(mrscatiamaynard) Studio

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(Is gonna be quite long)

I woke up rather early this morning. It was near 8, I decided to silently slip out of bed and take a shower.

I got dressed and headed downstairs, into the kitchen to make breakfast. Conor's always making us breakfast, wonderful breakfast at that but I wanna make him breakfast ever once in awhile.

I grabbed a pan from the shelf, laying it on the stove as I grabbed my ingredients. I was gonna make omelets with bacon, ham, cheese and a bit of spices for the taste.

I cracked a few eggs, letting it cook a while before throwing the meats and cheese in. I flipped it over, letting it finish up then taking it out and sprinkling the spices over it.

I made another, laying them both in separate plates and laying them on the island. I poured two glasses of milk, laying them beside the plates.

As I was cleaning up and began washing the dishes, I felt a pair of hairs grab my hips. I leaned my head back, so the water wouldn't drip all over the floor when I turned. Conor was smiling.

"Hey babe, how'd you sleep?" He said as he pecked my lips, his bottom lip connecting with my upper lip.

"Like a baby, I was surprised when I woke up so early this morning" I said as I looked back down at the pan I was washing. He pressed himself closer to back, hugging me from behind.

I finished up the pan, draining out the water as I dried of my hands. "I've made breakfast it's on the island" I told Conor as we both walked over and sat at the island, Conor sitting across from me.

We began eating as we started talking about things we were gonna do today. I had nothing to do today, Id finished cleaning up the house last night.

"Catia babe, this is amazing!" Conor said complimenting the omelet I'd made. He took another bite as he cut the omelet into pieces with his fork.

"Well thank you, my mum showed me how to make it when I was younger" I said letting a smile take over my features.

"It's delicious" I smiled as I took another bite of mine.

"So where are you off to today?" I asked curiously.

"Studio, Jack and I are gonna record" he said swallowing his last piece, taking his cup to his mouth.

"Oh, what are you two recording?" I asked sipping my drink also.

"A song we've been working on for awhile, it's called Grenade" he stood up taking his dishes to the sink.

"Oh, thats great love" I handed him my dishes and he laid mine in the sink also. He walked over to me, laying his hands on my thighs.

"What are you doing today?"

"Nothing actually, I finished cleaning the house last night" I said looking around the kitchen then back to him.

"Well do you wanna go to the studio with me?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"Sure" I've been with Conor for nearly a year and this is the second time I've been to the studio with him. I love going and experiencing things with him, it's always fun to do things with Conor.

"Alright then, let's get ready and we'll meet Jack down there" he said placing a kiss on my lips, which lasted longer than I thought it would.


At the studio, I sat out with the others while Conor and jack entered the room, standing at their mics. They slipped on their headphones as the music began playing.

"Ok, here we go again, I'm stuck here with a friend..." Jack began as Conor kept his eyes focused on me. "In here teeth she's got salami, maybe broccoli" Jack sang on.

Conor's part came as he began singing. "Oh, cause I need you to jump on this grenade for me" he closed his eyes, concentrating on the words. "I know I'm asking a lot, but mines so hot" he opened his eyes, smiling at me with a wink.

The producers looked at me, making me blush. Things Conor does...

Soon enough the song ended, the boys walked out of the room to join us. The song was really great, I actually kinda picked up some lyrics as they sung it.

They messed with a few buttons and dials, moving some up and twisting a few.

"Ok, you both are done. The recording will be sent to you shortly after we get it put on tape" one of the producers said as they nodded.

Conor motioned for me to come stand beside him. "Let's go back to our place" he said as Conor, Jack and I headed back to our house.

"I'm gonna take a nap on the sofa" Jack said as we walked through the door. "I didn't get much sleep last night" he pulled a blanket off the back of the couch, kicking his shoes off and cover himself up.

"Well we'll be upstairs" Conor told jack as we made our way upstairs to our room. "Wanna just cuddle and watch tv?" He asked kicking his shoes off beside mine and getting in bed.

I nodded already climbing in the bed beside him. He turned on the tv, picking an interesting movie. I laid my head on his chest as he put his arm on my back, his hand resting on my hip. I kicked my leg over his torso, getting as comfortable and close as possible.

"Conor?" I asked looking at him. His eyes are closed and he looks relaxed.

"Yes doll?" I giggled at the nickname he gave me. I love when he calls me that.

"I love you" he opened his eyes as I smiled.

"I love you more, princess" he said smiling back.

"That's not even possible, sugar bear" I said as we leaned in connecting our lips.

After a few minutes of just kissing, we broke and closed our eyes. Just enjoying each other closeness.

"It's possible, cupcake. I would do absolutely anything to make you happy and I'm glad your always gonna be mine" he said, making me smile widely.

mrscatiamaynard I hope you enjoyed this 😍 I absolutely loved writing this!!!

Send me some requests 😋

~ Cassie 💎

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