Chapter Two

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Here's Chapter number two hope you enjoy  :)

Liam's POV: I was so glad to be home. I missed everything about it. Being the most Daddy Direction is tiring. I needed sleep but I am riddled with jet lag. I had unpacked all my things, gone on a tweeting spree and re-arranged my DVD collection. Right that's it I am going for a walk. I grabbed my keys, i-pod and wallet from the table in the hallway, slammed the door behind me and bolted down the stairs. I walked past the empty shops while the street stood in eerie silence. Every 60 secs or so a car zoomed past breaking the silence bringing me back to reality.'Yes, Yes Yes' I looked up to see a exhilarated girl 100 metres away from me scream to the young boy kneeling down on one knee on in front of her. There was something about the night. It made me feel like I had so much more freedom than day time. It was just so romantic a place where secrets were made never to be spoken again. Every night there is at least one life changing event that happens to someone you are passing and for one unique moment your life collides with a complete stranger's and your part of one magical moment that they will never forget. Just as I approached the couple the girl grabbed my arm and told me that they had just got proposed I congratulated them and carried on up the street. I had no idea where I was going but apparently my feet did. I stopped as I could see the old derelict tower block drawing near. It was one of my favourite places in the entire world to go. I yanked open the heavy metal door leading to the blocks stair way. And started my climb to the stop. There was fire exit on the top floor that aloud access to the roof. From the roof you could see the whole of north London lit up by street lamps. I started walking over to my far side of roof when the sound of music playing stopped in my tracks. I looked around but couldn't see anything . 'London calls me a stranger...' I heard the lyrics of The City by Ed Sheeran fill the silence. But there was no one on the roof. Unless... I walked over to the power hut and walked round the side to find a girl heaped up on the floor crying. Her blond hair hid her face but I could see hear her sobs. I approached her cautiously trying not to scare her. "Excuse me.. are you ok. Are you hurt? Do you need some help?" She uncoiled her body so until she finally resembled a human. Peeled her head from her knees and looked up straight into my eyes. I had never seen anyone like it. Her cheeks were bright pink and stained from the mascara running from her eyes. Her bottom lip was bleeding from where she had bitten it so hard. But it were her eyes that mesmerized me they were a Bluey green colour that I had never seen before and knew that I would not find again. They were stunning and yet overflowing with pain. Even though I had never met this girl before I could see how much pain she was in and for some reason that made me hurt. She looked like she hadn't eaten or slept in weeks and yet she was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. I don't mean 'Hot' and had guys chasing after her. But truly beautiful and a man would be honoured to have her. "I am fine honestly, just needed to be on my own for a while." she creaked out her voice nearly breaking. " You don't look fine. Here take my jacket you must be freezing." I slipped of my jacket and passed it to her. She flinched at the action jolting back as my arm touched her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" she took my jacket and put it on. I shoved my hand into my pockets and pulled out a pack of tissues handing them to the girl. " For your face" I gestured with a smile. "Thanks" . "Your welcome, What's your name?" ... we stood in silence staring at each other while she looked of puzzled about the whole situation. "It's Verity...but why ... I mean why are you doing this for me ? you don't know me, You don't owe me anything. For all you know I could be some nutter who just went on rampage" I snickered at the thought. "From the look in your eyes.. you look hurt and distressed but under all of that I see kindness and a girl that just wills for happiness for her self and others around her." Her eyes brightened. "Oh I am Liam by the way." she looked on at me like I asked her the most dumbest question ever. " I know who you are... I mean who wouldn't. And that is why I asked you could have hundreds of girls queueing up just begging for you to say hello to them and yet your here taking pity on a screwed up girl." " I am not taking pity on you I just wanted to help." I replied not wanting her to get defensive. "Erm... I know you don't me or anything but would you like to come back to mine to clear yourself up a bit and get something to drink." I waited for answer not wanting to pressure her into anything. "Errrr.... are you sure I won't be putting you out or anything?" I shook my head, and stuck my hand out signalling the way. She flinched away again at the movement. We walked across the roof towards the stair way.  We walked along the quite streets taking in our surroundings but not really paying attention. I kept glancing over to Verity to make sure she was ok and she just kept her head set forward not wanting to make eye contact. We walked through the gates of the complex and to my apartment. I showed her to my apartment and told her she could take a shower to clean up. She looked up at me to make sure I was serious and without a seconds pause threw her arms round me to embrace me in a hug, Whispered thank you in my ear and went off to the bathroom. 

*Beep Beep* My Phone rang from my pocket . I pulled it out and read the text. 'Hey you, are you awake? Fancy starting from where we left on tour? I miss you. Niall x' Oh god that boy. Too much had happened. One drunken night (well in his case) had leaded to a couple of weeks and then a fling that had lasted 3 months. Don't get me wrong I love the boy but I know it would never work out for many reasons. But mainly for the reason that he doesn't love me back. 'Sorry Nialler, but it was just while we were on the road.' I knew it would hurt him but he would get over it. But in the long run it would save us all so much pain. I needed to move on and stop deluding myself that Niall would ever feel the same. I need to focus on something that wasn't about him and I think Verity is the something. I have known for 30 minutes. Well I can't really say known... but all I want to do is to get to know everything about her that I could possible know. 

Zayn's POV: I woke up to the sun beaming through the window onto my face. Ergh... it must be at least 2pm by how high and strong the sun were. God I needed that sleep. But why did Jess let me sleep so long? Jess. My right arm  fell to the her side the bed and started to caress the sheets wondering where she was. Would she really of left when I only just got back. I looked over to the ajar door to find peering into the bedroom. "Come here babe" her gorgeous smile consumed her face. "Ahhh your finally awake, I've been waiting hours for you sleepy head." She strutted over to the bed swishing her in away that she knew made me giggle. I had miss her so much. I chuckled to my self taking in how breath taking she looked. She stood at the egde of the dipping down to kiss my forehead. Her silky brown hair brushed over my face sending a shiver down my spine. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the back of her naked thighs as she was wearing one of old shirts and pulled her onto the bed so she was straddling me. She giggled slightly bearing down and placed her soft lips upon my neck . My breath caught in the back of my throat . Her lips parted and she nipped at my neck. She knew this was my weakness. I lifted her head up from my neck and pulled her down so our lips were millimetres apart. "I guess you missed me then ?" she chuckled smashing our lips together filling all the space between our bodies. I took control of the kiss not being able to hold back any longer... I parted her lips slipping My tongue into her mouth. I had missed this the taste of her on my lips and being able to make her moan like she was. Her phone vibrated on the bed side table. REALLY??? She pulled away smiling knowing that I was annoyed. "It's probably Perle" "Well tell her your busy and will be for a very long time." I replied putting the cheekiest smile on my face.  A very long time I thought to myself.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed :) What do you think?? please comment so I can improve ! whats gonna happen with Liam and Niall ?? Will Verity open up to Liam ?? :) 

Beth <3 xxxx

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