Crying In The Shower

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               Tris's POV
     The littlest touch from Tobias makes me jump. Over the past two months of nothing not rape and abuse, I've grown used to it. The look in his eyes when I touch at his touch breaks me. The kids are the only thing keeping me together right now.
    My knees shake as I sit on the examination table. I know I'll have to explain why I'm here, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell someone I'm not all that close to. Telling Tobias was a great enough challenge for me.
     The door opens and the doctor walks in. I had Tobias wait in the waiting room since I don't want him in here when I show my stomach. The same doctor that helped deliver Jax and Arden, and likes Tobias walks in.
    He gives me a happy, relieved smile. "I might only be your doctor, but it scared the living hell out of me when I found out you went missing," he says. I force a smile; I don't even bother to make it look convincing. "Will you please tell me what happened the best you can."
    The memories come back to me. Sleep last night wasn't even a break. "I was raped, and beat. I'm not exactly sure where I was, but it was definitely in factionless." He nods along with what I say as he writes in his clip board.
    "Okay, can you please lay down and lift your shirt. I need to make sure nothing bad happened to the stitches," he tells me. I do as told very hesitantly. He traces his index finger against the car on my stomach. Bruises and cuts cover my sides. "Not as bad as expected. I'll give you some cream to put on it to fix some minor things. Is there anything else you want to check out?" He says.
   My cheeks flush. "Can you chest down there. I'm not virgin, Four has been rough with me, but what they did hurt more than anything I've ever felt. Worse than giving birth." He gives me a small smile.
   "Of course I can," he says. He doss as he needs to to see what's going in and tells me to sit up. "There is major scaring now. You might want to get a surgery​ done to get that out of you, if you ever plan on having sex with your husband again." I sigh.
    "Can I set that up in front?" I ask. He nods and stand up.
       The hot water drops on to my skin as I stand in the shower. My hair falls in front of my face. Tears stain my face as I sod. I can escape what they did to me. I feel as if I can to wash their touch off of me a million times more than necessary to get it off.
    Hands trail down my back gently. I jump but soon remember is Tobias. I turn towards him, my arms and hands covering my chest from his view. "I'm sorry I can-"
    "No, stay," I sat, my eyes trailing down his body. My eyes fill with tears again as I look back up at him. "Am I ever gonna be the same?" I ask. He pulls me close to him. His eyes haven't looked at the marks.
    "You are," he says softly. My fingertips travel down his tattooed back. I have it memorized. "This is just temporary. I'm here to help you with this; your not alone, Love." 
    I pulls away and kiss him. He keeps his hands at my waist, not wanting to scare me. "I love you so much, Tobias."

AN: Depressing but whatever. Things will pick up soon. Comment your thoughts and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Veah


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