chapter seven

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Here you go guys .. Enjoy :) x

Zayn's POV: I Lay on my mum's sofa with Jess in my arms. Stroking her hair the way I always did when I wanted something to comfort me. Me and my cousin were like brothers. We had grown up together. I love my sisters I truly do but they are all girls. He was the one I went to when I wanted to get away from everything and do something boyish. My mum had brought her up like he was her own. His parent were always working while we were growing up. She was who I felt sorry for out all of this. People she loved just kept passing away. She didn't deserve it . I could feel Jess's eyes looking up at me. "Are you okay babe?" hesitated before looking down not wanting to get upset again, knowing that I would as soon as I looked at her. Whenever I was upset or trying to hid something I always tried to avoid Jess, because as soon as I caught I glance of her face all of my thoughts leaked out like word vomit. Her hand cupped my cheek pulling my head down to the level of eye contact. Her touch still sent tingle down my spine. "I'm OK." I replied as It wasn't lie, I wasn't too sure how I felt but I knew Jess couldn't question 'OK'. I was still playing with her hair. While we just sat smiling and staring into each others eyes intently. I will never understand love. As at this moment in time I should be in pieces. Don't get me wrong I am completely thrown back by the news. But without Jess I would be broken . Just knowing that she loves me will get me though anything. And I know it is wrong sitting here thinking how lucky I am while he is fighting for his life. I just don't understand how you can be so in love with someone as I am with Jess at this moment in time. That one person can make your whole body tingle when they touch you and ache when there not in sight. Jess's entwined her fingers in mine. I know everyone says it and it's so cliche but they really did look like they belonged together. It was like no one else's hand would fit as perfectly as Jess's did. "You know I am here for your right ? Even if you don't want to talk about it we can talk about anything. I just want to help you get through it." Jess broke the silence causing me to come back to the current situation. She always knew how I felt before I even said it and how to make me feel better. Everyone always assumes that I will want to talk about my feelings with a girl but they were wrong. Not that me and Jess didn't talk we did more than anyone else I talk to. But she understood that I didn't want to talk about it . I smiled at her showing my appreciation. "Yeah I do babe, and even if I don't tell you I am appreciative for your support. With out you I seriously couldn't of got through this past year without you." I beamed trying to show my gratitude. "Sooooo, what do you wanna talk about ?" Jess asked scrunching up her nose trying to look cute. That was a good question . I mean what was there ? We had already caught up with what had been going on in our loves over the past two weeks. And she had teased me about how I should get cheeked out for how long a sleep. She thinks I could be anemic.And we talked about how my everyone was coping with news when we were upstairs in the bathroom... the bathroom. What was Jess doing in there? She was in there for a while. "Jess, earlier what were you doing in the bathroom ? You were in their a while. Is everything alright?" I looked down at Jess who was now trying to pull herself into a sitting position but not kept her head down not making eye contact. "Jess" I asked a bit worried by her reaction. Jess reluctantly lifter her head . Her two top teeth were tugging on her lip; she only did this when she was hiding something. I squeezed her hand which was still held in mine. But she still didn't look like she was going to enlighten me. "Jess, please your worrying me. Are you alright?" My voice cracked at the end. "Zayn, It's alright nothing is wrong with me I promise." A tear escaped from her eye and trickled down her face. "So what is it?" I questioned. "I.. I'mmm....pre...." *Bang* the front room door swung open and hit the wall. My mum burst through it. Her phone is one hand and a tissue in the other. I looked up to her face to tear tears streaming down her face. "Oh my god mum what's wrong?" I blurted out. "Youurrr Cousssiinn iss in hossspit..aalll" She coughed out between sobs. "It's baaadd Zay..nnn Really Baaadd."

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