chapter one

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Hey guys, first of all if your reading this thanks sooooooo much it means a lot . This is my first ever fanfic so I warn you that it is going to be rough. I would love to hear your views and comments (even bad ones) do please don't be shy . And if you have any ideas that you think would be good in the story I am open to them. Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy.  

Beth xxx


Chapter One:

Harry's POV: I lay in my bed pleading for sleep to come but never feeling more awake. I needed to sleep. I felt physically and mentally drained. These past three months we had been on the move non-stop and we all needed a break. But I didn't want the grueling schedule to finish as it would finally give me time to figure out how I felt. And what everything meant that had happened over these past three months. I had to figure out a solution that wouldn't hurt anybody even it meant hurting myself. I had been to selfish already letting it get out this of control. I should of never have got involved with Michaela when I knew I loved someone else.All the boys love her and why shouldn't they she is amazing. She deals with fans and the fame. And supports me through everything. I know love her but I can see the way that it kills her knowing that I am in love with someone else. I heard her breathing hitch as she lay beside me in a deep sleep. I looked over to see blond golden hair in a tangled mane framing her face with a few stray stands hovering over her right eye. I leaned over a placed ther hair back where it belonged. I still question how I ever found someone so perfect to love me the way she does. I lay there staring at her face trying to make sense of all the thoughts roaming around my head. Her eyes fluttered open and once again she caught me off guard with how dazzlingly captivating her brown eyes were."Please, Whatever your thinking about try and but it to the back of your mind and get some sleep. You look exhausted, dimples." I love the way she called me Dimples as it reminded me how much I meant to her. " I wasn't thinking about anything just can't sleep" I looked back down at her now closed eyes and saw the corner of her mouth twitch. Shit she knows I was lying "Harry please don't ball shit to me. I know you better than that which means I know that when you are thinking about something you really care about, you breath catches on every third breath and you pick the skin around your nail on your left thumb and your eyebrow ra..." " Alright I Mich get it you know me I am sorry look lets just try and get some sleep as we are both knackered and have a hectic day ahead of us tomorrow ." She placed her hand in mine and wrapped our arms around her waist, I snuggled in around her body so we were spooning. I love the way that she instantly starts rubbing my hand as she knows it calms me. OK I have decided I am going to try I am really going to try and make a go of this . She deserves to be happy and this is what will make her happy and heck so do I. I will never have to question whether she loves me or not. She can even read my stupid little idiosyncrasies and know how I am feeling. I am going to try for her and for me as I love her too... I can finally feel the sleep coming as my eyelids start to droop, my breathing slows and silence surrounds. But with sleep comes that dream that I am trying to avoid ; I am sat in Simon's office, while he is the other side of the desk. " I am sorry Harry but it just won't work out. If it was up to me I would allow it but It's not . You need to think about the fans . And remember it's not just about you there are four other boys in this band. Please just for now could you forget about these feelings or atleast just burry them until the band is in a much more secure place and can take the backlash. I know you will do the right thing Harry so I will leave you to make the decision but remember there are somethings that once are out can never been taken back. And if you truly loved them like I think you do then do it for them too." " OK Simon but for the boys and only because I love L...."

Zayn's POV: I placed the key into the hole of the door of my apartment. God I was tired I have been waiting to sleep in my own bed for weeks, to have the surroundings of my own things but mostly to be around Jess. Just before I left two months ago I had given her a key to my apartment asking her to move in with me. We had been together just over a year now and I am so madly in love with her it hurts. I opened the door to find the living room alight with candles , a Chris Brown album on in the background and Jess on the sofa asleep. Ahhhh shit I said to her I would be home by 9 and it is now half twelve she must of fallen asleep waiting for me. I dropped my bag down near the door and tiptoed over to where she lay. She is stunning, I still get butterflies in my stomach every time I see her. I turned off the stereo and blew out the candles trying not to wake her up. As I spun around to face Jess a note teetering on the edge of the table caught me eye. I picked it up to find Jess's Scrawly writing it read ' My gorgeous Zayn , if your reading this then I have probably fallen asleep because you were your usual self and were late. :) But please wake me up this day has dragged on its like someone is trying to torture me as they know I want to see you more than anything. So please wake me up instead of you going to greet the full length mirror in your bathroom (which I cleaned for you BTW) to stare at yourself and think how sexy you are ;) love you always and forever Jess.' The biggest smile engulfed my face. I love this girl to much for my own good. I folded the paper in half and slipped it into my back pocket, slide my arms underneath Jess's body and pulled her to my chest. "One day I will marry you.. one day." I walked up the hallway into my well I guess it's our bedroom now and placed Jess on her side of the bed. She let out a loud sigh and heaved her self under the covers "I love you Zayn always and forever" the way she made me feel with just a few words wasn't healthy nobody should have that much control over you . "I love you too" As I slid of my jeans so I was just in my boxers and crawled into next her. She scooted over so she was lying as close as possible to me and started circling the tattoo on my right hand side of my chest with her finger tips. She knew me to well. "I missed you sooooooo much Zayn" her voice even sounded flawless when it was thick with sleep. " I missed you too gorgeous" Her face instantly illuminated making her look even more beautiful. " I am sorry that I wasn't awake when you got home I am a shit Girlfriend." I smirked , she couldn't  be more wrong but telling her that was impossible she just didn't get it, she didn't get how amazing she was. "Shush... go to sleep we will talk in the morning" She blew me a kiss and nestled her head into my chest. It took all the will power I had not to lean down and kiss her heart shaped lips. I knew that once I started I would not be able to stop. I have been craving her being so close to me that her breath lingers on my lips. ZAYN stop it ... guess I will have to wait until morning for anything like that to

Thank you for reading it means a lot. Please comment and tell me what you think. Would love to hear your ideas that you have for the fanfic :) xx

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