(mikki_elliott) self harm

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Conor was in the bathroom fixing his bowtie while I was in the room trying to squeeze on a dress. I don't know why but I can't seem to find a dress in my closet that will fit!

Conor stepped out of the bathroom, walking into the room. "Babe, you ok?" He asked while grabbing his phone off the side table.

"No, I can't find a dress that will actually fit me" I sat down, throwing my hands in my lap. "I give up, there's not a single dress in there that fits me"

We both sat there for a few, before I got up walking to the bathroom. I looked for my blades, I keep them hidden because I don't want Conor to find out I self harm. "Why do I have to have all these stupid problems" I cried as I began cutting.

There was a knock at the door. "Makayla, are you ok in there?" He asked from the other side.

I screamed. "No, I'm not ok. Why can't I have a perfect body like all the other girls?" I said sobbing. "It's just so unfair" I stuck the blade against my skin.

"M, you are perfect. Just come out we can talk" he offered but I declined. "Please M, you don't have to be like all the other girls. I love you just the way you are"

I sat down on the lid of the toilet. I heard the doorknob start moving, I forgot to lock the door!
Conor looked in. "M! What have you done? No, no, no!" He yelled grabbing a towel as quick as he could. "M, why didn't you tell me you self harmed" he asked worried.

"If I told you, I thought you'd leave because I didn't think you wanted to be with a girl like me. A girl that's so imperfect and so insecure" a tear rolled down his cheek, followed by another.

"Babe, your perfect. I would never leave you, ever" the tears kept flowing. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm here til the end and I promise" he said smiling.

I gave him a weak smile as he took the towel from my arm and wrapped it with a bandage. We walked back to the room and I sat on the bed. "Conor, I love you" the tears started pouring out again. "I don't deserve someone like you, your such an amazing person. I really don't see what you'd want with someone like me at all" I wiped my eyes as Conor came and sat beside me, hugging me to his chest.

"Makayla I've told you before, i don't care how imperfect you are. I love you for you and I'm not leaving, you can't make me" I looked up, he had a smile plastered on his face.

I couldn't help but smile back. "Conor, you way to good to me and I love you for that" he kissed my forehead as we stood up.

He began taking off his suit. "I've decided we're not going formal, put on anything you feel like wearing" I smiled, walking to the closet and grabbing a pair of pink skinny jeans.

I put on a black T-shirt and my pink and white Nikes. I turned around to see Conor had chosen dark skinny jeans with a red shirt and leather jacket, with red vans.

"You ready?" He asked as he handed me, my phone off the shelf. I nodded and we headed to our fancy dinner in our skinny jeans.

What would I do without Conor?

So mikki_elliott I hope you enjoyed this imagine.

Thank you to everyone reading, y'all are the best!

~ Cassie 💎

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