Chapter three

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Here you go... hope you enjoy... and sorry it wasn't up sooner :) 

Niall's POV: I glanced over to the clock on my bed side table. It read 6pm. Stuff you jet lag. But more's to the point stuff you Liam fecking Payne. I mean he was all up for it while we were away. Actually he coulnd't get enough off it. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks at the thought of the intimate time we spent together. I mean how could he just flip me off like that ? I know we said we would stop when we got back. But did it really mean so little to him, did I mean that little to him? I needed to get him out of my head. I needed to stop about thinking about him. But every time I do I picture what happened between the two of us. And remember how he made me feel. It was so different to everybody else. Just the way he ran his fingers through me hair. Seriously Niall pull yourself together. You don't like him like that. I mean you can't. Your not gay. You don't like boys, you girls a lot and lots of them. Oh god now I am speaking to myself in third person lying in my bed pitying at 6pm pitying myself because my straight guy best friend said no to a quick hook up.

Ding Dong... I was jerked out of my self pitying daze by the door bell to my apartment. Thank god someone has come to save me from my insanity. I yanked my body up from my bed and skipped to the door thankful for being rescued. My hand froze on the handle ... what if it's Liam. I mean what if he came to make sure I was ok and say sorry. Or even just to hang out. Oh my god I look a state i have been in bed all day I know my hair must look like shit. And I was wearing my green trackies that we got in America for St paddy's day. The day this whole thing with Liam started. Ding Dong the bell rang again. I yanked open the door. 'Finally I have been trying to call you all day' Perle said staring back at. I could feel my smile drop and the disappointment set in my face. 'Oh... I thought you would be happy to see me.' I pulled myself together not wanting to show Perle that I was bothered by something. 'Of course I am' I replied with the most excited voice I possibly could . I pulled her Into a bear hug. As I actually was happy to see her she had been apart of our lives for the past four years. She was my best friend well she was all of our best friends. She has something in common with all of us. I couldn't imagine her not being around. I did think that things were going to change after she dated Harry for while. They didn't work out and I thought it would be awkward but they just gone on with it and now better friends then ever. "So how are ??" she asked as she walked over to the fridge. This is why we got on so well. The first thing we both did when we went to someone's house was check their fridge. "Erm not too bad just really tired you ?" She span around from the fridge and ran her eyes up and down my body. "Niall James Horan we have been best friends for the past four years. Don't you think you owe me the truth when I ask you a question ? I knew that I shouldn't of lied to her but the Truth is I don't know how I felt. *Buzz Buzz* Both mine and Perle phones vibrated simultaneously. She pulled hers out of her pocket and read the text message out loud: Hey, do you wanna come over to mine? Harry and Liam are here and were gonna watch a film." I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do more. I mean we really haven't had time to properly relax as a group over the past two months. But I don't think I could face Liam and have to paint on a face of happiness all night when it wasn't how I feeling. I could feel Perle picking up on my emotions. She moved closer to me  and placed my face in her hands. "Nialler. What's happened? Did you have an argument with the boys?" I just stood there in silence while she tried to read my face. This is another reason why me and Perle are friends is she always knows when I am upset and wants to help. "Ok... Well I'm not really feeling a quiet night in front of the T,V anyways. How about you go and make yourself look half presentable and then we go out for a drink or two." Yes now that is what  I am talking about. "Or twelve" I retorted. I walked off to the bedroom to get ready and heard Perle mutter "And then maybe you will tell me what is wrong." Well she is going to have a disappointing night I thought.

Harry's POV: Me and Lou sat on the couch watching the Inbertweeners movie while Liam lay across the arm chair asleep. There was about five minutes left of the film. We had all seen it numerous times. It kinda reminds us of ourselves. We compared Liam to a good looking version of Will as he is the sensible one that sometimes gets up-tight if we did something we weren't suppose to. Omg I needed a pee. I jumped off up the sofa and headed towards the bathroom. "Could you bring me a beer on your way back please Hazza." Louis knew that I couldn't say no when he called me Hazza. "Of course I can Boobear" I mimicked back. When I got back from the toilet the film was over and something else was on the screen. "What this Lou?" I asked as I grabbed two beers from the fridge. "I couldn't find anything else... It's just about... you know... the typical ro... I mean." "Lou, spit it out what romantic comedy are we watching?" Why did I leave the boy so close to the end of the film entailing him to pick what we watch next! "Well actually smart-ass it's not a Rom-Com It's One Tree Hill." "Oh I'm I do apologise" I replied. "You should be." He shot back. He is such a child. "Ok so fill me in, what series is it and whats happened so far?" He smiled his crooked smile happy that I was taken interest. "It's season 3 and they are locked in the school by this boy who has a gun and is trying to get people to notice him." I had seen this one before. Louis had already made me watch it has it's one of his favourites. It was at the part where Lucas and Peyton were help up in the library after she was shot. For some reason it was making me pay more attention then usual. I was taking in every thing they were saying. I always thought that Peyton was a bit of a bitch for kissing Luke as she knows that he is with Brooke. But now I see that you can't help who you love. And actually it took courage to show her feelings as she knew it would hurt her best friend. I sat there just watching pictures flicker by not really taking in what was happening on the screen anymore. I was too busy thinking about how screwed up I had let things get and how I could ever be in love with two people. But watching Lucas with Peyton (Even though they were acting) I could see that you could be. I mean I love Mich I truly do but as hard as I try I love someone else to. And I don't want to end up losing them both. But I can't stop thinking about Both of them. It can't end up like the Brooke-Lucas-Peyton love triangle. People will end up getting hurt and it's not fair on them just because I am being selfish. I needed to concentrate on Mich and our relationships and stop thinking about L... *Sniff Sniff* I looked over to see Louis with his knees pressed up against his chest and tears falling from his eyes. God he is such a sucker for a love story. "Lou, it's just a programme and you know how it ends." "I know but it's just too perfect. After everything Lucas and Peyton go through their love is strong enough that they last." One day he is going to find someone to love him like that. Unconditionally and irrevocably. He deserves it and so much more. "Can I have a hug please?" He spluttered out between sobs. How can you say not to that face? His eyes: that are at their bluest when he is crying and that irresistible pout he does for sympathy. I leaned in and he flung her arms around my waist. " I just want someone to love me like that one day Haz." I smiled to myself . He had no idea. "Don't worry, trust me you will find someone to love you like that some day." He eased him self back so he could see my face but not fair enough away that he had to move his hands from my waist. "Yeah? How do you know?"  "I just do" His face lit up and I looked down to where his hands lay. I know boo... because I love you like that. 

Hope you liked it. Please comment below I would love to know what you thought. Sorry again that it wasn't up earlier I have been really busy with the family .

Beth xxx

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