Chapter eight

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Louis's POV: I sat on the bar stool and ordered another beer. I placed the empty bottle into the line of rest making sure it was straight. I could feel people pushing past me trying to get to the bar but not taking notice . Everyone's life was rushing past me in a huge blur. People were carrying on as normal . Every thing around me felt normal . But it wasn't . Things were never going to be the same and it was my fault once you have kissed your best friend there is no turning back . Errrggghhh . Why did he have to be in love with me ? I mean it's not right. You shouldn't be in love with your best friend . Yeah just because your close and you tell each other everything . Just because you have cute little names for each other and have private joke that no one else understands Just because you feel so in sync with one person an feel like they get you like no one else does. And just be because your whole world lits up when you see those stupid -yet irresistible- dimples , that curly mess that he calls hair and a smile that makes your whole day. Doesn't mean you should fall in live with them . I mean it just not what your suppose to do. It's not right he shouldn't be in love with me . Just like I shouldn't be in love with him . Oh shit I mean as in a friend way I mean I can't love Haz... I mean Harry I just can't be in love with him. Just because the kiss was like no other kiss before . Just because it sent tingles coursing through my body from head to toe. No Louis you don't love him it's just because it felt foreign you've never kissed a boy before that's why. Oh god in love with Harry . Could I be ? *Erm excuse me is anyone sitting there?" A young high pitch voice came from behind me. I slowly turned around and was taking back by what I found . A young woman ages about 20-21 was standing in front of me pointing at the still next to me. She was gorgeous . Her Blue eyes glistened in the hazy lights. I needed to forget about last night and this girl seemed like the answer. "Nope, your more than welcome to" I answered with the best crooked smile I could possibly manage plastered on my face. " Why thank you, hi I'm hope and you are?" Her eyes smiled while waiting for answer . I went to reply but stopped in my tracks . I wasn't trying to be big headed or anything but did she actually not know who I am or is she being polite ? . " Erm Hi I am Louis." she waved her hand in the air, grabbing the bartenders attention. "Can I get a vodka and coke please ... And whatever he is having he looks like he needs it." she took out the money from her purse and paid the man . "Are you sure ? I mean aren't I suppose to be the one buying you a drink ?" I smiled trying to look cute. "Well, I am not one for following traditions ." She flirted back. "Thanks" the guy put are drinks on the bar. "Your welcome , So why Is a good looking boy like you drinking in a bar alone" she questioned. How do I answer that I can't exactly say well I kissed my best friend who happenes to be a guy oh and he's Harry styles . You know same old same old. "Just been a tough week. You can talk. Why aren't you here with your boyfriend?" Nice one tomlinson slipping that in. "Well I know that feeling. And he'd have to exist to be drinking with me. Not that there 's anything wrong with being single." she winked . "Nothing at all. We all need a bit of adventure." I smirked back. A slight giggle escaped her purses lips. Who do girls do that ? They can giggle and still look sexy. Then only that I know who can pull of a flirtatious giggle is Harry. He has it mastered. Fuck sake stop thinking about him. "So what do you do for a living?" I asked wanting to start a distraction. "I'm at uni training to be a teacher

. You?" seriously ? She is eithe really good at keep this act up or honestly doesn't know who I am . Now's my chance . For someone to actually want to talk to me as for me and not being in One Direction. " Ahh kl, so you like kids then ? I love them there just so funny. And I Erm I am studying drama to hopefully become a drama teacher . So snap." She bit her lip for a second but then her face eased into a smile. Phew I thought she was on to me. Damn she looked hot when she bit her lip.

* 2 hours later* " Erm exscuse me sir, miss I am sorry to say but it's now closing time." I looked around the bar to discover everyone else had left and it was just us two sitting in the exam same seats but a dozen drinks later. It had felt like we had only been sat here 20 minutes but when I looked down at my watch I saw that it had been over two hours. " Oh err sorry I hadn't realised how late it had gotten." Hope replied. We grabbed our coats, thanked the man and headed out side. "This was a great night ! Such a shame it has to end." she looked down to floor . " Who said it had to end ? Wanna come back to mine ? I gotta few bottles that need finishing." I asked with a cheeky grin. She looked around I think trying to come to a decision . "Please" I pleaded adding in my pout. That was apparently something no one could deny according to Harry. Oh god please say yes. "Ok, if you Insist" grabbing my hand and placing her inside it. I squeezed it back and pulled her towards the apartment which was five minutes around the corner.

