Chapter Fifteen - Part One

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AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I am so so so so  sorry that it hasn't been up sooner. I would hate me  If I was you. Basically I have deciced to write the  last chapter in two parts so  I don't have to keep you all waiting any longer. I promise that it won't be so long until the final final part is up !! SO anyway ENJOY :) ...

Harry’s POV:

Trying to fight of the sleep haze as all I could hear was sirens in the distance. Every time I tried to move the seat belt restricted me sending shards of pain throughout my body. I tired opening my eyes to see where he was. But nothing just more darkness. I needed to get to him. I tried to lift my arm to find the driver seat but it wouldn’t co-operate. My fingers twitched in the empty space searching for his. Nothing. I couldn’t take the pain in anymore. The darkness was inviting, a pain free place. I let my muscles relax and waited for the darkness to consume me. "Harry I'm Sorry" I let my mind drift of to a place of paradise where I could love who I want and imagine they loved me back. 

I Could feel the darkness slipping away. There was a light peeking through an opening slit in my eyes. The pain was becoming more and more unbearable. I tried to twitch my toes hoping it would shift my legs into a more comfortable position. I could hear muffled voices in the background. I tried pulling my eys apart to take in my surroundings hoping that it would give me some answers. Nothing came. All the questions remained unanswered. 

I was being pulled back into reality by a continual bleep. Something plasticy was being forced down my wind pipe. I body felt numb and yet heavy as a tonne of bricks. It felt as if I was being moulded into being part of the object beneath me. The muffled voices were back. This time there were clearer. I could hear Niall's Irish charm leak through my ears. He was trying to convince Louis to get some food, but Louis was refusing. Oh god he was refusing chocolate fudge brownie ice cream; things must be bad. But why wasn't he eating. God damn it why is my body protesting ever time I tried to sit up. I was going to shove the nearest piece of food down his throat. He's not doing this again. I tried to raise my hand but it took all the energy I needed sending me back into the deep sleep. 

I was drifting in between consciousness. Knowing that of I tried to force myself to wake up I would only fall back into uncertainty. My body felt like it was stiff with rigamortis. I was yanked from my self pity by the raised voices bouncing through the corridor. I could hear the anger and tension in the people's voices even in the drugged up stupor I was in. "Save It Louis..." What ?? It was Zayn . And he was shouting at Lou ? What was happening ? Without thinking I instantly tried to relax all my muscles to try and make it as silent as possible straining to hear the voices outside. " All you had to do was tell him you love him. Just think I am never going to be able to say to that to the baby I just lost."  Zayn bellowed at Louis. A baby what ? I couldn't programme all the new information, it was too much. I could feel myself slipping back into the sleepy haze. "ZAYN GET OFF HIM.. HE CAN'T BREATH" Liam's panicked voice rang through my ears.  No this time I wasn't falling back to sleep. It was somewhere darker,deeper... somewhere I couldn't come back from. I tried to through my arms out to grab onto anything that could keep from falling. There was an electric current thumping in my chest. A high pitch ringing clung to my ear drums. I couldn't take the pain anymore I let myself free fall into the unknown. 

As I crept into reality. Some of the fog finally seeped out of my head; allowing my body to finally feel its usual weight. I could actually feel my legs... separately. I mean I was no longer moulded to the hard object under me. I could recognise that it was actually separate. I could feel my senses finding their way back to me. A strong heady smell tingled it way up my nose. It was a mixture of cleaning products, antiseptic, cheap washing powder and ... Louis... omg I could smell Louis. I had never been so grateful for the smelling sense. I had missed that smell almost as much as I had missed touching that perfect skin. "I can't believe I am about to do this but I remember how happy I was when you did it for me. So here it goes..." I was just about to squeeze his hand at the recognition of his voice. But something deep inside me stopped as at that moment in time I wanted more to know what Louis was going to do. Those five seconds felt like a life time. Louis drew in one more deep breath and then... He started to sing. My whole body melted and once again I felt I was attached to the object - which I had now discovered to be a bed- beneath me. I felt tingles course through me followed by shivers. Louis was singing to me. I registered the familiar feeling of tears forming in my eyes and yet they didn't fall. I think that was due to the lack of fluid in my system.  Louis's voice haunted my body like it was the antidote to all the pain I had been feeling. It surged through my blood stream awakening every part of my body. "I never feel I'm quite enough..." Those were the words that made my heart crack. How could he think he wasn't good enough? He was everything thing I wanted and more. I had to tell him. Somehow I had to show him.  I pulled every ounce of energy that my body contained to the surface. "But I'm yours" Had Louis just declared his Love for me ? That was the sweetest most meaningful thing someone had every said to me. "And I'm yours" I pleaded everything in my heart that I managed to say that out loud...loud enough for him to hear. I could feel water trickling down my arm. Louis was crying. "Please don't cry Lou" I tried to choke out but I couldn't hear any noise from my mouth. Instead all I could hear was hackled sobs coming from the body beside me. "Harry... Omg Harry, p.p.please don't telll m.mee I imagined that....... P.p.please open your eyes..." With all the strength left inside me pulled my eye lids apart. Even if it meant falling back into tthe dark place I could give him this one wish before then. My vision was blurry and I had to blink multiple times to bring anything into focus. The first thing I found were the captivating blue orbs of Louis Tomlinson. I tore my gaze from Louis eyes to circulate his face. He was gaunt. He looked hollow; like he hadn't slept or eaten for weeks. I squeezed Louis hand which was still entwined with mine on the bed. Louis hurdled of the chair and leaned over the bed. "Oh Harry thank god.... We all thought no we didn't want to but I watched them ... and then the paddles hit your chest and you weren't coming back... Once you watched someone die youdon't believe they are ever going to wake up again. And then you said that I would be the death of you and I couldn't help It i thought I had killed you..." the tears streamed thick and fast down Louis's face. I just wanted to pull him into my chest and hold him forever. Suddenly the emotion on Louis's face changed. Was He ang... "How could you Harry ? I mean you were going to leave me. Here all alone with you... How is that fair ? You said that you would never leave me and I believed you... well right up until I sore you repeatedly being thrown back onto that bed from the shocks." He was angry. But how could he ever think I would leave him ? Well when I had a choice in it. I needed to say something to him. To calm him down, convince him. And yet all I could manage was a breathless "Louis". I don't how but It was enough ... Louis lips smashed into mine bringing fully back into reality from the dark pit I had been living in.

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