hp_5sos_lover~ (1) game of phones

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"Hey Hannah!" Joe yelled as I was getting dressed.

"Yea?" I yelled back as I slipped on my blue top.

"Do you wanna come down and join us? We're playing game of phones. It's gonna be jack, Conor, Mikey, Caspar, Oli, Josh and me"

I thought for a second. "Uh sure, let me do my hair and I'll be down" I walked into the bathroom and threw my hair into a top bun and joined everyone downstairs.

Everyone was already piles onto the sofa but there was just enough room beside jack for me to sit down. "Everyone ready?" Joe asked and everyone nodded as he started recording.

"Hey everyone, welcome back to suggsunday! Today I'm with Hannah, jack, Conor, Caspar, josh, oli, and Mikey. We're playing game of phones, we'll take turns drawing cards and read it out. Whoever's picture or video the drawer likes best will get the card. Whoever ends up with more cards wins the game, Hannah your starting"

"Ok" I drew out a card and read it out. "The first picture on your phone" They all passed their phones down and I looked at them. I laughed at Conor's, it was a picture of jack. His hair was put up into to piggy tails and he had makeup on. "I'm gonna have to give this to Conor" I handed Conor the card and passed the card box to jack.

"Ok, the funniest picture or video on your phone" I went to my gallery and searched until I found a video where my brother was sleeping with his mouth open and I poured water into his mouth. He jumped up screaming "Hannah! I'm gonna get you back"

I showed jack and he laughed but josh got the card because he'd showed jack a video of Conor eating a hamburger weirdly (😂). I ain't gonna lie that video was so funny.

We played for a good 10 minutes before joe decided this would e the last round. "Last round, Hannah go"

I pulled out a card and read it out. "A random picture taken of someone else but you" they showed me their pictures and I handed Oli the card.

Soon it was joes turn "the last video on your phone" I scrolled to the bottom and clicked on the video.

I leaned over to jack so I could whisper to him. "Do you really want me to show him this video?" He looked shocked but he knew it was part of the game.

"I mean you have to, it's part of the game" I passed my phone over and I watched joes reaction as he watched my video. He was holding back a laugh so everyone leaned over to see what he was trying so hard not to laugh at.

It was a video of me teasing jack at the club the other night. Joe told me he wouldn't put it in the video and goodness wasn't I relieved. "Hannah, do you think jack enjoyed it?" Joe asked and I laughed.

"I don't know" I said slightly embarrassed.

"You know he did!" Conor shouted making everyone laugh including me .

"Jack did you like it?" Caspar asked with a smirk still playing on his lips.

Jack just shrugged and when everyone looked at Caspar talking about lord only knows what, jack leaned over so only I could hear him " I definitely enjoyed it" he pulled back and winked which made me blush. The teasing continued all night.

"Hey do you two wanna go to the club tonight?" Joe asked me and jack as we sat at the island. It was Monday and it was a special night at the club. I mean yes we wanted to go but after that video, no we'd rather stay.

"Nah we'll pass this time" jack said squeezing my hand. He knew I wouldn't want to go after that and that's why I love him, he's so understanding.

"Alright then, we're leaving early so we don't have to wait at the door because you know it's gonna be packed"

"Yea" jack agreed and everyone left leaving jack and I alone.

"I'm glad you told them we didn't want to go"

He smiled. "I didn't think you would and to be honest I didn't really want to either" we both laughed.

The rest of the night, we just laid around watching movies and goofed around while we prepared our dinner together. We ended up falling asleep on the sofa after we ate and neither of us woke when the others came back.

IM BACK MY LOVELIES!!! I have a few more request to finish writing and I'll post them as soon as I'm done with them.

hp_5sos_lover I hope you enjoyed this and I'll have your others out soon!

~ Cassie 💎

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