Oh Brother

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Tris's POV
My body hurts, especially my lower stomach. Tobias has been slowly, running his hand over my naked thigh under the blanket. I couldn't find the strength to put the gown back on, so I took his short form him. Plus, it puts me in a good mood to see him shirtless and all his muscular glory.
Over time he's gotten more tattoos. He now has one Raven on his collarbone for me, my full first name on over his heart, and the boy's names on his wrists. He hasn't put Arden down, he hasn't slept. He's just looked at her.
"You okay?" I ask him. He looks at me with teary eyes. My heart contacts.
"Thank you so much for giving me a daughter," he says, trying to hold back his tears. I smile tiredly at him. "I love you so much and I couldn't be more grateful for you choosing Dauntless that day at the ceremony," he says.
He stands up and hands me Arden. I smile down at her. The door opens and my parents walk in with Caleb behind them. I haven't seen him since the wedding.
My mom's eyes grow watery as she walks closer to me. My father has a wide smile as Caleb stands close behind him with a straight face. "What's her name?" My mom asks as she looks down at her.
"Arden Tara," I answer. She covers her mouth with her hand, holding back tears. My dad holds out his arms.
"May I hold my granddaughter?" He asks. Tobias helps me hand her over. I wince as I sit up straight.
"Maybe you should lay back down," he tells me. I look into his ocean blue eyes.
"My body hurts so bad," I tell him, my eyes actually tearing up. He gives me a sympathetic look. "Can you please go find my doctor and ask if I can take pain meds yet? I can't handle this."
He kisses my forehead and leaves the room. As much as I know girls will be looking at how sexy my husband is without a shirt, I need those meds. My mom sits down on the edge next to me.
"How was the delivery?" She asks. I shrug.
"Painful in the beginning. They had to do a c-section because she's so small and it's early. But thankfully she's healthy and that's all that matters," I say.
Caleb walks into view. "Hey, sis." I give a small smile.
"Hey, bro," I say. He chuckles. Tobias comes with my doctor very close behind him. Tobias turns toward him.
"Getting a good feel?" He asks. I laugh a little. My doctor winks at him before walking over.
"Feeling like shit huh?" He asks. I nod. "Well, I can give you something for the pain, but it's light, so it's not that good." I nod along with what he says. He hands me some pills for me to take as Tobias hands me water. I take the small pills and sigh. "Feel better."
He walks out, leaving me alone with my family. "I can't believe you let him do this to you again," Caleb says. "And why the hell aren't you wearing a shirt? Do you have any respect?"
Tobias goes to stand, but I grab the loop of his jeans. "He didn't do anything to me," I tell my brother.
"You just had another one of the bastards babies. Your raising one that was a mistake and isn't yours!" He shouts at me. Thank god the walls are soundproof.
"He is my son, no matter what. And yes I had another kid with my husband. What is your problem?" I snap at him. Tobias stands and walks to the corner.
"My problem is that your remarried to a man that beat you and caused you to have a miscarriage. And you had another child with him. That's makes you weak and stupid," he says.
My eyes water. Why do people keep bringing that up after so long? "Stop. How do you even kn-"
"Mom," he answers. I look at my mom. "How could you do this to yourself? He could snap like that again and hurt you, or your children." Tobias stomps over to him.
"Don't say another word. What happened was terrible and I will never forgive myself. Hurting her or my kids would be like killing myself. She is everything to me, I would give up anything for her. So don't talk about this like you know things you don't," Tobias says through gritted teeth. My dad hands Arden to my mom and stands between them.
"You laid a hand on my sister!"
"She isn't your little anything," he scuffs.
"You touched her!" Caleb yells. Tobias laughs.
"Yeah, I did. How do you think she got fucking pregnant," he says with a smirk. I've never seen him like this, or talk like that. It's scary and sexy at the same time. "But she wasn't begging me to stop. I didn't hurt her! I loved her ad I will for the rest of my useless life!"
My dad turns to Tobias who looks like he's about to cry. "Go out to the hell, son." Tobias glaces at me before following my dad out.
Tobias's POV
Andrew and I sit down on the bench outside the room. "You can cry," he tells me. I shake my head.
"I don't want you seeing me weak," I say, my voice cracking. He sighs.
"Crying doesn't show weakness, if anything it shows bravery," he tells me, a tear escapes my eye. A sob wracks my body.
"I'm exactly like him," I cry. "I live every day of my life working to be nothing like him, but it happens anyways. I hurt her, caused her to lose a child. That makes me no better than he is."
He scuffs, shaking his head. "But you have self respect. You respect my daughter, you love her, you worked in yourself for her. Now you guys are married again and just had a beautiful baby girl. You are nothing like your father just because of mistakes. Of course, I will always be mad at you for that, but I've forgiven you because of the way you look at her."
I smile, wiping my tears away. "I love her, so much," I whisper. He stands up.
"Then get back in there and hold her until she falls asleep," he tells me. I follow him back in.
"Did he force himself inside you to get you pregnant? Did you struggle?" Caleb asks her. Tris has tears running down her face as she squeezes her eyes shut.
"Stop, please," she begs. I go over to him and punch him hard across the face. He stumbles back and wipes blood from his lip.
"Ever talk to my wife like that again, I will throw you off the chasm," I threaten. Tris takes deep breaths. I kneels down next to the bed. "Breath, baby. I got you, love."
Caleb scuffs and stomps out if the room. Natalie hands me sleeping Arden and I hold her in my arms between Tris and I.
"We'll call later," Andrew says. They walk out leaving me with Tris and my little girl. Tris's breathing evens, letting me know she's asleep. I lean down the best I can and kiss her forehead.
"I love you, beautiful."

AN: Very eventful chapter if I might say so myself. Please comment your thoughts!! Check out my new Divergent High story, Eyes Like Broken Christmas Lights. Share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Veah

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