Chapter fourteen

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Soooo.... basically this is the penultimate chapter. I actually can't believe it's nearly done. Thank you so much for reading this story and having the patinece to wait for me to upload when I was being lazy! But I have got some good news. I have decided to write sequel. It's going to be part two of Forbidden Love. But don't worry it won't just be another will they won't they its got whole other storyline to it. But anyways here's chapter 14 as I guess you all want to see If Harry is alive. Oh one more thing I was goinh to put the song 'I'm yours' by the script on the side but cant as i am on my phone. But I thought you might was to listen to it. But anyways ENJOY :) ....

3 Days later ...

Louis's POV: I sat in the near darkness, the only light seeping through the closed blinds . The past 72 hours had been the slowest of my life . I can recall leaving Harry's bedside three times in the past few days . And that was only when I forced by Liam and Niall. Harry has survived the last three days without any complications however he was still comatose . He was still lifeless draped across the hospital bed . But at least he was alive ... I shudder at the thought, remembering how I felt when I saw the flat line scurry across his heart monitor . Over the past few days I have become well acquainted with the squiggly lines , bleeps and wires. They give me strength, I know as long as they are still there so is Harry. My thumb traced the lines running through his right palm. His hands were starting to heel. They were Harry's hands again, just with a few bumps. I could hear the clock on the wall ticking away each second . As my mind gets lost in the ticking I fall into another flashback : * I was laying in bed and had been for the last 2 days . I had chicken pox . I had never had them as a kid so when a contagious fan ran at me I was screwed. I didn't want to infect anyone so had locked myself away. It was 9pm on a Thursday night and Harry slipped into my room . "How are you holding up boobear?"

"Not to bad Hazza, but you shouldn't be in here. I don't want to get you sick." I tried putting on my best smile to convince him and hide the fact that I didn't want to be alone. Harry walked over to the bed and plonked himself next to me. "I'll survive now move over so there's room for me." flashing the Harry smile that only a few people know. It Instantly made me feel better. He slipped into bed beside me and stroked my hair caressing me to sleep. "It's alright boobear, I know that you hate being sick and don't like to be alone and no your not so go to sleep." We just sat there in silence . After a while as I was drifting of to sleep Harry starting singing 'Free falling'. *

My eyes sprung open at the memory, I squeezed Harry's hand for reassurance and looked up to his face . Nothing had changed he was still emotionless lying on the bed. "Oh Harry... Please just wake up . We need you, all of us... I need you." My voice broke at the end of the whisper. I remembered how him singing made me feel better . Let me just fall into a bubble and think everything is going to be ok. With that the perfect song rushing to my head. When ever I heard it I thought of Harry . "I can't believe I am about to do this , but I remember how happy I was when you did it for me . So here it go's..." I drew in a large breath steading my nerves.

" I may not have the softest touch ,

I may not say the words as such

and I may not look like much

I'm yours..."

the tears stream down my face but I had to carry on in same way it was helping.

" And I know my edges may be rough

I never feel I'm quite enough

It may not seem like very much

But I'm yours." I let the tears slip down my buried face on the sheets of Harry's bed.

"And I am yours...." Harry's voice croaked lighting the darkness.

3 days before :

Niall's POV: I had ran all the way from Liam's apartment to Perle's . I hadn't stopped during the whole 2 miles. Normally I would run to Harry and talk to him . Shit Harry, I hope he's alright. Louis would of called if he wasn't. Thinking about it I would run to Harry but it would be Michaela I would end up talking to. But even she was gone now . I banged on Perle's door impatiently , willing that she was in. The front door swung open revealing Perle in one of my Ireland rugby jersey's . She looked me up and down and her faced dropped at my appearance. 'Oh Niall.' she shook her ahead and stood back inviting me in . She lead me to the kitchen where her mum was standing peeling potatoes . "As I was saying Perle, just tell the boy how you feel. I am sure he feels the same way to . That Mr Hor..."

