No More Secrets

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              Tris's POV
     Its been a week. I've had to act like everything is okay, wake past Al, hand around him when with friends. Tobias is starting to catch on to my distant behavior. I want to tell him more than anything, but I know that he will somehow put blame on himself or something along that line.
      "Tris," Tori says. I snap out of my thoughts. She sits down on the stool next to me, resting her elbows on her knee. "What's wrong?" She asks. I shrug.
    "Nothing. I'm just tired, haven't been able to sleep that much," I tell her. She stands back up and fixed her shirt.
    "You can always talk to me if something wrong," she says. "Okay?" I nod, wanting this conversation to end. She walks our of the parlor, leaving the key on the counter for me to lock up.
    I stand up and grab it before leaving. The halls are crowded thankfully. I get to the hallway of the training room and look inside. "You okay?" A deep voice says. I turn to the side to see Uriah.
    "Yeah. Just debating if having cake for desert is going to be worth it," I lie. He gets a dead serious expression on his face.
    "Trissypoo, is that even a question? Dauntless Cake is worth anything," he says as if I've done something seriously wrong to him. I pit my hands up in defense.
    "I'll eat cake then," I say. He pats the top of my head as if I'm a animal.
       I look up at the ceiling as I wonder if this is the right thing to do. It's the middle of the night, therefore I should be asleep, but I'm wide awake getting flashbacks on Al's disgusting hands on my body.
     I reach other to the nightstand and put the light on, knowing it will wake Tobias. His eyes slowly open. He looks at me for a second before his face reads concern. He sits up. "Are you okay?" He asks.
    "No," I say in all honesty. He turns out the lamp on on his nightstand and takes my hand in his. "I'm scared," I start. His face falls. "No, not of you baby. Of Al."
     "What the hell did he do to you?" He demands, his jaw clenching. I squeeze my eyes shut as a sob wracks my body. Tobias let's go of my hand and runs his up and down my arm soothingly.
    "On my birthday, when I was walking home from picking the packet up from Tori, Al attacked me and forced me into the training room...where he raped me," I say. He looks around us as if the air holds answers to unasked questions. "I thought I didn't want to tell you because you would somehow put the blame on yourself, but I now know that it was because I didn't want to face reality. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to check on the baby to make sure everything is fine, which I think everything is. Please, Tobias, don't be mad at me."
   He pulls me closer to him and cups my face in his large calloused hands. "Its okay. Even though I wish you had told me, I understand why you didn't. And thank you for setting up an appointment even though you think everything is okay."
    I give him a small, weak smile and give him a soft peck. He stands up and takes his clothes from today out of the hamper. "What are you doing?" I ask.
    "Tris, he touched you in a way I'm only supposed to, for the...I don't even know how many times cause I wasn't there the first time," he tells me. "I can't let him get away with this. That sick bastard isn't going to live an-"
    "Don't," I say in a firm voice. He looks shocked. "I get why you want to kill him, so do I, but you can't. If you do, leadership will take you in and charge you with murder. And that ends with execution," I tell him.
     His eyes search mine. I hold our my hand; he takes it and lays back down next to me. "You can roughen him io a but tomorrow if you please, but right now...I really need you with me."
    He closes his eyes and pulls me tightly against his muscular chest. "I love you, Tris."
    "I love you too, Tobias."

AN: And just like that they can get through this...but there's more to come. Comment! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Veah

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