(EmilyEverdeen02) Lessons

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"Mum I'm going out to meet up with a few friends!" I yelled to my mother as I walked out to my car.

I'm meeting with a few friends to hang out and play some sports. I jumped in the car and drove down to meet them.

"hey guys, the stuff's in my car" I said as I walked up to Conor and his siblings. "hey guys!"

"hey Ellen, how have you been?" Jack asked as he pulled me into a hug.

"I've been good and hope you have as well" I said as I pulled from the hug and gave Conor and Anna hugs.

"I'm gonna go talk to Zoe" Anna said before she sprinted off toward Zoe.

"wow I've missed y'all so much, I've been so busy with college and everything"

"I know, but atleast your here now" Jack smiled.

"Caspar's here!" Conor yelled as a nice silver car pulled up. Caspar stepped out the car and Josh stepped out of the passengers side. "Oh my gosh! He's got Nandos!" he screamed before he ran toward Caspar.

Everyone started laughing as Conor snatched the food and ran from Caspar.


Soon enough we're all in 2 Tamas and playing football (soccer). I was teamed up with Conor, Jack, Caspar and Joe. On the other team we had Zoe, Anna, Josh and Mikey.

We was winning by 3 points and Mikey started getting competitive and everyone thought it was so funny.


We played for an hour or so and everyone was tired and wanted to take a break so we decided to put up the games and go get something to eat.

We drove to Nandos and talked and enjoyed our lunch. Everyone was laughing, enjoying their conversations and Mikey kept complaining about the football game.

After lunch, everyone just wanted to go home. As I was walking to my car, I heard some one yelling my name.

"Ellen! Wait!" I turned to see Jack running after me so I stopped and waited for him to catch up. "Ellen" Jack said as he caught up. He leaned over, breathing hard as he held his finger up "hang on".

"you alright? " I laughed as he stood back up and smiled.

"yeah, that was a lot of running" he laughed. "anyways, I was wondering...do you wanna maybe go out sometime and just hang out? ....i mean with out the others"

"sure, what do you have planned?" I asked.

"I was hoping you had something" we both laughed.

We made it to my car and I thought about something we could do. "hop in, I know exactly what we can do. I gave to stop by the house to grab my gear" he nodded and then got it as I did the same.


We pulled up to the park and I grabbed my things out of the back before walking down the trail to a little building.

"Hello Ellen, your course is already set up" the guard inside the building had said as I smiled and continued down the path.

"so you come here a lot?" Jack asked as he looked around.

"Yea I've been coming here ever since I was a child. My father used to bring me out here to practice and this is actually the first target my dad taught me to shoot on" I said as we walked up to the first target on the course.

"that's amazing. So what are we doing?" Jack asked.

"I'm gonna teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow" I smiled. I thought the targets and my bows wouldve gave it away.

He laughed. "I'll hurt somebody" he said jokingly.

"no you won't. Here tale this and this" I said handing him my bow and handed him an arrow from my back sack. "hold your hand here and stick the bow like this on the string"

He got the arrow set on the bow. "ok so what next?"

"pinch the butt of the arrow and pull it back on the string. Before you shoot, line this piece up with the bull's-eye and let loose of the arrow" I said showing him what to do.

"okay" he did everything I said and pulled back on the arrow. He let it go and it hit the very edge of the bull's-eye. "I just did that!" he said shocked.

"yes, you did! Good job. Not bad for your first time. We've got 9 more targets to go" I said as I picked up my bow sack and we walked to the next target.

We arrived to the next target and he handed me the bow. "you shoot this time" I smiled and I set everything up and hit directly in the middle.

Jack looked at me, astonished. "wow, your good" he looked at the target and then back to me. "really good"

I smiled as I walked over to the target grabbing my arrow. "Thanks. By time we leave here, I'm gonna teach you how to do it almost as good as me" I said as we both laughed.

"I don't think that's possible" he smiled as we went to the next target.


We was on the last target and Jack was now able to shoot and hit the bull's-eye nearly everytime.

We both tried the last one, its the most challenging one on the whole course. We both hit the bull's-eye and Jack handed the bow back to me as he ran to grab the arrows.

"here you go" he said as he handed me the arrows. I took them and stuck the in the sack and put my bow up. "Ellen, I really had fun today"

"me too" I stood up so I was face to face with him. "I'm glad you enjoyed my teaching" I laughed.

"you make a great teacher and I learned a new sport" he smiled.

We stood there as few seconds without a word. Until Jack broke the silence.

"Ellen... " Jack said as he paused.


"I... " he stopped again. He stepped closer so now we're only inches apart.
"I really like you..." he said as he leaned in, kissing me.

We pulled apart and I blushed looking down at the ground. "wow"

"Ellen" he picked my face up and I was met with a huge grin. "I really like you and I know you have had plenty of guys treated you bad... But I want to be the one to make up for all their mistakes because you deserve better, way better than that.... Will you be my girlfriend?" he said as I froze.

"uh.. Ugh.. Y-yes! I'd love to be your girlfriend!" I said as I jumped onto him and kissed him again. We pulled apart and I looked into his eyes. "you don't know how long I've wanted to hear that" I smiled as I kissed him again.

"you don't know how long I've been wanting to ask" he laughed as he picked up my things and carried me to my car.

EmilyEverdeen02 I hope you enjoyed it...

Thank you to everyone reading really appreciate all the support on this book.

~ Cassie 💎

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