Thank You

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        Eight months later
               Tris's POV
     I wake with sharp pains shooting through my lower abdomen. All that goes through my mind is that its too early. A month early. I grip Tobias's bicep and shake him.
      Damn he's muscular. I shake that thought out of my head and shake him harder. Nothing. "Damnit Tobias Eaton! Wake your ass up!" I yell at him. He shoots up out of bed, ready to fight. Tears run down my face, because how much this hurts. "It's time," I say through clenched teeth.
     He gets dressed as fast as he can and comes back to me. I wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up bridal style. My tears soak an area of his shirt. Its obvious that this was the first thing he found because it's a muscle tank he works out with. He doesn't like exposing his arms, for he doesn't like people thinking he's showing off.
      "I got you baby. I got you," he whispers. He closes the door behind us and jogs to the infirmary.
        I lay back down on the hospital bed and look over at Tobias. I've already gotten the epidural, so I'm able to somewhat move. Tobias is asleep in the chair next to me.
       A contraction huts just as the door opens. I give a small smile to the doctor. "Nervous?" He asks.
   "I guess," I say. "Is the fact that it's a month early something I should be concerned about?" He shakes his head.
    "We won't know for sure until you've actually had the child," he says. I nod. He looks over at Tobias. "Your boyfriend is sexy as hell," he says. I laugh at that and nod. "And those arms."
    "He's taken," I say playfully. He smiles at me and walks out of the room. The sound of the door opening wakes Tobias. He smiles at me. "The doctor has a crush on you...and your arms."
    He rolls his eyes. "It was the first shirt I seen," he says. He places a hand on my stomach. "Thank you."
    "For what?" I ask.
    "For all of this. For taking me back after I've done the worst thing I could do to you. For loving me again. For having out beautiful baby," he says.
    "I love you so much," I say. He leans in and kisses me. I hold his hand tightly as a contraction hits. The doctor comes back in and looks at me.
    "Can you spread your legs?" He asks. Tobias glares at him as I do as he says. "Don't worry handsome. I don't like pussy," he tells Tobias with a wink. I laugh at Tobias's expression. "You van start pushing as soon as the doctors come in."
     I look at Tobias with a smile. "This is happening. We're having our baby." He wipes away tears from my eyes.
    He leans down and kisses my forehead. The door opens and three doctors file in. Tobias stands next to them. I hold out my hand for him to take and pull him over. He stays next to my head now.
    "Okay, you can start pushing," one of the doctors says with a female voice. I do as she says, squeezing Tobias's hand extremely tight. Tears escape my eyes.
     "Keep pushing. Your almost there," she says. I push again. I take deep breaths as they pull the baby out the rest of the way. There's no crying. I start to panic.
     "Why isn't he crying?" I ask Tobias who goes over. Soft whining fills the room as the doctors clean it off wrap the baby in a black. Tobias comes over holding our son in his strong arms.
     Tobias places our son in my arms and starts crying. "I love you so much," he says, resting his forehead against mine. I look at him then down at our little boy. He cries quietly.
     "What's his name?" One of the doctors ask.
    "Jax," Tobias says, choosing the name I picked that he also liked. "Jax Andrew Eaton."
     AN: They had there baby; a little boy. Meet Jax Eaton. Comment. Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Veah

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