"Mum !!!!" Perle interrupted her mother. Her mum lifted her head an stopped mid potato when her eyes found mine. "Oh Erm ... Shit ... Erm How are Mr Horan?" Perle's face turned bright red followed by her mothers . Feck did she mean me ? I smiled politely not wanting to make it anymore awkward . "Do you wanna stay for dinner Niall ? Theres more than enough." Perle's mum asked looking at me waiting for a response . Shit eating was the last thing I wanted to be doing but I felt rude turning her down. "Sure, smells good." she beamed back at me and carried on peeling potatoes . I looked around the room to find Perle . She was stretching up to the top shelf reaching for the shit glasses . My shirt well her shirt was ridding up a bit to much revealing her black lace underwear. Wow she looked hot. Why have I never realised how pretty she was before . Perle's eye found mine . Shit she saw me looking at her . She bit her lip ,shook her head and grabbed my hand pulling me upstairs to her room. "Here" she handed me a shot glass and pulled a bottle of tequila out from under her bed. Filled both glasses up and put the bottle on the bed side table. "Drink" she ordered with a wink. She knew me too well . This is exactly what I need to be doing and she doesn't even know what's wrong . She refilled the glasses . I looked up to meet my gaze and before I could say anything nodded her head. Without hesitation I threw my shot down my throat and shook my head at the after taste . Perle placed her hand on my knee. "Whats wrong Nialler?" I really didnt wanna talk about it. I just wanted to get drunk and forget . Perle was biting her lip. Waiting for a reply . WAIT .... Shit that's the third time she has bitted her lip since I'd been here . Was she flirting with me ?? But why she doesn't like me. All those times I had told her how I felt about her an she only ever wanted to be friends. Maybe if she had said yes then I wouldn't be going through all this heart ache with Liam . "You kept my shirt?" a scarlet brush crept across her face. "I Erm .. Yeah" she bit her lip again and without meaning to I smiled. "I Gave that to you over two years ago." the blush grew deeper in her face . "I know when you had that Erm crush ..." now it was my face that was scarlet from blush . I sank further into the chair not knowing what to say. "Niall I err... I lied to you ." What ?? I don't understand Perle hates liars . But when ? "I told you that I didn't have feelings for you. Heck I even convinced myself but after the other night . I couldn't lie to myself anymore . Lie to you." her head dropped down so I couldn't see her face. "The truth is I was scared. Scared of losing you as a friend incase it didnt work out." I was speechless what do you say to that ? This has been the most Surreal day of my life . And now the Perle was saying she loves me . She finally pulled her gaze from the swirls in her carpet and looked up at me. "Niall please say something." what the fuck do I say ? I poured us both another drink . "Drink" I mimicked her earlier order a shy smile set across her face before we both downed our shots. I slammed my glass on the table and then threw myself at Perle. Our lips smashed together realising all the tension of the past 24hours. Her slipped into my hair deepening the kiss allowing myself to get lost in her lips. I edged my forward and slid it across her bottom lip asking for access to her mouth. Her lips parted granting it and I felt her grin against my mouth. She fell back onto the bed pulling me with her. We were all hands lips and tongue exploring each other . Her hands started to mouth south feeling my chest as she went. her hands moved further south undoing my jean button . I reciprocated as my hands removed themselves from her down her back and undone her bra strap. "Perle Niall. Dinner." Instantly both our bodies stopped. Just are hard breathing filling the silence . Perle opened her eyes. That was it I couldn't help it . I burst out laughing . Perle's giggle followed shortly after. "WOW" she muttered bringing us both out of hysterics .

"WOW exactly" I smiled back . That was one of the best kisses I had ever had. Exposing all the right places . But I can't help but compare it to the kiss I had this afternoon . Who am I kidding ? Even if Perle had said yes this feelings I have for Liam where inevitable.

A/N: Ok wow !! Sorry it took so long and it was so short. The Internet at my house is broken and I have been trying to put it off until it's fixed. But it's still broken so had to write it on my phone . So sorry for all the mistakes as well ! Can't believe there is only one more chapter after this. Thanks for waiting for so long and still reading .


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