Pool (x_oh_my_deyes)

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(C~ Cat, J~ Jack)

C~ hello?

J~ hey, you wanna go swimming?

C~ sure, where?

J~ beach, we can go to the park later if you'd like

C~ yea, that's fine. I have nothing to do today anyway.

J~ do mind if the boys come? Conor over heard me talking to you and told the boys were going to the beach.

C~ no, I don't mind at all

J~ well I'll pick you up in about 20 minutes

C~ alright babe, I'll see ya later


I turned off the TV as I got up to go put my swimsuit on. I quickly jumped in the shower, I got out put my hair in a high bun.


"Ready to go, love?" Jack asked as stuck my phone in my pocket. I had put a pair of clothes over my swimsuit until we arrived at the pool.

"The boys are meeting us at the pool" I nodded as we got in his car. We talked all the way to the pool and sung to the radio.

We had arrived at the pool, we seen that Conor was sitting in a tree which caused us to laugh. "He's gonna break something!" He laughed. "No, he's always climbing something. It doesn't matter where you take him" I laughed as we pulled in a park.

Conor jumped out if the tree and ran to my door. "Hey I said as I unbuckled. "Shalom! I thought y'all would never arrive" he opened the door for me. "Well thank you, Con. I was waiting on your brother, hes so slow" we both laughed as Jack came around the front of the car.

"I'm not slow..." Jack said as he pouted. I smiled "I'm playing baby, I love you!" He finally let a smile appear across his face. "I love you too, Cat" he kissed my forehead as we walked in and the boys followed.


Mikey splashed me in the face "oh it's on!" I screamed as I splashed him back. Which was a bad mistake. Joe came up beside him and splashed me back which caused Jack to come to my rescue.

Jack splashed back as we all started splashing each other, Conor swam to our side as everyone had now joined in our little fun. It was me, Conor, jack, and Caspar on a team and everyone else had went to joes side.


Time to leave. I pulled my towel around me as I walked out of the building holding jacks hand. "I had so much fun today, I'm glad you let the boys come too" jack said as he opened my door allowing me to climb into the passenger seat.

Once I was in, he ran to his side and hopped in as he started the engine. "I did, too. We should do this again and definitely let everyone else come as well. We left the pool and headed toward the park.


The very best part of the park has got to be the swings. Every time I go to the park, they are the first things I run to. I got out the car and out my over clothes back on.

We began walking toward the playground. "Swings?" Jack asked as I smiled. " you know me so well, love!" We darted across the grass as we approached the swings.

"Oh, love?" I heard jack say as I turned my head and raised my eyebrows. "Yes?" He began rubbing the bad of his neck as he sat in the swing next me. "I told the boys they could come here also, they're getting food and they're gonna bring it here so we all can eat.

"Okay, can you give me a push?" I smiled as nodded and got up from his swing. "Thanks, babe!" I was starting to move now. I let him push me a few more times before letting him sit back down and swing with me. I kicked my feet to gain speed as he pulled his swing all the way back before jumping on it.

He began kicking his feet as well, we were now about the same height off the ground. I seen a little girl with brown hair and light blue eyes playing on the slide across from us. "Awe, she so beautiful" I gushed.

He smiled as he reached across the gap and grabbed my hand, which I let fall so our hands dangled in the middle of our two swings. "She is lovely, Cat" jack smiled as he stared at me watching the girl play.

"I wanna go say hey to her, wanna walk with me?" We slowed my swing down as I pulled my hand away and hopped off the swings. I reconnected our hands as we walked over to the precious darling picking herself of the ground.

"Hey sweetie, you alright?" I helped her clean her clothes of the wood chips. "Yea, tank you ma'am" she looked at me with a smile. Oh my goodness she was just so adorable!

"Do you wanna pway wif me?" She said as she grabbed my forefinger on my freehand. I nodded "sure love, what are we doing?" I said as I let go of jacks hand to follow her. " oh my names, Cat. What's your name cutie?" She turned around.

"I'm Tessa but you you can call me Tessie or Tess!" I let out a chuckle. "Ok,Tess " she had finally pulled me to the bottom of a slide. "When I tome down you catch me. Otay?" I nodded and she ran up the stairs.

"Are you weady?" She said warning me before she came down. "Yes" she slid down the slide and I caught her at the end. "That was fun! Again, again!" She squealed.

"Tessa, let's go bye!" I heard someone say as the person got closer. "Mommy, mommy I found a new fwiend! Her name is Cat" the girls mom appeared from around the slide.

"Hello, Grace. It's nice to meet you, Cat" grace said as she shook my hand gently. "Nice meet you as well" I smiled as she returned it.

"Mommy, she's weally nice! I asked her if she wanted to pway wif me and she say she would" grace smiled as she helped Tessa to the ground.

"Well sweetie, we have to get you home you have school tomorrow" she pouted as she hugged my leg. "Tank you for being my fwiend and pwaying on the swide wif me" she said as I patted her back.

"Maybe she'll be here next week and come see you" I smiled. "Sure, I'll be here" I turned to see jack smiling at Tessa as she touch his leg.

"Hey, love" jack said as he squared down, about eye level with her. "Hi, are you Cats best fwiend?" He nodded. "Yea, I'm jack by the way" she smiled. "Jack"

"Well were gonna leave you guys so you can go get ready for school" I said to Tessa as she released my leg. "Otay, I be here next week" she said before hugging both of our legs. She smiled at us as she let go and grabbed her mums hand. Ten the left.


About 10 minutes after they left, the boys showed up and it was slightly dark so we took the food back to jacks flat. We watched 8 mile while we ate our food from nandos.

I cuddled up to jack on the couch after finishing my food. Everyone ended up falling asleep during the movie and staying at jacks flat for the night.

Hey Cat, I hope you liked it! I really liked the way it was going so I made it a tad to long (sorry 😂) but really hope you enjoyed it. I stopped it at 1260 words so it's not that bad 😆

If anyone else wants an imagine dm or comment on a update and I'll see to it.

~ Cassie 💎

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