I held the door open for Hope which lead to the lift to the apartments. "You actually live here? It huge" Hope exclaimed as she took in the surroundings. "I would love to say I do but I am actually just house sitting for my uncle." I explained while calling the lift. I hate lying to her but it just felt like the right thing to do. I am not sure if she would wont to speak to me if she knew who I truly was. The doors of the lift opened . I grabbed her hand and pulled me in. Just as I was about to let go she tripped over her feet and we landed in heap on the floor. I had managed to swerve my body round so I was underneath her and she had fallen on top of me. I raised my hand pushing back a few strands of stray hair. And lifted my head just stopping an inch away from

Her face . Not want to pressure her in t... Her lips collided with mine making my lips tingle. I ran my hands through her hair pulling her closer. *ding* the lift crawle to a stop as we had reached our floor. Hope pulled away breathing heavily. She slowly stood up offering me a hand up. I quickly took it just wanting to get back to the apartment. I placed my mouth on hers for one quick kiss bitting on her bottom lip as I backed away. "come on, it's just round here." I scrambled in my pocket looking for my keys. Yanked them Out and fumbled them Into the lock. I pushed open the door placing Hope up against it as it closed. She placed her arms around my waist lowering them to my bum. I kissed her passionately wanting things to speed up. I started unbuttoning her shirt as her hands slipped done to the front of my trousers. We Flounded into the bedroom leaving a trail of clothes behind us. We fell on to the bed now both just in our underwear. I slid off her bra as she rolled on top of me. Hope switched off the lamp beside as a smile formed on her lips. "Good idea" I whispered brushing our lips against each other.

*half an hour later* I looked over to find hope asleep beside me. A smiled to myself as I looked out how beautiful she was. Tomlinson you did well. I wasn't gonna lie I was quite pleased with myself . And yet I still couldn't get the voice in the back of my head to go away. There was still something missing . For as perfect as she was it didn't feel the same. The way she kissed me had nothing on Harry's kiss . It didn't make me tingle in my toes. Her lips didn't feel like they were designe to fit mine. And the taste of her breath didn't make my head feel dizzy. There was only one thing wrong with her ... She wasn't Harry.

Liam's POV: I didn't know what to do . Why had Niall sent that text ? I mean I had finally just started to move on . We as said that we would stop it . It was even his idea for us to stop. Why Couldn't he just leave me alone. I didn't mean that rudely but I had found verity. Who was everything. She was exceptional any boy would be lucky to have her. And yet I stil couldn't get the stupidly Adorable Irish boy out of my head . Why ?? But things had changed . It wasn't the same. This was the first time I had thought about Niall since I met Verity. I mean he's not my number one priority anymore . I can't put my life on hold waiting for him to make a decision on whether or not he could love me back. Always wondering of tomorrow was going to be the day . I had spent the last two years doing this . And for the first time ever I didn't mind the thought of going to sleep and him not being my last thought at night. Verity was and as much as I love Niall I just want someone to love me back the way I love them. And there was no question about it . I was falling uncontrollably in love with her and there was no stopping me. I grabbed my phone as before I could ask myself what I was doing I quickly typing a text to nialler. " I am sorry Nialler but I can't do this anymore . Everyday for the past two years I have Waited for you to love me back but you don't . I can't wait anymore it's breaking me inside . As much as I know you would hate to admit it I love you . And maybe someday you will love me back but I am sorry I can't wait forever. Liam x " My thumb pressed down on the button... *message sent* . There no turning back now. I am sorry Niall but you don't have my heart anymore . I jumped back into bed kissing verity on the forehead . "Thank you for saving me." I whispered lying down next to her .



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