Chapter twelve

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Here's chapter twelve. Sorry ( again) for it being a long wait !! Good luck reading it !! ENJOY :) ...

Louis's POV : My Name is Louis Tomlinson. I'm the 'Mischievous" one in One Direction. That's how everyone see's me. That's how I will always be known. But really I'm just Louis the boy from Doncaster. I'm a normal boy just as the other boys are. If you actually looked closer into our world and started to depict apart the truth from the lies you might find you see someone just like you. Or maybe Niall or Liam. But just someone you can actually relate to. Today was just suppose to be a normal day nothing special nor nothing boring. It's incredible how much things can change in a blink of an eye. Or in this case a turn of a head. 4.6 seconds. 4.6 seconds was how long I turned my head for. I had sat here trying to figure out how long it would take to turn round and look Harry in the eye and back round again. I calculated it to be 4.6 seconds. I didn't know how I had done it but I had managed to ruin my whole life in 4.6 seconds. The whole scene just kept replaying itself in my head. Jess's scream about the Lorry. Niall telling me to stop taunting Harry. And the agony. The agony in Harry's eyes. I nearly stopped myself when I saw how much pain he was in from what I had said. But I was doing it for his own good. For all of the boys. I promised management that I would sort it, to make sure that we would never be a couple as they wouldn't;'t allow it. That was the only way I could think of. The only way that would actually make Harry think I didn't love him back. I shut my eyes trying to forget the images that were flooding my mind like poison. But all I could hear was the beeping of Harry's heart monitor. The only thing worse than the picture of Harry in the car was how he looked in front of me now. There were too many wires hooked up to too many machines keeping him alive. Bruises and cuts painted his face like it was canvas. His curls-well you couldn't really call them curls-were stuck to his head due to the congealed blood.  I couldn't bring myself to keep my eyes open. I sat at the side of Harry my fingers entwined with his. I rubbed my hand over his. My hand jogged every time I touched a graze or a bump. His hands felt so alien like they didn't belong to him. I had held his left more times than I can remember. I knew it better than my own. I wonder if I will ever get to hold it again. Will it ever be the Harry's hand I know ? Will his right eyebrow twitch when you lightly dig your index finger into his thumb. 4.6 seconds. That's all it takes. I sat on the chair pleading for some confirmation that he was going to pull through the night. But all I could see was these six words that swirled around my head. At the time I didn't think anything of it, and all the things that were said afterwards. Yet It was these six words that were consuming me now. "You'll be the death of me" I flinched at the thought of them. Why did he have to say them. I know he can't predict the future . It's like its some sick dream that I am having where what he says is actually coming true. I was the one driving the car, I was the one who put him in hospital and therefore I am the one to blame for him having to fight for his life.  

"Come on Louis, let's go get some food. You've got to eat. It won't help Harry when he wakes up if were all emaciated." My head snapped up at the sound of Niall's voice. I had forgotten that he was in the room. The last thing I could think of was food. And like Harry would care I nearly killed him. That's if he ever wakes up.

"Lou, I know what your doing and you need to stop. It wasn't your fault. The Lorry driver was drunk. He was three times over the limit. Just please stop blaming yourself." I looked back to the almost corpse lying on the bed. 

"Come on Louis they have your favourite Ice cream in the canteen" I didn't even look up at Niall but knew it would be enough of an answer. I heard the door slam into its frame after him.  My eye lids Savefell back together so I was again in darkness. But this time instead of seeing the nightmare of today. I saw his smile. And this wasn't the 'showbiz Harry smile' it was his genuine couldn't be happier smile. I let the memory flood my head. Remembering that day, remembering the sun beaming down on us, the smell of fresh lilies in the air and what had put that smile on his face. It was the second Friday in June. There wouldn't of been anything significant about the day usually. He asked me what I wanted to do and I replied nothing. Is was a difficult time for me stuff was happening back at home and I just wanted to forget about everything. Harry suggested we should go on picnic. I knew that he was just trying to cheer me up so I agreed. I left it up to him to sort everything out. I just remember him telling me to be ready in 20 minutes. He drove us to this little cottage 50 minutes away. He jumped through the bottom window and let me in the front door. I remember thinking how unlike Harry it was to take something that wasn't his. I remember how it excited me. We took a little tour around the cottage. And talked about how we would love to have a little place like this to escape to in the country. The garden was huge; six times the size of the cottage. Harry took the basket with all the food and laid it out. It looked amazing. It had all my favourite nibbly bits. From my favourite pork pie-which had to have pickle in it- to the juiciest strawberries with Chantilly cream. He had even made his own ice tea using Yorkshire tea bags of course. I remember thinking how perfect it was.  Nobody had ever knew me the way Harry had. We just sat and talked the whole afternoon. Getting to know each other a bit more if that was even possible. If I am honest with myself I can't really even recall what we talked about. But that wasn't what made that day so perfect. I never really saw it before. But thinking about it know it was that day that made me fa... He had made me forget about all that was going on in my world at that moment. We had let me enter a perfect little bubble that only contained me and him. But what I remember most about that day was when I asked him the question. The question to why he was doing all of this. And his answer was what saved me from all the craziness. He replied saying " Well if you mean why did I bring you here, or why did I bring all of this food. Or why did I bring your favourite pudding of strawberries and Chantilly cream when I hate it. Or why I picked your favourite drink. Well the answer is simple boobear. It's because I just want you to be happy. And I know all of those things make you happy. You love your ice tea like that as it reminds you of home. I brought all your favourite foods as it makes you feel loved that someone knows what they are. And you like being brought to places as it makes you remember that you are only one of the 7 billion people in this world and there is so much more to see. But most of all I did it just to see that crooked smile to show you that things are going to be ok and its alright if there are a few bumps along the way." It was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. This is when he smiled at me like that. That smile was what got me through that month. Whenever I need any help or reassurance I just need to picture that smile and it makes me feel ok. That memory was one of my favourite memories. At the time didn't really think that day was going to mean so much to me. I mean it is one of my favourite days in my whole life. But I didn't think that it would be that moment. I don't think I even realised it on the day or days or even months later. But somewhere between now and then I have realised that; that was the day Harry became more than just Harry. Our friendship wasn't just a friendship anymore. The reason that he was able to make me feel so safe and able to conjure up our own little world is that he was my world. Harry and him alone was my entire world. That day; the second Friday in June was the day I fell in love with Harry.

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