Chapter 12

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Ezinne stumped out of the barn in anger mumbling to herself, so this is what it has come to. At this rate she will not be better than Enyidiye in this house. Enyidiye has become nothing but a spectator in Akukalia's house. Such that she could not raise her voice, even when their husband gave away  her first daughter Nwakaku to the missionaries. All that remains now is for him to start trampling her on the ground like Enyidiye. God forbid, to think that this was the same man that promised her heaven and earth when he came to marry her. He even went as far as swearing to her that, he will not marry any other woman after her. Now he has conveniently forgotten all that. He has not only married another wife, he has paid for his new wife, his queen to enter fattening room. Something he did neither for Enyidiye nor for her.  She promised him hell and hell he is going to get. She will certainly cook for his workers, yes, by the time she finishes with them, they will think twice before using her as their house maid. Two days later, Ezinne was on her way to Eke Ngodo. A group of women were walking ahead of her. They were discussing something which she could not hear. They were probably talking about her. It seems to her this days that everybody is talking about her. She increased her pace and soon came abreast  of them. She  brushed past and left the group of gossiping women behind. Then she hissed, with all the problems they have on their hands, they still have time to talk about another persons own. Never mind, she will soon give them enough to talk about. Nwada, was arranging her okro and vegetables in little lot when she sighted Elewechi, the perpetual spinster. She quickly turned round, ye gods! she thought, this gossip monger, she immediately started calling a none existent customer,  trying to draw  attention to her wares in order to divert Elewechi's attention but, Elewechi is used to such antics, how are you Nwada my wife? Did your people wake up well? How are my children? She enquired. There was no escaping her. Nwada was forced to answer. Without waiting to be invited, she sat down beside Nwada on the low bench she was sitting. We are well, my husband Nwada greeted bending low. This head belongs to you, Nwada added. Get up my wife Elewechi ordered. Nwada sat back on the chair. She has done what was expected of her. Did you hear that... Elewechi began, Nwada cut in, 'market is so bad today,  can you believe that I have sold nothing since I came?  She did not want to hear the gossip Elewechi came with. Nwada made her a gift of okoro and some vegetables and send her on her way. Ezinne wandered through the market thinking of what to buy. Finally, she bought a basket of sliced cassava. She also bought a bigger basket of pepper. On second thought, she added some dry fish and crayfish. This will do nicely, she thought. No need wandering round the market unnecessarily. She left soon after that.
Later that day, Nwokeforo went to see the elders. He asked his friend Nwaneri to accompany him to Ichie Oguzie's house. They were waiting for him when  they got there. This evening, they were only two, Ichie Oguzie and his closest friend and age mate, Ichie Nnanyere. Before they handed the list to him,  Ichie Nnanyere  interviewed him yet again. He told Nwokeforo of other solutions that can be explored. For instance, Obidiya can get her younger sister or a close cousin, who she can live happily with. Nwokeforo turned down that proposal too. Ichie Oguzie thereafter warned him that, this step once taken, cannot be reversed.  It is more binding than marring out, he said. He asked him whether he has explained this very well to  his daughter, that immediately they have done the necessary things , she will be considered as having married. She can not thereafter  decide to marry out. When Nwokeforo maintained that everything has been settled in his family,  they handed him the list. To his surprise, the list was the exact list for marrying a wife. He will have to settle the men, settle the women, and settle the young ladies (umuagbogho). Then,  he will pay to withdraw Ona's name from their group and register her in the group of women that were born in their village and also married in their village.(umuada). Thereafter, he will host the community. Nwokeforo was more than happy to do all that. He also made enquiry and got the breakdown of what was required to send his daughter to fattening room. Despite how expensive the whole thing was, Nwokeforo was a happy man as he left Ichie Oguzie's house that evening.

This is sad if you were in Ona's shoes what would you do?sniffling a handkerchief please.

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