that played in his head. I walk to him and place my hand on the dirty last part of the chains seeing it being tied like someone was tied to this piece of crap.

"She's a good women Naygene. You are really lucky to have her as your mother." I heard his voice as I look back up at him. "You look just like her."

"All difference is that she's beautiful." I giggled.

"So are you." He told and gave me an add look as I began to think about what horrible life she must've lived with dad. "I've loved her from the day we met."

"Really?" I smiled and looked at him.

"Yeah I remember taking a walk around on a horse and I got to the open deciding to explore further. After a while I saw someone from a distance and I didn't remember knowing a women living around here. I walked up to her as she quickly dried up her tears. From that day we kept accidentally bumping into each other like at bond fires and along the road till we decided to become close friends. She told me something very deep secretive and I was the only one to have treated her like a real lady. Years passed and your father took you away from her. I remember sitting in the living room after putting Lucas in bed and one of the men on the farm came running in saying there's something mysteriously wrong on the farm. I tried to hurry but when I came you were gone. I found her laying on the ground like the dead out of her clothes under a a flower bag horribly injured. By that time Lucas' mother died in a car accident and Roselee was already like a mother to Lucas." Luke told as he scanned the chains and looked back at me that just stared at him.

"Did I hear right?" I asked a little concerned with a small smile running from mynone cheek to my other. "Did you love mom?"

"Yeah. But she was with your father so I didn't want to ruin it for them." He replied picking up the material I took off a few minutes ago.

"Do you still love her?" I asked about to explode full of happiness. I just want her to be happy. That she can somehow not feel alone.

Luke gave a silly laugh and trow the material back over the tractor as I just helped him.

"Is that a yes?" I asked when he didn't reply. He kept laughing then walked to the door way.

"See you later kid." He greeted as I just called after him and he stopped and looked at me.

"You should tell her how you feel though. She needs to hear it, she deserves the truth." He gave me a smile and nod his head.

"Have a great day." And he walked out.

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