Chapter 21

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Obiageli had since moved into her husband's house. Soon after the mgbede and Ezinne's one woman dance as a messenger of the gods, Akukalia hastened to finish all the marriage rights and brought Obiageli home. To crown it all, Obiageli was found a virgin on their wedding night. This pleased her husband so much that he bought a goat, a big he goat which he took to his father in-law. This was to appreciation him for raising his daughter well. The whole thing was a shock to everybody. Almost all of Ngodo believed that Obiageli was defiled on the farm that day. Well Chinasa as the Igbos answer as name. In some situations, it's only God that can answer for you, just as he had answered for Obiageli. Her husband went on to put up a make shift stall in front of his compound for her to use as her sewing workshop. This did not go down well with Ezinne. The tailoring shop was a success from day one. This was mostly because Obiageli had few competitors. She was also taking apprentices. They paid as much as ten shillings a month to enroll with her. Ezinne had been looking for a way to have it out with Obiageli. On the order hand, Obiageli was too smart for her. She befriended Ezinne. She had arranged situation such that Ezinne keeps fighting with their husband instead of with her. This   made their husband to detest Ezinne the more. Obiageli knows that Ezinne was greedy and she exploited her greed to undo her. Mama Chima! Mama chima are you around? Obiageli called out as she made her way to Ezinne's room. Please help me, she pleaded as she displayed two , Hollandaise  materials, this one in red print is called broken plates and this one in blue is Ocheze.  Which one do you like more? I think I like the name ocheze more Obiageli continued as Ezinne tried to digest what she was seeing and hearing. Ocheze literally meaning the kings throne.   Enyidiye said red will suit me more what do you think? Enyidie neither saw nor said any such thing. It was all Obiageli's play acting.  How much? Ezinne asked automatically.  Three pounds five. Obiageli answered. Ezinne's brain went into over drive as she calculated the huge amount that was going into one wrapper. Why it was enough to marry a new wife  she thought. How did you get the money? she demanded looking suspiciously at Obiageli. Well, part of it was from the money our husband gave me  during the mgbede dance, the remaining part, I made up with the proceeds from my shop. I have the mind of taking two of them or what do you think? Mmm? You mean you have seven pounds to pay for this two wrappers? Ezinne asked again in agitation. Yes, Obiageli answered, if I squeeze my eyes tight I can cough out the money for them, she answered. They are pretty, Ezinne replied enviously as she made a mental note on how to approach their husband and demand for money to purchase one of the wrappers. After all, she was still relatively a new wife. Yes, Obiageli answered against as if finally making up her mind. I will take the two she said and she got up and hurried out full of excitement. Obiageli laughed with glee as soon as she left Ezinne's room.  She hurried off to return the two wrappers to the seller.  That will keep Ezinne stewed for the next one week. Obiageli had no money to purchase any of the wrappers. In fact, she was still saving up money to buy one more sewing machine for her apprentices to use. But since Ezinne wanted to measure up with her, she was not going to disappoint her, she will keep raising the bar while she keeps hopping over them. That night, after supper, Ezinne approached Akukalia and demanded for money to buy broken plates or better still, he should buy it for her. She also reminded him that her waist will not catch fire if he gives her one of the wrappers he had bought for Obiageli. He should not think of denying it either because she saw the two wrappers  with her two eyes. Woman it's like your 'agwu' has started again. Akukalias answered her.  Please allow me to digest the food I ate  this night in peace, I beg of you. Obiageli opened her ear to hear more. She heard her name once or twice then, Ezinne stormed out. That had settled it. Akukalia will certainly visit her tonight. It was actually Ezinne's turn to be with their husband. But she will not welcome him not when she was feeling so displeased with him. Their husband will need comforting tonight, well she needed a child so it was all working out beautifully.

Quite a crafty girl our Obiageli. What do u say people? Will you like to see more of her? Comment pls. That will sure make my day.

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